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Monk's Daily Post

Today's topic is building muscles and slimming down

Monk's tips to working out :

Perform short, intense weight-training workouts 3-4 times per week.
Never workout for more than 45 minutes per session
Warm-up 5-10 minutes before lifting weights.
Focus on basic "compound" movements: squats, bench press, pullups, rows, deadlifts, etc.
Keep your reps in the 6-10 reps per set range.
Do 2-4 sets per bodypart.
Rest 1-2 minutes between sets.
Use 60-85% of your one-rep max (1RM) weight for each exercise.
Change up your workout frequently (exercises, set/rep schemes, rest between sets, etc.).
Perform 10-20 minutes of cardio exercise 2 times per week, preferably immediately after
your weight training sessions.
Jump-ropes are one of the most effecient and inexpensive ways to burn calories and get fit.

Monk's dieting tips :

Eat 5-6 healthy, balanced meals per day.
Each meal should be approximately 30% protein, 30% fats, 40% carbs.
Consume up to 1 gram of protein per pound of extra bodyweight every single day.
Good protein sources include: eggs, chicken, turkey, fish, lean beef, cottage cheese,
low-fat cheese, whey protein powder, protein bars, and meal replacement powders (MRPs).
Good sources of carbs include: vegetables, fruits, legumes, and whole grains (including
oatmeal, brown rice, whole grain wheat, etc.).
Good sources of fats include: nuts, seeds, olive oil,
peanut butter, low fat cheese, fatty-fish, low-fat mayonnaise, and flax seeds.
Drink about a gallon of pure water per day.
Eat a high-protein, high-sugar, low-fat meal immediately after working out.
Whey protein powder mixed with fruit juice is a great, easily-absorbable option.
Cheat once a week. Eat whatever you want for one meal.
Keep your overall calorie intake high. If you're gaining too much fat, lower your carb
intake. If you're not gaining enough muscle, increase your carb intake.

Have fun y'all!

On the moon, nerds have their pants pulled down and they are spanked with moon rocks!


  • cloudoffirecloudoffire Member Posts: 271
    5-6 meals of 30% protein, 30% fats, 40% carbs? Seems like alot=P


  • xxxmonkxxxxxxmonkxxx Member Posts: 257

    The meals should be small, instead of eating 3 large meals a day eat 5-6 smaller meals that  way your metabolism is going faster. :)

    On the moon, nerds have their pants pulled down and they are spanked with moon rocks!

  • BoozbazBoozbaz Member Posts: 1,918

    Monk, since when do you post stuff like this?

    Edit. You might find this interesting.


  • xxxmonkxxxxxxmonkxxx Member Posts: 257
    Hehehe thanks, and to answer your question....

    I had an epiphany yesterday, I was walking down the street and saw an obese person every 2 minutes, and I thought maybe some people just don't really have the right diet or work-out regiment. :D

    I'll get back to my complete and utter stupidity tomorrow hehe

    On the moon, nerds have their pants pulled down and they are spanked with moon rocks!

  • JodandoJodando Member Posts: 280
    Yeah, goodness gracious... I was reading it and expecting some weird kooky twist in the middle. Then when I got to the end, I just kinda sat there... "Oh... I see."

    But sure, I could see how healthy revitalizing information can be called for sometimes...

    Just don't let it happen again.

  • ZepeeZepee Member Posts: 947
    Hey, if you do understand about this I could use a hand..

    I want to gain muscle, however I can't go to the gym as my mother doesn't let me... says I'm not old enough (I'll turn 17 in october... and I'm 1.78m tall). So I would like to know if you can point me some good exercises to be made at home. They shouldn't involve weights. And I don't want some heavy training plan... just something that lets me see some results in 2 months time or so... I also don't want to become a muscle man.. just want to have a well defined, pretty body. So, got any ideas? I already do this exercise(don't know how you call it, Flexoes in Portugues, or Liegestutze in German) that you always see the guys in football teams do when they do something the trainer doesn't like... usually in sets of 20 or 30...

    P.S. What I need most is legs, arms and back... breast and abdominals(sp?) I already have slightly defined, and can get them better if I want..


    Played- Runescape, Conquer
    Tested- EQ, RYL, Freeworld

  • AldaronAldaron Member Posts: 1,048
    How are you suppose to consume - In my case - 165 grams of protein a day?

    "Fear not death; for the sooner we die, the longer shall we be immortal."

  • cloudoffirecloudoffire Member Posts: 271

    Originally posted by Aldaron
    How are you suppose to consume - In my case - 165 grams of protein a day?

    I hear ants have a lot of protein get eating!


  • BrianshoBriansho Member UncommonPosts: 3,586

    Originally posted by Aldaron
    How are you suppose to consume - In my case - 165 grams of protein a day?

    3 Double Quarter Pounder with Cheese from McDonalds or

    1 Chocolate Triple Thick® Shake (32 fl oz cup) from McDonalds

    Don't be terrorized! You're more likely to die of a car accident, drowning, fire, or murder! More people die every year from prescription drugs than terrorism LOL!

  • MisfitZMisfitZ Member Posts: 368

    Zepee, in answer to your question on how to gain muscle without going to the gym or using free weights, I would say that floor exercises are an awesome way to build muscle. They are a very important part of my regimen and something any athlete should take seriously.

    There are dozens of exercies that you can do with a minimum amount of space and time. The 3 most critical, in my opinion, are:
     1.) Horse stance
     2.) Push-ups
     3.) Crunches

    Horse stance is an Isometric pose that works your thighs, hips, butt and back.  It is achieved by placing your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width, flat on the ground, toes pointing directly in front of you. Bend your knees and lower your body until your thighs are parallel to the ground (this is the most extreme form, a less strenuous squat might be preferable). Keep your back straight, this is very important. Do not bend forward. Position your arms directly in front of you at shoulder height, as if your were getting ready to push something. Leave your arms relaxed and keep your breathing steady. Hold the stance for 1-3 minutes and increase the time as you train.

    Push-ups are the most widely known exercise, ever. However, there are varieties of the standard pushup that can be more effective for some people and also target different muscles. A wider pushup will focus on your shoulders, back and chest, while a narrow pushup will target your forearms and arms. A favorite of mine is as follows: Place your hands flat on the ground at shoulder width. Keep your elbows close to your ribs and your body straight. Do not bend your back or allow it to sag. As your drop down, breathe in, as you push back up, breathe out. Keep your breathing steady and your posture correct, or you will be wasting your time.

    Crunches are also a well-known exercise and also have a lot of varieties. My favorites are called "Vees" as in plural V. You lie on your back with your legs extended and at the same time, lift both your legs and your upper body and touch your feet with your hands. Your body will form a "V" shape. 

    Listen Asmodeeus, seven years ago, Ultima Online didn't even have those pathetic "quests" that you refer to or those "professions" of ninja, samurai, necromancer, and paladin. Nor did it have any of the neon crap, or bug mounts. It didn't even have any "combat moves." You turned on attack and jousted with simplistic swings. It was a better game then. if you can't guess why then just uninstall the thing and move along. - Crabby

  • xxxmonkxxxxxxmonkxxx Member Posts: 257
    Protein thing in my original post was a typo, meant to say "up to 1 gram".

    Oh and Zepee there are 3 easy exersizes I would suggest to anyone who wants to slim down and get a little bit more buff.

    Push ups - See MisfitZ post

    Sit ups - Lay down on your back with your knees bent and feet on the ground. Place your hands on the back of your head(dont push on the back of your head it could cause neck injury). Now keeping your feet on the ground raise your head and shoulders in the air as far as you feel comfortable, remember to keep your back straight. Then lower yourself back to the ground and repeat.

    PS : It helps to tighten your abdominal muscles while doing it.

    Jump rope - Rope Jumping  is a great way to shed pounds, this particular exercise can burn about 450-850 calories an hour, which is much more than jogging btw(rope jumping is also more fun). Really everyone knows how to rope jump I think but if you need help just ask :D

    On the moon, nerds have their pants pulled down and they are spanked with moon rocks!

  • grimweepergrimweeper Member Posts: 2,047

    Originally posted by xxxmonkxxx
    Today's topic is building muscles and slimming down

    Monk's tips to working out :

    Perform short, intense weight-training workouts 3-4 times per week.
    Never workout for more than 45 minutes per session
    Warm-up 5-10 minutes before lifting weights.
    Focus on basic "compound" movements: squats, bench press, pullups, rows, deadlifts, etc.
    Keep your reps in the 6-10 reps per set range. 
    Do 2-4 sets per bodypart.
    Rest 1-2 minutes between sets.
    Use 60-85% of your one-rep max (1RM) weight for each exercise.
    Change up your workout frequently (exercises, set/rep schemes, rest between sets, etc.).
    Perform 10-20 minutes of cardio exercise 2 times per week, preferably immediately after
    your weight training sessions.
    Jump-ropes are one of the most effecient and inexpensive ways to burn calories and get fit.

    Depends on what you want:
    A. be more powerfull and stronger - do maybe 5 repitions the first set, then 3 or 4 the second set, and on your last do your max, really helps
    B.  Burn the fat around that area and have bigger muscles (to they eye) - do what he said 6-10 repitions and perferably 3-4 sets
    Try to never do two or less sets, wont see much of an improvement keep it around 3 at least to 5 at most and only do 5 sets if our dealing with light weight.

    I would recomend 30 seconds to one minute, if you muscles relax too muvh between sets its like you never did the one before

    Depends on what you want again if your going for more powerfull like in A in red text above, go from anywhere from 75% to your max, but if its B then yes keep it around 60%-85%.

    Just my two cents, didnt read the weight loss becouse im not into that stuff.


  • ZepeeZepee Member Posts: 947
    Ok, thx for the info. From what I understood I already do Push-Ups and Sit-Ups... But just a question. Is there any diference in what muscles you work out with "crunches" and "sit-ups"?  I think I will try that horse stance....


    Played- Runescape, Conquer
    Tested- EQ, RYL, Freeworld

  • kilugrumkilugrum Member Posts: 19

    "Eat 5-6 healthy, balanced meals per day."

    what are you a fucken gorilla

  • xxxmonkxxxxxxmonkxxx Member Posts: 257

    Originally posted by kilugrum

    "Eat 5-6 healthy, balanced meals per day."
    what are you a fucken gorilla

    The point is to eat 5-6 SMALL meals, that way you keep your metabolism up :D

    On the moon, nerds have their pants pulled down and they are spanked with moon rocks!

  • ZepeeZepee Member Posts: 947

    Originally posted by xxxmonkxxx

    Originally posted by kilugrum

    "Eat 5-6 healthy, balanced meals per day."
    what are you a fucken gorilla

    The point is to eat 5-6 SMALL meals, that way you keep your metabolism up :D

    Actually, I eat around 5-6 meal everyday... and let me say I'm rather thin....

    I eat:
     -1st mid-afternoon meal(some cerials, or bread and milk)
    (-2nd mid-afternoon meal(same))
    (-mid-night meal(same as mid-afternoon))

    There you have your five or six meals... and no, I'm no gorila.... as said before, I'm rather thin (Height-1.78m, Weight-58.5Kg)


    Played- Runescape, Conquer
    Tested- EQ, RYL, Freeworld

  • BoozbazBoozbaz Member Posts: 1,918
    One egg is like 6 grams of protein. So if you were to sit down and eat 5 eggs in one sitting and NOTHING else. then that's about 30 grams of protein. Do that 5 more times as the day passes by and you'll consume 180 grams of protein and three dozen eggs. It's expensive to eat that much protein, and a lot of people rely on supliments/creatine. Eh, I heard a rumor that supplements will get leaked out through your urine, so some of that stuff goes down the drain.

    I also heard a rumor that the body can only abosrb about 30 grams of protein max, per meal. But that's probobally a rule of thumb, considering some people have uber fast metabilsms.


  • abbabaabbaba Member Posts: 1,143
    Are you like, Adrian Monk from TV?
  • xxxmonkxxxxxxmonkxxx Member Posts: 257

    Originally posted by abbaba
    Are you like, Adrian Monk from TV?

    No, but that is my favorite show ever :)

    Although that is not the reason for my name, I played a monk on EQ1, my name was Monk on infantry and monks are just friggin cool. Lollers.

    On the moon, nerds have their pants pulled down and they are spanked with moon rocks!

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