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Should I get CoH?

FraltienyFraltieny Member Posts: 26
Well, I'm actully considering CoV, but since the boards there are dead, I'm posying it here. I've played a total of 2 MMORPGs FFXI and WoW. WoW was fantastic, and FFXI was boring. One of the main reasons I hated FFXI, was because there wasn't really any chatting. I remeber in WoW, I loved just chatting with friends and stuff. All the people in FFXI are ether Japanese, or anti-social. So is CoV very social? Or not? And another thing, I HATE grinding, but doing quests and stuff is fun, is CoH just about grinding? Does CoV get boring fast? WoW lasted me 6 months, I want a game that can last me for 3+ months. Thanks!


  • aaron123aaron123 Member Posts: 113

    I'd get CoV over CoH, because of the fact that it has more varied missions (in general, storyline missions, and mayhem missions, where you wreak havoc and blow stuff up). It'll get repetitive, but usually teaming up keeps the battles frantic and interesting. In the City of series, you'll probably be doing all missions because they're a bit more interesting, but if that gets old, you can always street sweep (hunt in the zones).

    As far as social, your mileage may vary, I suppose. It's easy to make friends (because people make pick-up teams all the time), just depends on if you do. Actually, the best way to break up the monotony is to team up with friends.

  • SerlingSerling Member Posts: 662

    Should I get CoH?

    You're asking us how you should spend your money???

    I'm not young enough to tell you what you should or shouldn't do. However, I played the game for awhile before all the nerfs (January through July of 05) and left because of the nerfs, seeing my in-game friends leave, and because the game had simply become a boring, repetitive grind.

    You, however, will be looking at it with a fresh set of unjaded eyes, and may find wonderment in every single aspect of it.

    For awhile, anyway.

    Sure, try a free trial of it. But I'd only offer this one caveat: if you do end up subscribing, don't subscribe for more than one month at a time, and don't let them auto-bill your credit card.

  • AnofalyeAnofalye Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 7,433

    I can only give you an opinion.

    But if you like WoW and dislike FFXI,  CoV/CoH might be the game for you.  It is simpler and more complete, in the sense that everything is very intuitive and simple, yet you end up with more customisation than in WoW (not talking on the visual, which is incredible in CoH/CoV, but about the powers and how you developp them, sure ED was bad and limit it, but still, much better than WoW on this).

    Leveling is longer and harder than WoW, yet instead of killing 1 monster, in the same lapse of time you will kill prolly 10 minions.  Best combat mechanic out there, VERY fast, yet despite everything it is a RPG, not an action game.  It is fast, but it is a RPG rather than an action game, which is good (DDO and AA are actions game for example, not really rpgs...yet AAs is not that bad).  You can believe me on this, real action game I can't play for long before been bored to death!  So it is definitely a RPG (in the sense that your reflexes matter little to none, what matter is what you do, not your reflexes).

    The peoples are nices and sweet, but it is nothing as good as it used to be, I2-I6 seriously hurt the community, making players unhappy have consequences.  Still CoV and I7 seems to have very little resentment, which is good.

    Personnally, I would say CoH/CoV is the less bad MMO out there.  But that is my opinion, the opinion of a PvE grouper who also love to solo, a D&D chronic fan and someone who used to dislike SuperHeroes in general...

    - "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren

  • Emoian_07Emoian_07 Member Posts: 183
    I'd suggest try it out.

    IMO the CoV expansion was a little more based for PvP action simply because the archtypes and powers suit PvP better than most of the hero builds.

    IMO CoH has better scenery and I like the people you're fighting more than when I play villians. Also the player base is larger in CoH therefore IMO it is easier to get big fast, find some friends, and so on.

    I have both but i'm not the biggest fan of CoV simply because the scenery and such bores me to death. Also I feel all tingly inside when i'm fighting evil and being a goody two shoes.

    Past that I also like the archtypes CoH has to offer better even though in a sense they are close to the same with CoV exept for Masterminds, they're completely fresh and different from most anything in CoH with few exceptions.

  • jaytravisjaytravis Member Posts: 10

    From a lurker who put many months into CoX:

    Give a free trial a go, the costume generator alone is worth the price of a download, but be cautious about subscribing for the long term. The fun and "shininess" of the game is infectious, btu I found it wore off fast.

    While I had a lot of fun in CoH, the repetition factor was just too high. Judging by what you said, that you "HATE grinding" and that you want a long-lasting game (3+ months), I don't think that CoX is for you. Yes CoV is the superior sibling in terms of mission variety and class-balance, but both games are very similar at their core... and I found both to be very "grindy."

    Why? Here is my take on it:

    The missions primarily take place inside of instanced maps, and given that there are a finite number of these maps, they are used over and over again, sometimes without regard for the type of enemy you're facing. And bear in mind, that the game revolves around fighting: Aside from badge hunting or contributing to a super-guild base, there is no crafting or secondary skill-sets to develop.

    The enemies themselves are also repetive, though occasionally in the story arcs/Task Forces you will face a major opponent who breaks the mold. With few exceptions, your enemies (regardless of their appearance or secondary powers), will tend to break down into the formula of having 1 shooting attack for a certain amount of damage and one melee attack for twice that damage. And while MMO enemy AI has never been inspiring, in CoX, you will find that most are literally standing around, waiting for you to hit them, which I think does hurt the immersion factor a bit.

    So by and large, you'll find that your playing tactics from one mission to the next will almost never change.

    And after level 25, the game changes a lot. The rate of advancement slows to a crawl, compounded by the fact that you will only receive new abilities after the 30's only once every three levels.

    The game solo's fairly well at the low levels and for certain class combinations, but grouping is highly recommended for the 'full' experience (and this comes from a player who almost exclusively solos or duos in MMOs).

    My love for the genre kept me playing longer than I think I otherwise would have, but I found I was ultimately disastisfied with the way the Dev's implemented that genre. However, I would say that for a short-term, easy-to-jump-into experience, there are far worse choices than CoX.

  • tutetute Member UncommonPosts: 299

    Excellent summary Jay and I would second that view. 

    It was my love for comics(I was a huge comic collector for years) that kept me playing the game after Issue 5, not the gameplay.  Each issue I always held out hope something would change, but overall the game plays relatively the same except the grind to 50 is much worse than it was in the first 3 issues.  Something you can do here on but not on the official forums is read wayyy back on posts concerning the game and you will basically find the same complaint: its a great combat system but its gets boring real quick(usually about 1-3 months), the missions repetitiveness being a huge negative factor.

  • TheoTheo Member Posts: 242
    It's a fun game with a great combat system and cool character customization. While the game is definitely a repetitive grind, I had a lot of fun just trying out new power sets. Leveling is pretty fast in general, though it does noticeably slow down after 25 or so, as others have mentioned. The entire game is soloable at all levels by all classes with varying degrees of efficiency.

    Personally, I had a blast with CoX for quite a few months, and I drop in again from time to time. I'd say it's worth the cost to try it out.
  • ChessackChessack Member Posts: 978
    Jay, what a great summary of COH. I agree with your points pretty much entirely. Your point about the enemies just standing around waiting for you to hit them is extremely well-put.

    I also agree that the game has very good short-term appeal. I had a BLAST with it for about 4 months. This to me is worth the price of the box and the DL time for patches and the subs fee for those months and so forth. After that it got old, and at the 1-year mark I unsubscribed. I ignored it for 9 months, and then when COV came out I re-upped, and I had a BLAST again for about 4 or 5 months. Lately I've gotten bored with it again, and I probably will cancel in not too much longer once again.

    The game is not good in the longevity department. But it certainly is fun for a little while, and you can easily get your character to a high enough level before boredom sets in, that you feel like it is fully developed. Heck I even got one character to 50 (though not the first time... a few weeks into the second subscription I finally finished her).

    So... I agree with Jay. The game's worth playing for a few months. Just don't expect it to hold your interest for years, because I just don't think it can (for most people -- though I will say I have some guild mates who seem not to be able to become bored by COH no matter how repetitive it gets... I always am the last to log in and the first to quit from long sessions, TFs, etc).


  • caelachcaelach Member UncommonPosts: 113
    COH is a great game in some aspects. The graphics are awesome. The character generation is superb. The gameplay is unimaginative and quickly becomes much more tedious than a game like Guild Wars or WOW, IMO. I did beta for COV and it is pretty much the same thing. The customer support I found lacking.

    I think about the best game out there is Guild Wars. It has great graphics, the gameplay is good, and you don't have to pay $15 a month to run the treadmill.

  • AtheaAthea Member UncommonPosts: 79

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