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ima download it right now
ANONYMOUS! DOWNLAOD THIS! YOU'RE NOT ON AIM...but read this and download it
ima see if i can still reactivate my old account
i think u need a cc
The anticipation of death is far worse than death itself...
If you wait to do something until the last minute, your more efficient since it will only take 1 minute.
Nemo sine vitio est
Nemo sine vitio est
Try a stunt like what? AO has had either a 7-day or 14-day (can't recall) trial since just after they came out with the game because it was so horrible. For the most part if a game is god aweful and has very poor sales it doesn't take long for you to see the free download and trials start to pop up. AO and AC2 are the 2 biggest MMORPG's that have done this in order to try to salvage what little left they have.
So by that definition all Regular games are god awful, and have poor sales... Since they release demo's of the games....
In my oppinion, all mmorpgs should have a trial period.. any kind Just so I can try the game, before deciding if I wanna spend money on it. I'm sure I could have liked EQ/DaoC, But I've never had the chance of trying any of them.. So since I don't wanna spend money un-necessarily, I guess I'll never know.
**Bling ~ Bling**
**Bling ~ Bling**
I don't get what's wrong with AO. It's a pretty good game by my opinion. Being the first MMORPG I tried(besides Pristontale but I don't count it since I didn't actually play the game for more than 5 minutes), I'm not sure how much my opinion is worth to you as you may have played a lot more different MMOs before. However, I still think AO is a pretty good game. The gameplay is well refined and I liked the graphics, especially in Shadowlands. I orginally wanted to get EQ, but it was old, and reviews were less than promising. While I wanted a established user base, I also wanted some gameplay. After a lot of MMORPG searching, my finds brought me to AO. It got pretty good ratings, some good personal reviews, an average friendly user base, and the addition of Shadowlands made me want to try it. Since then, I'm am definitely pleased with AO and I recommend it. While it may not be near some other games on the top, I seriously think people should at least try AO, and for those who already tried it and didn't like it, then it's probably because you just didn't think the game was good. I'm not saying you can't say that AO is complete trash, and is a plague to your harddrive, but you can't deny you may be turning a lot of people away from this game who may actually like the game if they tried it.
Anyway, to stay on topic. Don't get the AO 7 day free trial. You first need a credit card, then you need to download it, a problem if your narrowband. Also, you'll probably be getting just the classic AO and you lose a big chunk of the playing experience if you don't have Shadowlands, and to a lower degree, Notum Wars.
First off i just want to note that there are way too many *whiners* on this web site. Everyone whines and whines about how their MMORPG isn't good enough for them? Well one question, what IS good enough for you? Anarchy Online was one of the best MMORPG's ive ever played. And yes i started off with the 7-day free trial as well. It was awesome, after the 7 days i did decide to keep the game because it was just that good. Now if your looking for a perfect MMORPG, you won't find one. stop complaining about how you get "horrible lag" and "thousands of bugs" because try any game, you'll get the same thing....
Just stop your whining and stick with a game for a while..
Wish Beta Tester
Knight Online Beta Tester
- Farseen
Current Game: Panzar
On MY side? You HAVE read teh game forums, if you actually play the game, right? You HAVE actually played the game? Have you ever BEEN to Omni Ent, or Tir? AO without lag is like an ocean with no water.
I really enjoyed AO for most of the time I played, But I simply didn't realise what I was limiting myself to. I put up with the bugs and the lag, and the bored-to-tears missions over and over and over....Shadowlands ruined the game.
And to say that it isn't buggy....rofl....omg.....just read the forums....or actually play the game.
Seriously, if you're looking for a good sci-fi game give Neocron a shot. It's not for the faint hearted, since PVP is a MAJOR aspect of the game (and the pvp system actually WORKS), and it can be a bit wierd for an AO player to adapt to....AO players get used to treasuring their uniques and uber loot, where in Neocron ANYTHING can be taken away from you, or simply wear out and break. But you can probably find a way to build a character that fells kind of like your AO character.....even a GA fixer, in a way. (Lowtech PE with a liberator, stealth1, mad runspeed, good hack skill)
Other games do what AO tries to do so much better. But don't take my word for it. Download AO's free trial, and Neocron's as well. Play them BOTH for a week, and see what you think.
Alrite, I'm seriously interested now. AO was my favourite MMORPG i've ever played, and here you are telling everyone how bad it is.
What do YOU think is like AO but MUCH better as you claim?
"Other games do what AO tries to do so much better"
Yeah right buddy. Maybe thats your opinion, but its sure not the truth. For all we know, you could think that "Toonland" is the best MMO. And yes I PLAYED the game for a long time. It wasn't buggy at all, and the lag was perfect...and YES ive been to Tir, the Temple, Omni Ent...I went almost everywhere with my Fixer with MKI Armor. That game kicks ass. What other game has such a unique teleporting system such as AO's? And you can't beat the Fixer's grid, thats just amazing. So sure, voice your opinion, but don't go around telling people what games are good and what are bad.
PS - Another whiner to join the ranks....they keep coming.
Wish Beta Tester
Knight Online Beta Tester
- Farseen
Current Game: Panzar
Well, ive tried the great game Dark Age of Camelot and the oh-so-horrible Everquest,i dont even know why Everquest is the king of the MMORPGs, its REALLY boring.I played DAoC through 6 months, and i got boring, including the first expansion Shrouded Isles. So i tried the 7 days trial of Anarchy Online, and I have to say the game is not so bad as many say, at least not as bad as Everquest. Why dont you try it? and youll see how fun is AO. Its lack but at least entertaining. I played Everquest 3 months without eating or sleeping, worst exp EVER!, if you havent played everquest, dont listen those hardcores who dont even sleep, its boring as hell! stay away from it and play Anarchy Online instead. Next time, play the game before posting, ignorant people........
You know, i had a lot of fun playing Everquest too. Just because AO was my favourite, doesnt mean i didnt love Everquest. Everquest kicked ass, and i'de want to start up again except EQ2 is coming out soon so theres no point.
Everquest wasnt boring? Try travelling the lands, hunting large things with friends, doing quests. I only got to level 20 as a Dwarf Warrior. Now, Dwarf Warrior sounds like the most boring profession one could choose. But you know what, i had fun. My friend and i hunted these little bird things which rarely dropped their claws worth 3 platinum. That was so fun chasing after him! Then once we were good enough, we tried going to the goblin camp. They were a bit harder, but still killable. I Mean, thats the whole point of the game. You get rewarded as you level up. Questing was hard as hell, but fun as ever!
I didnt even get to try out a Magic type of profession, but im sure thye would be 10 x more fun then just a warrior. So sure- YOU MAY THINK Everquest was a bad game, but thats just your opinion. In my opinion EQ and AO rocked. =D
Wish Beta Tester
Knight Online Beta Tester
- Farseen
Current Game: Panzar
A whiner eh? I think a whiner would be someone who bitches about a game while still playing it. I havn't played AO in 3 months now. Try Neocron, it pwns the hell outta AO.
Not buggy at all....lag was perfect....that's just too funny. Anyone who believes this for a second, go read teh AO forums for a while. Glad tehy finally fixed fall dmg from removing falling damage altogether Glad that after YEARS teh cloaks finally fit the slender opi model....wonder when they'll fix teh sunglasses, though. How long did it take to fix teh MP mezz pet? Bugs shouldn't plague a game for YEARS....and now of course all teh old bugs are ignored because Shadowlands wasn't even FINISHED when it was released. And that is the KING of bugs....mob bugs, item bugs...omg the list goes on.
I've played a lot of mmorpgs. I'm not going to say that any is "the best", but really, in teh sci-fi genre, AO is a clunky, awkward, boring, buggy, laggy confused POS with a broken pvp system, garbage graphics...I could go on for a looong time. I don't even really miss my GA4 Fixer, or my 200 MP, or any of the others.
Really....a good sci-fi game that has a great almost-AO feel is Neocron. it's just so much better. And I'm not saying that because it's "my game" or because I'm some fanboi, because I play a lot of games, not just one.
BTW....expansion pack on teh way for Neocron:
But try them both...they each have a free trial. See for yourself.
WHAT THE HELL DID YOU SMOKE???????!!!!!!!!!!!!! Neocron better than Anarchy Online???hahahaha later youll say that Faction Earth is even better, whats up with you? do you know whats a mmorpg? or............are you a little 6 years old kid? hey, please, tell your dad that you are wasting his internet service, posting ******** in forums. Please, play Anarchy Online.
Not buggy at all....lag was perfect....that's just too funny. Anyone who believes this for a second, go read teh AO forums for a while. Glad tehy finally fixed fall dmg from removing falling damage altogether Glad that after YEARS teh cloaks finally fit the slender opi model....wonder when they'll fix teh sunglasses, though. How long did it take to fix teh MP mezz pet? Bugs shouldn't plague a game for YEARS....and now of course all teh old bugs are ignored because Shadowlands wasn't even FINISHED when it was released. And that is the KING of bugs....mob bugs, item bugs...omg the list goes on.
I've played a lot of mmorpgs. I'm not going to say that any is "the best", but really, in teh sci-fi genre, AO is a clunky, awkward, boring, buggy, laggy confused POS with a broken pvp system, garbage graphics...I could go on for a looong time. I don't even really miss my GA4 Fixer, or my 200 MP, or any of the others.
Really....a good sci-fi game that has a great almost-AO feel is Neocron. it's just so much better. And I'm not saying that because it's "my game" or because I'm some fanboi, because I play a lot of games, not just one.
BTW....expansion pack on teh way for Neocron:
But try them both...they each have a free trial. See for yourself.
All im trying to get at is the fact that its just your opinion. Sure YOU think AO is bug-filled, boring, laggy and has a borken PvP system. But you know what, heres my side of the story.
I haven't found one bug in AO which would even make me consider stop playing. I was never bored, always somewhere new to go, or a nano to work for. I absolutely NEVER experienced lag and PvP worked fine for me? So i'm not to sure if we were playing the same game, because every single prblem you listen, i never encountered in my 5 months of play. And Neocron is only good for PvP, so if thats what your interested in , Great! But just because AO doesnt FEATURE PvP (even though battles for plots of land were sweet) doesnt mean that its a bad game...
Wish Beta Tester
Knight Online Beta Tester
- Farseen
Current Game: Panzar
I know I shouldn't even credit this with a response, but let me tell you I'm probably old enough to be your dad. My kids are gamers, my wife is a gamer, we've been there, done that.
Second off, Neocron is just JUST a pvp gets viewed that way by some because there's no imaginary "Suppression gas" keeping you from killing your enemy. It is a TRUE role-playing game in that certain types of behavior are not forced on you. You have the ability to do what you want, when you want. The devs/mods/gm's in Necoron believe it is up to teh players and the community to decide how the game is played, and how justice is administered.
Also, Farseen, teh complaints about AO's pvp system are legendary, and too numerous to count. Once again, I point you in teh direction of the game's forums to see what thousands of players have said on teh topic. The last tower battle I was at was so laggy that all teh combatants simply stood there and insulted each other for took a full 10 seconds for a nano to go off after pushing the button.
Then again, AO's lag may be getting better, since from what I hear it's quickly losing the majority of it's player base. Someone even told me that ToTW is a ghost town now.
I fought a tower battle 4 times in my time in AO. Not one time was it laggy. They lasted aprrox 30 min of crazy combat. People on both sides were dying and not one spot of lag plagued the battle field.
I don't need to read forums, because i was there. It was 9 months ago i was playing. And most the towns i went to were filled with fun players. Maybe now its dying down, but all im saying is that when i played 9 months ago, it was a blast. I don't care what forums read, because i was there myself. I enjoyed the PvP (even tho fixers arent too good at it =P) and i didnt see lag once..
Wish Beta Tester
Knight Online Beta Tester
- Farseen
Current Game: Panzar