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Already gone through much of the main site and the forums. However, I am having trouble finding some information (more of a situation where there is too much information).
Specifically I am looking for a list of modules and skills to choose and pick from. Most of what I find is a calculator tool, not something that lists all the equipment / skills and explains them a little. Maybe a skill tree or something?
I am trying to develop a long term goal, so I need the equipment and therefore the skills to get there. Any help would be appreciated.
EVE-Mon is a good program if you haven't heard of it already.
The nice thing about this program is you can set up a skill plan based on equipment and ships as well as skills, plus I think it has other features you might find useful.
Hope that helps, sorry I couldn't offer more.
I would recomend
1) Quickfit - for fitting modules on your ship to figure out what kind of equipment you want. Once you find the build that you want to use. It will give you the list of skills you need in order to make that build work.
2) EVE-Mon - to calculate training time and to make a plan of what you want done when.
Note that some modules are more essential then the others, another words dont get your gunner from 4 -> 5 if your armor/shield skills are at 1 or a zero.
Good luck!
Yes, and the code is open-source so if you know your way around you can check it out and compile it yourself. Many trusted members in the forum have verified that it doesn't have any malicious code built in but make sure you get it directly from the evemon site.
You can use it safely Lummox, I had doubts at first myself but I brushed though it back when I was just starting to use it and it came out clean.