what do higher standings with agents, corporations, and factions give you? i.e. 7.5 versus 1.6
edited to add -- ok, i see where you can get better agents, the higher your standing. better agents are better missions, more isk, more lp. so i guess THAT is the point of the higher standings right?
i guess i'm wondering, is there a point where one of these factions starts giving you some sort of military rank or civilian title or anything?
could we please get correspondent writers and moderators, on the eve forum at mmorpg.com, who are well-versed on eve-online and aren't just passersby pushing buttons? pretty please?
Standings just improve the quality and level of agent you can use.
For instance, if you are doing missions for Caldari Navy, every success increases your standings with Caldari Navy (and sometimes Caldari State, the big faction encompassing all of the NPC Caldari corps). Storyline missions increase the standing a lot more, and you should get one every 16 or so missions. If you look at the info page for the corp you're currently running missions for, you can see a list of agents available to you. You can also select an unavailable agent and check their attributes to see how high your standing needs to be to talk to them.
The standing used to determine if you can talk to an agent is simply the highest of your personal standing with the agent, your corp standing, and your factional standing. So if your faction is only 0.5, but your corp is 2.5, 2.5 is the value used for that agent.
You can start getting some nice rewards as you build up loyalty points with an agent. Get about 10,000 and you start getting the nice and expensive stuff, and if you have enough you have the possibility of being offered factional ships. Higher quality agents (as close to 20 as possible) give bigger rewards for their level, but a higher level is always better (ie, level 2 quality -20 is better than level 1 quality 20).
So, no, the standings don't give you things directly, but they give you access to better agents with better rewards and better LP offers.
could we please get correspondent writers and moderators, on the eve forum at mmorpg.com, who are well-versed on eve-online and aren't just passersby pushing buttons? pretty please?
A lvl 3 agent takes a few hours (6-7 or so) to earn 10k LP. A lvl 4 agent wont take more then 2 hours to get the same LP reward. I'm not sure how lvl 1-2 missions compare, since I havent done any since the LP system was implemented.
Better standings also reduce the amount of tax you have to pay for market activities and reduce the amount of minerals taken as tax when refining in one of their stations. Plus you can use Jump Clones if your and the corp's standing are above 8.0 toward a certain faction. And there are probably more things in the works that will use standing.
Originally posted by Mandolin
Designers need to move away from the old D&D level-based model which was never designed for player vs player combat in the first place.
And don't view that as all good because better missions mean harder missions. I have been doing all agents from a single corp. It has made me very high in standing with that corp but I can't do 3, 4 or 5 level missions solo because I get very high velocity missions most of the time. Even the corp 'knows' this. They are forever sending me to partner corps with agents I can run on, a hint maybe to branch out.
Someone sort of asked. It would take you an eternity to get 15K with an L1. Well past 10.0 standings with both the toon and the corp. I have an L1 at 10.0/ 10.0 and I only have 7K or so. WC offers 75. Most can go between 5 and 25 per mission.
*looks puzzled*
I do level 4 missions solo since they were introduced over one and a half year ago - so its quite possible to do them by yourself.
Well, LvL 1 missions are meant to be a stepstone to higher lvel missions anyways, not a final dead end. I do a lvl 4 mission, which gives me 3000-6000 LP and from 4 to 20 mill bounty/reward, in about 15 to 70 minutes. With only lvl 1 missions collecting that amount in even triple the time is impossible, even if we take the lower end of the scale I mentioned. So even if lvl4s are harder and the time required to finish them longer, doing them pays off very fast.------------------------------------------------------
Originally posted by Mandolin
Designers need to move away from the old D&D level-based model which was never designed for player vs player combat in the first place.
*looks puzzled*
I do level 4 missions solo since they were introduced over one and a half year ago - so its quite possible to do them by yourself.
Well, LvL 1 missions are meant to be a stepstone to higher lvel missions anyways, not a final dead end. I do a lvl 4 mission, which gives me 3000-6000 LP and from 4 to 20 mill bounty/reward, in about 15 to 70 minutes. With only lvl 1 missions collecting that amount in even triple the time is impossible, even if we take the lower end of the scale I mentioned. So even if lvl4s are harder and the time required to finish them longer, doing them pays off very fast.90% of my missions are mordus. The agent I was using is the last of the security agents available for that corp. She is the highest available and her missions are crippler missions. Also I am getting bugs where the spawn design isn't working. Everything attacks. It happens in L2 high quality agents as well but I can OP a battle cruiser in 2's and absorb the damage.
I just got a Ferox and did the same L2 mordus with it that I have done with the prophecy and the Ferox was invincible so it is also about race lines for race line missions. Between the errors in judgement I make and the bugs, added to what is supposed to provide challenge, I simply can't solo 3's. Not caldari navy/ pirate based ones with all Amarr training anyway. Caldari and Amarr are allied in the game and the ships weren't made to fight each other.
Standing losses are the same thing, only in reverse and bound to -10.0. Its why standing gains are incredibly slow close to 10.0, and why a single small loss can wipe out a month of normal mission gains.
Fortunately, since that standing is all but pointless above whats needed for the next tier of agents (which isnt ever above around 6.0), thats totally irrelevant.
10.0 Standings with a NPC agent or corp are a mathmatical impossibility. Your standing gains are a percent of the difference between your existing standing and 10.0. If you gain 3.5% standing from a storyline mission, your standing increases by 3.5% of the difference between it and 10.0.
Standing losses are the same thing, only in reverse and bound to -10.0. Its why standing gains are incredibly slow close to 10.0, and why a single small loss can wipe out a month of normal mission gains.
Fortunately, since that standing is all but pointless above whats needed for the next tier of agents (which isnt ever above around 6.0), thats totally irrelevant.
I'm not sure what you are saying. All I know is what the screens tell me. at 9.6 the agent acts as 10.00 and that's the number you see while negotiating a mission. Much, much later and many more missions the numbers show as 'true' 10.00
Hmm you may be right its not Kali but it is planned.
And sadly no i dont have a link it was after all some time ago.