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I am interested in Shadow Bane due to its design and content. Is it free or is a monthly fee involved? Not that I mind that. I get eh montly allownace from the wife! I also play SWG and WoW. And a frelancer mod. I just love gamesMMOS. After so many years I am more into the design and playability of a game over anything else. And I do enjoy PvPMMO style.
So how is Shadow Bane? Lame posts like it sucks will go into the idiot bin.
no monthly fee, or fee of any kind actually since its free to DL. Overall its a great game, as long as you keep in mind that as a new player you will 100% need to find a guild (not hard), and you will need advice on character creation (easy to find on offical forums).
aside from that, its a veteran heavy game, so it can take a while to really become competitive, but once you know what your doing, the PvP is a blast.
M key is your friend, its the map, shows monster zones etc. Near the starting point you can get to about level 7, after that you must head to the monster zones.
The definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over expecting different results.
I beta tested shadowbane all so many years ago..I never got accostumed to how the camera was set up.And I hated how you moved..It was very frustrating..I loved all the features,classes,races,etc but I just couldn't have fun playing the game.. I wish you could have set the character movement to your style of play..If this wasa enabled in the game,I'd have played this over EQ so many years ago..
It was such a shame too..SB seemed like the perfect MMO for me. Freedom to do what you want when u want..The only true MMORPG on the market besides UO..
Rallithon Oakthornn
(Retired Heirophant of the 60th season)
UO had a style of movement like SB almost, except you didnt have to
click where you are going, just hold down the button. Worked VERY well
and gave it a RPG feel. Leave WASD and the arrow keys to first person
The definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over expecting different results.
I was actually an EQ player for a few years. I started my MMO career with EQ basically, and heard about shadowbane [i]in[/i] EQ. When I first started SB, I felt the same way "omg this movement compared to keyboard movement is insane." After about a week of playing, and getting rolled out of my exp spots by heathen centaur barbarian hordes, who roamed the lands for young ones to plunder, I got hooked. It was annoying at first yes, getting used to a new game, and on top of that, having to band together with fellow noobs for protection from bloodthirsty thieves and thugs out for some extra booty. But, one thing I slowly started to realize was, how I was never going back to the endless exp grind that was, EQ. After a couple weeks of playing, I found my first guild, and shortly after joining, I had my first PK. The first time isn't all that its cracked up to be btw, you feel sort of awkward as soon as its over, but when you get back to your town, and you're telling your buddies about it, you feel a sense of pride and all you can do is think about more mmore more.
so, thats enough of story time, but yeah, sb is a good game, just takes some time getting used to.
As a level 26 human ranger in SB,this is pretty much what I've experienced from SB so far:
The initial UI and graphics may shock some people upon first creating a character. And character creation is somewhat diverse. You can play VAMPIRES that actually use hp for their powers instead of traditional mana/stamina,and can pretty much take away hp to restore health. (and are weak to holy magic...heh) Also,you can play characters that can FLY. Yes,fly. In the air. And each class has racial advantages. For as long as their stamina holds out.
Stamina. You need it to run around,to cast spells,to do ANYTHING in SB. When it turns low you are reduced to walking and not being able to do certain things. In fact,if you run out of stamina in underwater 'swimming',you die. Stamina drains at a steady rate,and is replenished by taking time out of battle to use stam regen spells/sit down. Prevents characters from just mowing away.....eventually you'll need some stamina to fight. (more CON= higher stamina)
Moving around is mouse-oriented. Right click to move,left-click to point something out. You can also use keyboard shortcuts like 'Home' to point out the nearest things to you,Z to sit down,etc. It takes some getting used to,but it's quite comfortable after a while. Camera controls you'll also accept as par for the course.
Starting on Newbie Isle,you'll notice levelling from about 1-7 is ok solo. But after that,it's a struggle. The solution? Group up and level FASTER. For once,in groups you'll actually gain xp and levels faster because EXP ISNT SHARED!! You all kill a monster for say 300 xp,and there's 2 of you,you all gain 600xp. (monster level differences do apply...if monster is too weak for you you'll gain 1 xp,but others who see monster at same level gain normal exp) This way,you can quite easily level up to the 10-20 region very fast. Hence.power levelling is common place here. But don't think of it as cheap and nasty. Because the PvE isn't the meat of SB,not by a long shot. So levels don't matter too much of how you get them; JUST GET THEM fast. If you can find willing people. (you leave Newbie Isle at level 22,but there are safe cities to train further in until level 40.)
SB is very very very PvP-oriented. Guilds make cities,design them how they want (walls,shops,gates,etc), tax the shops how they want. But they'll need money to make the city. And to repair it when the seige guild comes. Yes,SEIGE WEAPONS! Feel the trebuchets (trebs) damage and maybe eventually crush your proud wall to pieces! Fear armies of 40+ people marching towards your city and its lifeforce; the tree of life in the centre. Guilds hate and like each other. They'll bring allied guilds to their raids and to their defenses. They'll declare 'flame wars' on guilds they dislike. They'll pursue and gank people from opposing guilds. A lot of in-game politics does occur. There are the big fish,and the little fish of SB. Like EVE in a way,but more medieval. (I'm sure there are more seige weapons and defensive devices I've missed,but you find them for yourself.)
Speaking of 'flame wars',I've been told the server forums are a game within themselves; 'Forumbane'. Here guilds discuss recent 'banes' (raids) on cities,and guild reps post about how they crushed their enemies with dignity,or do not. Since its all in-game politics,it may be wise not to tick off the wrong guild; they might have Allies watching the forums who will see fit to BANE you the next day! But there's the usual shit-talkers as well; however it seems here that's its a part of the in-game banter between rival guilds,not a trolling thing as such.
I've been told you will die a lot to learn the PvP. So you will. And that groups/guilds are vital. But people will help you.
It's helpful to find a 'template' or a guide on the class you choose to be. Right from character creation,you choose certain 'runes' (skill modifiers) that will advance your stats in-game. It helps to know which starting runes to pick. And after that,it helps to know what stats to train on your character. (STR,DEX,CON,INT,SPR) And then what 'training skills' (trains) to advance. And then what disciplines and 'runes' in-game to take up.
It all sounds complicated but once you figure out some basics and know a path,it makes enjoying SB more fun. Having recently asked on the Ranger forums about how to advance my ranger,I was told by a Ranger Advocate how to advance. I felt much better after hearing his advice because I was worrying a lot about 'making my build ok' and not screwing up; now I can enjoy advancing into the PvP of SB and beyond!
Last tip: if you plan to venture into SB,join the Mourning server. It appears to have the highest population,some sense of rivarly and competition,and is most active. And have fun! This is about as close to a PvP-decent MMORPG as you'll get for free.
(P.S- I'm not a fanboy. I just like PvP in my games these days. And I've given as accurate a description as a newbie can. If you want a long-term description,try asking a member of QFT on Mourning server or other such high-ranking guild...)
The definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over expecting different results.