lol i've decided i'm gonna resubscibe to galaxies because i just miss it so much. i know it won't be the same but i just can't hold out any longer! these months since the NGE have been brutal (finallly got bored of WoW). so just to throw the question out there, how much would someone pay me not to go back? i don't know but it's 2 am and i read all these flaming $OE posts and i just can't help but wonder how badly you guys care about stopping subscriptions.
knock yourself out bro... I dont play the game anymore (last day was yesterday when my 6 month expired).. I dont think people are that desperate to pay you not to play... All I can say is once you are in game good luck finding stuff to do...
Now that Ive given you my Negative NGE advice... Ask Obraik on the positives on going back... He likes the game and can give you the other side of the coin...
Having access to a billion $ IP - Billions of dollars..
Having access to a massive fan base of said IP - Even more Billons...
Singly handedly alienating them due to stupidity - Priceless.
I tried matrix now probably try EQ2 (again) i tried it at release but i hear it changed if you spend $1,000 on expansions. I wanted to like SWG but its so big and empty. SO empty and it was like that before the big combat change too I think they did that thinking it would attract more people since their old timers were slowly leaving the game.
I know the few old timers who were still hanging on would have prefered the game be abandoned by SOE for failure to keep the subscribers up but instead they got a huge change. And the towns are still empty.
The reason these games keep falling short of expectations for everyone is they are based on movies SWG and MATRIX and they dont let you do 1/32 of the things that were in the movie.
SWG should have let you jump from your tie-fighter to your landspeeder-to your house on tatooine it wasnt that hard to do and they failed from launch.
Matrix lets face it this game could be called anything its a generic world there is no matrix feel to it except the long coats which can be worn I think it should have been called SHADOWRUN
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
I doubbt you will find any financial incentive to stay SWG free from anyone here. Your own incentive is saving $15.00/month and possible disappointment.
Since you obviously feel so strongly about giving the game another try, then the resub maybe more therapeutic for you. Either you will find it enjoyable and keep playing, or you will be disgusted as you are reminded of why you quit in the first place. Keep us posted!
Proper grammer, punctuation, and spelling in the english language doesn't cooralate to intelligence. The greatest works of human literature required an editor to correct common misuses in the english language. Just some food for thought. I hate your avatar.
Proper grammer, punctuation, and spelling in the english language doesn't cooralate to intelligence. The greatest works of human literature required an editor to correct common misuses in the english language. Just some food for thought. I hate your avatar.
Yes but it is quite silly to do the above mentioned. My avatar hates you to I thought he was cute .
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
The greatest literary works weren't calling someone stupid with improper spelling.
- Scaris
"What happened to you, Star Wars Galaxies? You used to look like Leia. Not quite gold bikini Leia (more like bad-British-accent-and-cinnamon-bun-hair Leia), but still Leia nonetheless. Now you look like Chewbacca." - Computer Gaming World
Not a penny, if your the type of person that allows yourself to be treated like that then by all means please do so.
HOWEVER, please contact me because I have some land in/on:
New Orleans (its a little soggy but I will get you deal)..
The Moon... sure nobody really owns it yet -- but I will sell you a part of it even though you can't use it (Ahh how this applies)
ALSO, lets not forget the 2006 Porshe with a 1971 Beetle motor -- sure it looks good, but it's not always about how things look from afar.
Let me know how much you are willing to pay or PM me and I am sure I can line these up for you... OH and the SOE Dev team also want's your money and your self respect as well. lol
I usually picture the Career builder commercial with the room full of monkeys and upside down sales chart when thinking about the SOE/SWG decision making process.....
SOE's John Blakely and Todd Fiala issued a warning: "Don't make our mistakes." Ref NGE
Winner of the worst MMOS goes to.... the NGE and SWG..!!!