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Beside on CoV release, which was a crappy moment, I have never any reason to complain about it. Today they restore my deleted characters, which is something that even the mighty SoE fails to do upon a request from the player (SoE will answer something like: We check on our back up files but didn't find any data concerning this character, must be too old).
The only thing that I feel negative about this experience, is that it took them 9 days and I am too evil to believe them, I think they found it on day 1 and hold it for 8 days for the fun of it. *shrug* I might be wrong and even if I am right, I guess it is their right, especially if they are bored and looking to entertain themselves. Still, weird.
Not a perfect CS, but the less bad I experience in MMOs.
PS: They could have taken 2 months and it would still have been fine with me, I don't plan to play them soon, it was just weird and boring...hehe.
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
Were these the deleted heroes you wiped during the whole CoV issue you had? (I remembered your posts way back when) Or was this some issue that your characters "vanished"?
And why would 9 days be a magic number? why not 10 or 7? (just being cheeky)
your arguement is so persuasive, so filled with knowledge and insight. You back up your argument very articulately, with suggestions of improvements and raising examples to glorify your position....oh wait, you didn't
SOE restored my deleted characters instantly and without complaint on Planetside.
I found NCsoft customer support to be lazy and unhelpful. The most they have ever been willing to do for me is cut and paste from the FAQ they asked me to read before mailing them or link me to my own forum posts.
While I have found other companies tech support to be lazy and unhelpful too, NCsoft is the only one I have found to be abusive with it. I also tried the forum pages.
The forums are positively offensive to the very hint of complaint. Flaming is an encouraged response in the tech support area and the moderators like to get a quick insult in at any arsehole big enough to be experiencing an error before they lock the thread. I didn't find it an atmosphere conducive to research or problem solving.
You know the one, Captain Fanboy (with 4,000 abusive posts) says you are a jerk and no one has that problem and it isn't even a problem and only a spastic with no friends would ask for help, and that I am privilaged to even post here, and I should have my posting rights removed for daring to suggest I have a technical hitch when the devs have already stated that there are no technical issues and the game is meant to be broken by design. And if, already frustrated from the lack of support, I dare to flame back, the moderator joins in, flames me and locks the post. Resulting in no issue ever being addressed let alone resolved.
The quality of the game I found to be very high and not in need of much support, which makes it all the more gauling when after umpteen months of paying for a service I did not use, that when I actually had reason to ask for help they point blank refused.
Very poor.
My credit card company agreed.
I'd like to try Guild Wars but I am put off by my support experience.
I have had no bad experiances with Their technical support I have had to use it serval time for account issue to mission issue and every time, things have been resolved with in 24hrs. And I have fielded questions to them and have gotten the info I was looking for. So I guess I am just being lucky, but they have been really good with me.
Guess it depends on how they are treated.
Flame on Ghost RIder Flame on
Target Aquired
Yup, those are the characters I delete back then (so a LOT more work for them hehe).
Why 9? I dunno, it might be 10 or 8, it is that every 3 days, they keep sending this automated for dimwit message: you will keep receiving this message until we fix and figure your problem. 3 such messages = 9 days. I do remember my issue with CoV release was about that amount of time, maybe they want to 'show' who is the boss, which would be an extremely poor marketing choice IMO, but eh, who know, maybe they get excited by doing such stuff!
Still, beside the CoV thingy, it is a relatively good, if somewhat slow (on purpose?) CS.
Baff: I dunno, there are many jerks on the official forums (which explain why I prefer here than this brainwashed community). But CuppaJo was rather helpful and despite the jerks, there was SOME decent folks around there. As far as official forums goes, if you compare with others...this might be the norm. But I was talking more about their CS than their forums, hehe, I never really care for any official forum with maybe the exception of Vanguard forums, despite all the flaws of the game, their forums are quite good, not as good as this site, still, quite good! Maybe I was lucky and you exhaust their captain flamebait so he log off rather than flame on!
Usurcator: Maybe you are right, I always start extremely nicely and I progressively turn meanier. They answer positively to my meanier demeanor, on all occasions. I dunno why folks would be masochists and act better when you are mean, but eh, this is their choice. (I am like that, I always work hard to be nice and I progressively get meanier as folks are not doing what they should...maybe I should start plain out mean, but that wouldn't be fair, the new staff might be competent and I can't suppose that because the older are some way that all the newer will be the same).
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren