I start this game and have some moments what I like in that. I see that you don't need to kill lower level monsters, because you don't get any xp from them. Maybe it's a good idea, maybe not. Now I'm killing tigers, quite hardly. Maybe I need armor, or another weapon? Or?
I downloaded this yesterday and am ~ lvl 26-30ish. There are a good number of helpful guides on the site's official forums. I'm not sure exactly what I think of this game yet. It has potential but there seems to be a lot that is unexplained (the crafting system for one).
I like the look of the skill system (you have to buy skills from people around the different towns). Not sure about the grind yet though there's like 170+ levels and the world itself doesn't look too huge, though I haven't really had sufficient time to explore yet.
Player-base seems to ignore new players in my perspective (probably due to the constant influx of people asking for help with it being a free game), I suspect this will change after level 36+? The community seems to revolve around higher levels.
i cant be better in M-H (martial heroes) i cant be better in mu (mu online) but i can be better in turf if i buy some new stuff to my computer.
i like M-H 75%
Hope is the thing ;-)
i am level 95 warrior and even for me i still find it kinda easy to level up !.
just be sure you got a good and strong build / set.
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