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TuutobTuutob Member Posts: 607
is it possible?
is it any good?


  • tiabstiabs Member Posts: 61

    I had read an article by some guy who tried BST as a subjob, what he had found is that the charmability of mobs is based on 1. how they con to you and  2. your CHR.  If you sub BST with any job it is possible to still do it effectivly but untill you are lvl 28 with you main, you are useless with BST subbed, and argualble until 70. 

    In addtion BST really offeres nothing to a RNG you are taking a great hit on that job by not subbing WAR for strength, or NIN for surviveability, kinda nurfing that job a bit.  But try it and let me know how it works outside of theory!

  • TeiohTeioh Member Posts: 88
    It's probably the best sub a ranger could have when soloing, as it
    gives you a way to keep the monster out of your face so you can shoot
    it. You still couldn't solo well at all, but at least you could kill
    something other than low EP's.

    It'd be terrible in groups, as any pet you could charm would add less damage than a war sub would, and would also take your exp.

    One thing to remember though, is that the level of you bst has the
    biggest factor on your charm strength. Meaning a 75 Rng/ 40 Bst couldnt
    charm as  well as a 75 Rng/ 75 Bst, even though both jobs would have
    bst capped at 37. I dunno why it works like that, but it does.

    Anyways, I wouldn't recommend it, as you rarely need to solo much
    except farming, and farming without a thf sub is not fun at all.

  • taus01taus01 Member Posts: 1,352
    1. You can Charm at your actual BST level not at the subjob level. If your BST is level 75 and you sub it to your 50 ranger you will be able to charm Monsters that are Even Match to your Ranger (Level 50). If your Ranger is 75 you can charm like a level 75 BST. You will have a slightly higer failure rate cause of the lower Charisma but it works pretty good.

    2. For Experience party BST as subjob is not good unless you can Charm {Even Match} or lower right where your party camps (usually not the case). You will get an experience penalty. You can not use Jug Pets (no experience penalty if BST is main Job)

    3. Subjob BST is great for farming and soloing if your BST is same or higher level than your main job. With the exp rings you will get decent experience. You can shadowbind an keep shooting at the mob from a safe distance. A good Even Match pet will do good in tanking for you unless you go all crazy with weaponskills etc.

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