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Alright hello all im grimsdeath. I am into runescape only because i have dial upwhich suxs big time and i was wondering if anyone stop or doesnt play the game anymore maybe share or let me have an account plz! The reason i ask this is because my account just got hacked and i cant get it back and i was wondering if anyone had an acocunt i could have
You can email me the username and pass at or add me to MSN
What's your Wu Name?
Donovan --> Wu Name = Violent Knight
Methane47 --> Wu Name = Thunderous Leader
"Some people call me the walking plank, 'cuz any where you go... Death is right behind you.."
On the moon, nerds have their pants pulled down and they are spanked with moon rocks!
On Time? On Target? Never Quit?
People who still play runescape Maybe 10,000
Threads about runescape saved on this forum 1,000,000 and are going last a lot longer then the game
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you''re one of the 2% who hasn''t, copy & paste this in your signature.
See Runescape in the list? No? Well, that's because it's crap.
Ask for another RS account on here again and your e-mail is going to be spammed with enlarge your penis e-mails.
Neptus - FFXI - Pandemonium
Neptus - WoW - Detheroc