I see that this game is heavily group dependent. But I see that people say the Beastmaster can solo, but how well can it solo? I'm asking because in MMO's I generally like to solo most of the time that I play.
And when and if I did group, how well do they work with groups?
I also see that the Beastmaster is a 2nd job to pick, so what would be a good first job that works well with this?
Looking for something new.
To answer your other questions. You party as a DD if you choose to party and can find a group, charm EM mobs and try to drop or kill them off before the mob dies or after lvl 23 use Jugs.
WHM and WAR are pretty common subs, I think as you progress in lvl you will probably choose to move away from WHM a bit. WAR is more popular for BST who want to try as DD in a party, g/l.....
One thing to know though, is that it takes time. Alot of it. Where a half decent party nowadays can get 4k exp an hour easy, as most people are raising up second jobs, and the better parties can make 5k+ without much trouble, a bst will be making 2k exp an hour on a good level period. When you need 20K+ to ding in the 60's and beyond, it gets bad.
You also have to factor in that you will die alot as a bst. No way around that. Your charm will fail, and things will make you go all mushy. They have items which can reraise you nowadays, and exp rings that give you an extra 1k an hour each day, so it's probably easier than when I did it, but it still won't be easy.
Their are advantages to being a bst of course, you get to just log on and play for 30 min or whatever, then log off, and you also make a ton of money off beast man seals. You also can do some crazy shit like solo Named Monsters 10 levels higher than you, and laugh at the damage cap on too weak monsters for some fun farming. Heck, I was able to solo a trigger mob for one of the raid monsters, which I don't think any other class could, except maybe a Rdm.
Also, your gear doesn't matter all that much when you solo, and you make money as you level, only job to do that, so you take the money grind out of the game.
In a party you take the roll of the Damage dealer, which you will never be invited too. There are at least seven other jobs you'll be sharing the same 2-3 exp spots with, and almost all of them will be taken before you. Not because they're better at damage, a beast can do better than most damage with a jug pet, and rivals the top dealers with an actual charmed pet, but because people don't see them as a grouping class. They work just fine though in groups, play basically like a War with less tricks, but a pet.
I'd raise up whm as your first job on the way to bst, that's what I did. Not only is it the most sought after job in the early levels, it's also the job you'll want to sub to beast. I'd take whm to 18, then get sub job and raise blm to 18 also, then switch to whm and raise it 37, so you're set on whm sub as beast, can can port around.
You'll be subbing whm for most of your play time as beast. Ideally, you don't have to use cures on yourself, but sometimes you mischarm, or your pet misses his first few swings and you get aggro, so they help. Also, sneak and invis help you get to those out of the way camps you'll frequent. Ninja sub is something you'll probably want to raise sometime, as it's passable for some camps, and better for a few, but you can get by without it if you really don't want to raise it.