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There was a tradition where the devs would introduce themselves, tell us when they joined, what they worked on, and what they do now. It’s been over 6 months since such a compilation of posts by TH, so I decided to rummage though the archives of the forum (DevTracker is your friend) and gather data about everyone who has worked on SWG and ever posted. Since we almost never know when people leave the SWG team or SOE, I figured I would use what info is available here to guess on my own. Feel free to commnent. Pex and the moderators like GarVa, Virrago, and Nadias are definitely working hard, posting here and there, making themselves seen, probably to compensate for a lack of dev posting.
Since SWG is getting a new forums engine, I figured a lot of historical data about SWG would be lost, so this compilation sounded like a good idea. I will post the same thing on the SWG forums, and if it does not get deleted and if the devs want to jump in and correct my info or re-introduce themselves, we will see what happens.
Note: When I say posts are deleted, it does not necessarily mean removed to hide some conspiracy theory. There is also a possibility that some posts were actually beta forum posts from an expansion that were not made visible. But there are definitely a lot of posts that have been edited and removed to cover somethings up.
Here goes…
Helios_SOE (Kai) is the Lead Designer for SWG. In January 2006 he was introduced as a SWG Systems Designer. He logged in the forums again today but still does not post. He is one of the few devs who has a public profile. Many of the others have a private profile to hide when they last logged in. Granted, you can read without logging in, but it makes it harder to track what you have read or not, and it means you have no intention to post. The other interesting fact is that despite registering in the forums for the first time in August 2004, but a LOT of his pre 2006 posts have been removed/deleted.
Thunderheart (Kurt Stangl) is a former player/beta tester who later started working for SOE in October 2003 as assistant community relations manager with Q-3P0. His forum handle is registered from early July 2003. He took over Q-3P0’s job in July 2004. He was apparently on vacation for the last two weeks. He posted once to talk about this block party for some reason, but his online profile is private (odd if you ask me, considering he is the Community Relations Manager), and while it is already past 9:30 AM in Austin, we have not heard a peep from him. Maybe he took more than 2 weeks off, and he of course may be in a meeting and catching up, but considering the serious lack of dev posting in the last week, a “Good morning, I’m back” post would have been a good sign. Before that, his last post was on 6/30. Something is fishy…
Pex (Jason Ryan) is the SOE Events Manager and is probably the eldest member of the team in terms of presence in the SWG team and forum posting. Pex always posts and he has brought us countless memorable events on all the servers. He first registered on the forums in late July 2003 and has been active ever since, including today! Thank you Pex! Jason is a huge Star Wars fan (it shows) and he got started by writing stuff for Q-3P0. he eventually interviewed for the job at SOE and was the perfect candidate. We all agree.
GarVa is a member of the SWG Community Relations Team as forums moderator and overall helper. He has maintained a Love-Hate relationship with the forum posters, but we all love him nonetheless, because he most often takes care of those annoying posters and not our own. He has more posts than anyone on the SWG staff (over 13500, even more than TH) and has been around in the SWG and on the forums since launch.
Rogue_5 (Grant McDaniel) is the SOE Producer for SWG. Before that he was the producer for the ToOW expansion and a member of the dev team since before launch. He joined the forum at launch but we have not heard from him since 6/23 last month. As mentioned above, the Comlink is not even named after him anymore. He is well known by all forum dwellers, test center peeps and beta testers as he is usually involved a lot there. Interestingly enough, a LOT of his pre-NGE posts, in the months preceding it, have been deleted.
JulioLEC (Julio Torres) works for Lucasarts and is the producer for SWG. He registered his forum handle in December 2003 (probably to plan the Christmas holo, who knows?) and last logged on the forums on April 21st 2006. who knows if he has been reading anonymously since, most probably, but he did not post. His first post was the Letter to the community early November 2006, introducing the NGE. After that he shows up a few times to crush rumors. The funny thing is his profile totals 8 posts, but only 4 are visible. The others seem to have been deleted.
Smed (John Smedley) is the President of SOE. He first registered on the SWG forums in May 2005 (for CU damage control) and last logged in on March 25th 2006. He usually shows up to crush rumors, announce the CU, ro announce the NGE… you can imagine how popular he is now. In his very last post on March 24th, he said “I will do my best to continue to follow this thread and post this weekend. I will say we'll continue to keep a dialogue open.” Looks like he kept reading for a day, then gave up and never posted again. E-mail:
Blixtev is a systems game designer. He joined the forums in July 2004 and last posted on them on June 8th 2006. I have no clue if he logged in since as he has a private profile.
Dev_Vapor has been with the team for 3 years. He started in QA and initially did most of his work on JTL. When he introduced himself again in March 2006, he had been promoted to associate producer. In his words “In short I work with Rogue_5 to compose, schedule, task, execute, and deliver the publishes and hotfixes.” What is interesting is that the Friday Comlink was initially titled “Rogue 5’s Comlink” and the last few were posted by Dev-Vapor and were simply named “Comlink”. Where is Rogue 5?
HanseSOE was a hero to this community 2 weeks ago. He was posting a lot and engaging us in discussions. He’s a new guy, joined in May 2006 and was last on the forums on 7/11. The funny thing is he has not posted since 7/7… it looks like he was talking “too much” and someone told him to cut it.
Dev_Temujin (Jason Minor) is an art director for SWG who joined the forum in September 2003 and last posted/visited the forums on 6/23 2006. His first post was very recent (same day) regarding the new art/texture skins we are supposed to get soon. I assume he is still around, working on those.
EJDev is a Senior Game Designer and I’m not sure when he joined as I cannot find an introduction post nor does he have any posts before December 2005. His profile is also private. He last posted on 7/7 to reply in the last Comlink.
Shadowbrak (Travis Hicks) never posted a lot but used to give us good info, but we have not heard from him since 6/30 either. Maybe he’s vacationing with TH, who knows!?! When he introduced himself in October 2004, he said he had been with the team for 18 months, and was an expansion developer. Considering there are no expansions in the works for now, maybe he’s gonna vacation a bit longer.
Xel-Qrom (Jesse Knapp) is a game designer who joined SWG around April 2006 but has a forum handle registered in December 2003. I’m not sure where he come from. Last post: you guessed it… June 30th 2006.
SWG_Swede (Niklas Johanssone) is a content game designer. He started his job at SOE as a Game Master for EQ, was a Senior Guide in their Guide program before that, and then got the opportunity to go to Austin and lend a hand at the last 6 months of developing SWG and was invited to stay on as a designer after that. He joined the forums at launch, worked on the ground game and JTL. He, too, has not been heard of since 6/30. I guess the devs got a package deal on their vacation plan.
SpaceRancor (Eli Holding) is Lead Expansion Designer, and worked as a content designer for both Jump to Lightspeed and Rage of the Wookiee, and then as the Lead Designer for Trials of Obi-Wan. Eli joined SOE and the forums in September 2003, was a JTL designer but then was last seen on the forums at the end of March 2006. Probably another victim of the dev exodus or cutbacks, especially considering they said there would be no expansion for now.
Phydeaux-K9 (Hollis Gray) is a content game designer who joined the forums in September 2004, and last visited on June 22nd 2006. In January 2006 he claimed having been with the team for 2 years already. He also says he has been playing since beta.
JFreeman (Jeff Freeman) was Lead Game Play Designer for SWG, and before that Lead Content Designer for JTL and worked on numerous other systems since. He joined the forums at launch and has not posted since February 2006, which is odd since he did post quite a bit. He once had a blog on game design, but since deleted it since people started to quote him and use that against him on the forums.
Loche (Jesse Benjamin) is a content game designer, and previously QA Analyst who joined the project in February 2003, the forums in July 2003 and last posted on 6/22 this year. Jesse has been with SWG since about 6 months till launch and was originally hired on as a contract QA tester, having worked with a few of the original TCPA/Unity players. Maybe Jesse’s been on vacation too. Looks like SOE closed offices for all of July so far.
SWG-Tunso (Mark Halash) is a game designer. He joined the forums in November 2003 and last visited them on June 12th 2006. I don’t know anything else.
ChrisCao (Chris Cao) is/was a creative director for SWG. He first registered on the forums in September 2005 (not long before the NGE), and last seen on them on April 12th 2006. He was previously the Lead Designer on EverQuest II before moving over to the SWG team. Some of his posts and tone caused a lot of controversy, so either he was canned, left or told not to post again.
AddySWG (Pete Warner) is a content game designer (another?) for SWG, joined the forums in August 2004 and last signed on them on June 26th 2006. I guess he too is on vacation… or part of a massive layoff. He worked on the NGE and the AI upgrade on the CU, among other things. Since he was also a former player. 5 of his 8 posts to date are invisible/deleted.
Fiasco (Michael Farone) is/was part of the SWG content design team. He joined the forums in July 2003 and was still posting on March 24th… then, silence. I have no idea if he is still around.
Dev_Mercy (Lisa Farina, aka Quest Mistress) is yet another SWG content game designer. She joined the forums in June 2005 and was last seen on June 1st 2006. She apparently joined the SWG team in January 2005. She worked on the Legacy quest (droid head), Tansarii station, secrets of the siren and things like that.
Lord_Pall (Dan Rubenfield) is/was the Lead Designer for SWG, has been with the team since launch and before (joined SWG team early 2001), joined the forums in June 2003 and was last seen on them on June 13th 2006. He has been involved in all aspects of SWG, developing the original Spawning, Mission, Jedi and Combat systems. He was the Lead Systems designer on Jump To Lightspeed as well. Considering Helios now assumes the Lead Designer role, Dan was probably promoted or moved to another project.
SOETyrant (Gordon Walton) was the head developer and Studio Manager for the Austin SOE Studio. He was in charge for many of the "late Pre-CU" upgrades, like factional warfare and planetary control points. Some argue that if we had given him a bit more time, he would have done wonders for the game. He was the only head developer to make a post in an entertainer forum. He registered on the forums in October 2003, left around the CU timeframe but kept logging on the forums until November 11th 2005 (NGE time). He is considered one of the foremost minds in MMORPG gaming and production today and currently works for Bioware, in Austin.
Milhous (Mick Honea, not sure about the name) joined the forums in September 2005 (probably an NGE job) and was still reading them this morning (July 17th 2006). Only one of his 2 posts is visible, and he seems to be either QA or Customer service or something like that.
Suleman (Mario Rizzo) was an associate producer for SWG, joined the forums in September 2003 and was last seen on them on April 12th 2006. He does not seem to have any pre-NGE posts. Considering Dev-Vapor was announced as associate producer a month before, I say Suleman is bye-bye.
SWG-Goliath is a Master Artist on SWG who joined the forums in November 2004, and last logged in on June 12th 2006. He is an amazing artist who designed the Mustafarian Bunker, the Sorosuub yacht, the Y-8 and the YT-2400, among others. He is a former player who started since launch (as a smuggler) and joined SOE mid 2004. I certainly hope he is still around.
Calandryll_SOE (Jon Hanna) was Director of Community Relations for SWG until March 2005 when he left SOE to move back east and be closer to his family. He joined the forums in December 2004, last posted in February 2005, but logged in until December 12th 2005.
Tiggs (Diane Migliaccio) was assistant community manager for SWG. She was later promoted in March 2005 to Calandryll’s position as Director of Community Relations, who left SOE to go back east with his family. There has been quite a shuffle in these community manager positions. She joined the team in September 2004. Her forum handle was registered in July 2004. I think she was a former player too. There was a lot of controversy around her departure in November 2005 as she was obviously fired. Some say she protested the NGE and could not follow the new system and was canned for it. While they have not deleted her posts, she does not register on DevTracker anymore, you have to look for her posts specifically. They obviously want to minimize her presence and the impact she had while in this role.
Brenlo (Brenlo Bixiebopper, no idea what the real name is) is the Director of Global Community Relations at SOE. He registered on the forums in January 2004 and was still reading them on July 12th 2006. Most of his posts were in assistance to managing the community during the CU and the NGE. Basically, people like TH, Tiggs (when she was around) and all the CSR’s ultimately report to him.
Q-3P0 (Kevin O’Hara) is an associate producer for SOE, and TH’s predecessor as SWG’s first Community Relations Manager until July 2004. He joined the forums at launch and last posted in the SWG forums when JTL shipped.
JustG’s role is unclear to me. I remember him, but I fail to find specific info on his positon. He registered on the forums in October 2003 when TH joined, and his last post was on March 24th 2005, right before the CU. He was taking care of several announcements on the forums, took care of some community relations, also discussed gameplay and dealt a lot with the correspondents.
GreenMarine had been with the team since the beginning. He joined the forums late July 2003 and his last login on the forums is July 11th 2005, a few months after the CU. He became famous in the community when he introduced long discussions and proposals for contraband and the smuggler revamp. Sadly, it never came to be, probably in favor of the CU. These posts can still be found, but the majority of his other posts are either invisible or removed. He was also a key dev in JTL.
Tslothrop was a senior producer who joined in March 2005 (probably a CU hire/transfer). His first post is dated end of April 2005, and his last end of November 2005. There is no way to know if he is still around as his forum profile is private, and 3 of his 8 posts have been deleted or are not visible.
Ocnarf joined forums in July 2003, and last logged on May 18th 2006. His only post on November 10th 2006 was edited (all content removed) by him 4 days later… odd. I think this is a community relations person.
Holocron (Raph Koster) was the initial Creative Director of SWG and was later promoted to Chief Creative Officer at SOE, overseeing all SOE games, around May 2004, when he also stopped posting. He had been with the SWG team from day 1 and joined the forums at launch. He came back to post once in reference to his book in September 2005 and later left SOE for another company around March 2006.
Shug-Ninx (Haden Blackman) was a Lucasarts producer for SWG. He registered on the forums at launch and was last seen on the forums on November 30th 2005. Another NGE victim I think… either that or he was transferred away from SWG. In any case, Julio Torres has been handling SWG since the CU. Haden’s last post was in August 2004 when we got the Jedi revamp and JTL was in development/beta.
Keldarin (Dave White) was the lead Systems Designer with the initial SWG team and joined the forums at launch. I’m not sure what happened to him as he has a private profile, but his last post was September 2005. What seems controversial is that only 8 of his 611 posts on the forums remain… that cannot be normal.
Jo-don is a mystery dev who registered in September 2003, and only posted in August 2005 (well, only 8 of his 29 posts are visible). It seems he was involved with the Aurilian village quests and the old man and other jedi revamp things.
MuyMucho first registered on the forums in April 2004 and based on his posts and responses, seems to work in technical support. His last post was April 4th 2005 and given the nature of his (apparent) job, he could still be around… or not!
Neif… this one is funny. This is a red name from Lucasarts no less, who posted only twice… to sell in-game stuff on the Intrepid Galaxy Trade server in March 2005, lol! One such message was edited twice by him 2 days later. He registered on the forums in November 2005. Nothing else is known. Good way to get a lot of bids on your auctions when they show up on DevTracker!
Vass (James Whisenant) was assistant buildmaster and a core member of the initial team. His forum handle joined at launch but funnily enough, his last post was in the JTL Dev team intro thread in October 2004. Another vet bites the dust.
Swgdevjdobson was a Lead Artist. He only posted once to introduce himself in September 2003 but last visited the forums in October 2005… a month before the NGE. Coincidence?
Darth_Platypus (William Wallace, no joke) was also a game designer. He registered in September 2003 but was last seen in October 2005. Again… one month before the NGE. See a pattern yet?
Swgdevmbogue is a programmer who worked on the JTL AI. He joined the forums at launch but only posted 5 times and was last seen in November 2004, pretty much after JTL launch. Considering that I heard a lot of JTL was outsourced externally, I am not surprised here. He was probably one of those guys. I doubt he is still around.
RThornton (Reece Thornton) was a JTL systems designer/implementer who also joined in September 2003. It really looks like that expansion was kicked off at that time as most JTL devs joined that month. He was last seen in March 2005, pretty much just before the CU.
Flazm (Flazm Kazaam, is that a real name?) joined in September 2004 and claimed to have been around for 6 months. He was a programmer and last posted in April 2005 during the CU respect period. His public profile claims he was last on the forums on November 23rd 2005… sounds awfully like the NGE launch to me.
Swgdevrdelashmi (Rick Delashmit) is a JTL programmer who joined at SWG launch (June 2003) but posted only once in October 2004. Like the rest of the “JTL team”, I expect him to be long gone.
Swgdevcthurow (Calan Thurow) first registered in September 2003 but claims to have been around since the very beginning. He’s worked on JTL, he wrote the main game’s persistence (database) system, the system for dividing a planet between servers, etc, and the resource system and harvesters. He last posted in October 2004 and last signed on the forums at the end of March 2005. Looks alike quite a few contracts ended when the CU arrived.
Chrysalide (Jeff Carpenter) is a Live Systems designer who joined the forums in January 2004 and worked on JTL early on. In his January 2006 introduction, he claimed having been with the team for 3 years. Funnily enough, his last post was less than a month later in February 2006.
Taurin (Scott Snopel) joined SWG in July 2002 and worked on QA and design. He registered on the forums at launch but last posted in the JTL Dev team intro thread in October 2004.
BensonP (Vincent Pang) was an assistant lead QA on SWG. His forum handle exists since launch but he only posted once in October 2004.
Zoraka (Taylor) is a QA Lead who joined SOE in 2002 for EQ and moved to SWG before launch. He worked on the Jedi village revamp and JTL. Last posted in April 2006 and logged on the forums on July 10th. Looks like he’s still around.
Kylaena (Janessa Johansson) was a game designer for JTL. She joined the forums in July 2004 and last posted in June 2005. She last logged on the forums in November 2005… again, the NGE effect!
Rowski (William Kier) is another programmer who worked on the ground game and JTL. His forum handle was first registered in September 2003, like so many others. We only heard of him once in October 2004. Is he still around?
IceCreamMakerGuy (Rob “Sitdog” Sitton) is a JTL dev who seems to have registered on the forums only once to introduce himself in October 2004, and has not been heard from since. He was probably part of that external team that built JTL and is probably long gone.
Starbork (Ryan Bond) was a QA Lead on JTL, not for SOE, but for Lucasarts. He registered on the forums shortly after launch but only posted once in October 2004.
JDonham (John Donham) was a senior producer for SWG. He joined the forums at launch and has not logged in since December 5th 2003. I think Suleman took over for him. Looks like he was the first casualty in the SWG team. 4 of his 6 posts were removed or are invisible.
It was interesting… from launch to October 2003, the only 4 names you would see on the forums were Vass, Q-3P0, Holocron and Pex, with a few posts by Taurin, Rogue_5, JDonham and Shug-Ninx. Now, only Pex remains.
I can draw a few conclusions:
I expect some kind of game-shaking announcement before the end of July.
If anyone knows more details I forgot, please post them here. Also make sure to tell me if I forgot someone important. I will edit as needed and I also plan on researching many of those names beyond the SWG forums. Feel free to contribute.
Damn fine research man.
But I don't see info on Pex.
"Its sad when people use religion to feel superior, its even worse to see people using a video game to do it."
"...when it comes to pimping EVE I have little restraints."
--Hellmar, CEO of CCP.
"It's like they took a gun, put it to their nugget sack and pulled the trigger over and over again, each time telling us how great it was that they were shooting themselves in the balls."
--Exar_Kun on SWG's NGE
Fabulous research, not a dig, but you did miss someone that I know of.
You should add greenmarine to that list!!
Hopefully others will help you with anyone else you may have missed
Shit! Greenmarine, you are absolutely right. It was hard because some devs do not show up on DevTracker anymore. I will add him.
Pex is mentioned at the beginning. I put his name, but not the full details. I guess I should give him his own entry.
Gordon Walton, aka SOETyrant.
--Was the head developer in charge for many of the "late Pre-CU" upgrades, like factional warfare and planetary control points. I'd argue that if we gave him a bit more time, he would have done wonders for the game.
--Was the only head developer to make a post in an entertainer forum.
--Left around CU time.
--Considered one of the foremost minds in MMORPG gaming and production today. Currently in Bioware, Austin.
--Took the place of Koster? Donham? Vogel?
"Its sad when people use religion to feel superior, its even worse to see people using a video game to do it."
"...when it comes to pimping EVE I have little restraints."
--Hellmar, CEO of CCP.
"It's like they took a gun, put it to their nugget sack and pulled the trigger over and over again, each time telling us how great it was that they were shooting themselves in the balls."
--Exar_Kun on SWG's NGE
Nice Post
Every day, with more and more info like this getting light shed on it.....
Pre CU is near, very near.....
One way or another....
Ok, I added Greenmarine. Thanks for the additonal ones. Did Vogel ever post? What was his forum name?
I'm gonna eat dinner for now and I'll do edits after. Iit would help if you could also research the forum info like i did to save me some time, like forum joins, last post, last login, etc.
Handle: SOETyrant
Name: Gordon Walton
Position: Former studio director for Sony Online Entertainment, but spent most of his time on SWG.
Date Registered: October 1st, 2003.
First Post: August 11th, 2004.
Last Viewable Post: February 12, 2005.
Last Logon: November 15, 2005.
Major Facts: Led the team responsible for developing the original Pre-CU rebalance, aka, the CURB, which is the design that was scrapped in favor of the infamous CU. Was committed to stomping out AFK entertaining, and posted in the Dancer forum. Helped to bring back the Imperial hat after it being removed due to bugs. Responsible for many late Pre-CU changes, including the GCW bases and planetary control changes. SWG removed the TEF under his watch. Posted frequently with regard to veteran rewards.
Number of posts: 296, though many were deleted or exist inside internal forums.
Posted a community update feature August 11th, 2004, which is now inaccessable.
My guess is that Gordon Walton was taken away from SWG studio development shortly before the CU hit. However, he probably served with Sony Online until late last year, leaving at some point around the implementation of the NGE. A popular developer, respected by many players in his time. Rumors have it he is currently with Koster and Vogel at Bioware, Austin.
"Its sad when people use religion to feel superior, its even worse to see people using a video game to do it."
"...when it comes to pimping EVE I have little restraints."
--Hellmar, CEO of CCP.
"It's like they took a gun, put it to their nugget sack and pulled the trigger over and over again, each time telling us how great it was that they were shooting themselves in the balls."
--Exar_Kun on SWG's NGE
To the OP
VERY VERY nice indeed!
Whether or not there is an announcement in the future, those are very sound conjectures given the data you mined out of the boards.
Posts like this are what keeps me coming back to these forums.
Handle: BoShek
Name: Rich Vogel
Position: Former Executive Producer, Star Wars Galaxies
Date Registered: June 25th, 2003
First Post: N/A
Last Post: N/A
Last Logon: March 16th, 2006
Major Facts: Rich Vogel was the "executive producer" of Star Wars Galaxies, and the administrative "glue" that held together LA's producer in Haden Blackman, and SOE's producer in John Donham. There is no evidence that this role was ever filled after Vogel left. In short, he was the man responsible for creating this game. Known for his attention to detail and quality control, his most difficult task was to decide on very short notice what features would launch, and what would be added subsequently. Not a frequent forum poster, but it seemed from some comments made by Holocron, his job wasn't so much community relations, but rather, setting development timetables and goals.
Number of posts: 2, both unable to be viewed.
My guess is that Vogel probably resigned shortly after launch, but may have stayed as late as player cities, mounts, and vehicles. These things were unable to be released at launch, but seemed to be important for Vogel. There is some evidence to show that he may have been "lurking" in the SWG forums, and may have been aware of all the posts and development of JTL, ROtW, CU, ToOW, and the NGE. Rumor has it that he is currently at Bioware Austin with Raph Koster, and Gordon Walton.
(Edited for fairness)
"Its sad when people use religion to feel superior, its even worse to see people using a video game to do it."
"...when it comes to pimping EVE I have little restraints."
--Hellmar, CEO of CCP.
"It's like they took a gun, put it to their nugget sack and pulled the trigger over and over again, each time telling us how great it was that they were shooting themselves in the balls."
--Exar_Kun on SWG's NGE
Shayde - SWG (dead)
Proud member of the Cabal.
It sounds great, so great in fact, I pitty those who canceled - Some deluded SWG fanboi who pities me.
I don't like it when you say things. - A Vanguard fan who does too.
That's alot of Devs
If you can't see their posts yet they still count int he post count then they're likely on one of the hidden forums, like the Senators board or the expansion beta boards. When posts are deleted they deduct from the post count.
Just because a dev doesn't log into the forums for a month doesn't mean they're not still working :P Most of those that haven't been there since June don't generally seem to visit unless they have news to post or I'm guessing TH rounds them up to answer some specific questions.
"Its sad when people use religion to feel superior, its even worse to see people using a video game to do it."
"...when it comes to pimping EVE I have little restraints."
--Hellmar, CEO of CCP.
"It's like they took a gun, put it to their nugget sack and pulled the trigger over and over again, each time telling us how great it was that they were shooting themselves in the balls."
--Exar_Kun on SWG's NGE
Good work!
Now, I want that in a timeline form report by the end of the week, GET TO WORK!!!!
I'll start my own SWG... with Black Jack... and Hookers!!!
In fact, forget the SWG!!!!
Handle: Jeassa
Position: Former Senior Community Relations Moderator
Posts: 9811, though some may be missing or unable to be viewed
First Post: July 28th, 2003 (possibly earlier)
Last Post: July 21, 2004
Important Facts: Jeassa was another senior moderator in the SWG forums, replacing Xahn as the senior moderator until her eventual resignation or termination one year later, making GarVa the senior moderator. She was also a player on the Bria server, and was a guest (or participant?) in Bria's first beauty contest. Rumor has it she had a hand in making AFK entertaining permissable in SWG, due to a very public rebuttal and dismissal of a CSR ticket response calling the practice exploitive.
"Its sad when people use religion to feel superior, its even worse to see people using a video game to do it."
"...when it comes to pimping EVE I have little restraints."
--Hellmar, CEO of CCP.
"It's like they took a gun, put it to their nugget sack and pulled the trigger over and over again, each time telling us how great it was that they were shooting themselves in the balls."
--Exar_Kun on SWG's NGE
Handle: Xahn
Position: Former Senior Community Relations Moderator.
Posts: 1943
First Post: June 25th, 2003
Last Post: December 23rd, 2003
Important Facts: Xahn was either the first or second moderator on the SWG forums, and considered the most amicable. Jeassa would later replace Xahn in December as senior moderator. Xahn currently works as an associate producer for Everquest 2, doing sound production.
Edited for accuracy.
"Its sad when people use religion to feel superior, its even worse to see people using a video game to do it."
"...when it comes to pimping EVE I have little restraints."
--Hellmar, CEO of CCP.
"It's like they took a gun, put it to their nugget sack and pulled the trigger over and over again, each time telling us how great it was that they were shooting themselves in the balls."
--Exar_Kun on SWG's NGE
Great compilation.
As for my entry, I am definately not
one of the eldest members of the team. Quite a few have been on it
since it started some three or four years before launch (including
Rogue 5). I came on board right around launch. August, I think.
Jason "Pex" Ryan
SOE Events Manager
Handle: Quid
Position: Former Senior Community Relations Moderator.
Posts: 526
First Post: June 26, 2003.
Last Post: September 4th, 2003
Important Facts: Quid was a moderator on the forums from launch. His responses were quick, to the point, and usually form-fed.
"Its sad when people use religion to feel superior, its even worse to see people using a video game to do it."
"...when it comes to pimping EVE I have little restraints."
--Hellmar, CEO of CCP.
"It's like they took a gun, put it to their nugget sack and pulled the trigger over and over again, each time telling us how great it was that they were shooting themselves in the balls."
--Exar_Kun on SWG's NGE
I loved Quid.
He was professional and nice. I used to pester him...And in return, the guy wanted to know everything about my mods, and even how to make em heh. I believe he was using one of my early mods even..Altho he never admitted it straight out.
He was the reason "Ralp Galland", my Wanderhome main character, fronted the SWG frontpage for amost 2 years..And why I had 10 "Screenshot of the day" in the first 50-100 screenshots of the day.
By the way, if anyone remember the old webpage, Ralp was the guy wearin chitin armor and waving to the camera, in front of a Lambda shuttle.
The last of the Trackers
Great compilation. Maybe even the swinging door folks at SOE don't realizw how many good people have come and gone, but this certainly highlights it.
Speaking of highlighting--too good that Pex slid it onto dev tracker with his comment. It will get lots of views. Even Garva and Virraggo shouldn't have the cojones to delete the thread now.
And they say that stalkers are a dying breed
(Try running some of the names thru google with Moby in the search term. Handy biogs there)
So, you all sat in camps and that was fun?
SWG ADDICT...clean since the NGE