There's been a lot of talk recently out in all the forums I read on a
regular basis about what makes a good MMORPG. From our discussion
within the guild I've stolen and summarized the following points. If
you had to choose only five of these to be in a MMORPG which would they
be, why, and are there any games out there that come close?
- Casual Content
- Character customisation
- Clothes, variety
- Consensual PVP
- Crafting system - Innovations, Combinations, Research
- Customizable Player Housing
- Dynamic World
- Emotes
- Exploration Content (Vast World)
- Fantasy Based
- FPS Combat
- Game Play Complexity
- Graphics
- Interesting skill system/tree
- Less Grind
- Limited Death Penalty
- Lore or Backstory
- Modern Based
- Open PVP
- Player Based Economy
- Player Cities
- Quests
- SciFi Based
- Social Content
- Solo Content
- Tactical Combat
- Team Content
eye candy graphix like eve, and pure player skilled(twitch) based combat either against ai or another playa.
character customization- without this everyone looks the same and takes the fun and roleplaying out of the game
Consensual PVP- without this you get PKing which is not fun if u are a noob
Player Based Economy- this expands the community and encourages socializing
Game PLay complexity- you need this to make a good game, otherwise you play the game for one hour and u get bored..
Dynamic world- this is nice to have, you can change stuff just because you want to, and the environment is not always the same
SWG PRE-CU came close to this..
I agree with this post 100%.
Although I have never played SWG, pre-CU or otherwise.