Folks, I'm just a simple guy. The name's Len Oberland. The Travelers up in the Fair Ground picked me to come down and talk with you, our valued friends in Redfield. I work for a man named Ryuu Matsuo, but today I'm talkin' for all Travelers: We want your business.
Oh, I know you've been hearin' from the Lightbearers too. It's no secret how they feel about us. They say we're greedy. They say we're out to cheat you. They say a lot of things. It's what they don't say that ought to have you worried.
We don't want to change your way of life. We don't want to change who you are. We don't want to change what you are. We just want to do business.
You sign on with us, you won't be sorry. You sign on with the Lightbearers and their pals, well, that's dicey. Let's just say I'd hate to see anythin' bad happen to Redfield. Seems like a nice place, with good people and decent livin'.
Give me a few minutes. I'll lay everythin' out, nice and clear, about what you get if you throw your lot with the Travelers and our friends. I'll also tell you what you'd be settin' yourself up for if you kowtow to the Lightbearers and their lapdogs.
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“Never give a crackpot an even break.” - Enzo Scarpelli, Boss of Depot 66 |
I'm sure most of you good folks like to get fresh water from your cisterns, right? You do what you can to purify it. It's important to do that. Everyone needs fresh, clean water. Who wants to get some nasty virus from polluted water? Nobody. You don't want to get sick. You don't want your kids to get sick.
So, what makes it possible to clean the water we drink every day? Technology, folks. Plain and simple. It cleans for us. It cooks for us. It gets us from place to place faster than walkin' on foot.
Oh, sure, technology's gone too far in the past. But there's a reason they call it the past, yeah? We're talkin' about here and now. Here and now: We need this stuff and the Techs help us get it, even if the they’re obsessed by it. Still, at least you know where you stand with 'em and even if they're not keen on tech, their chips don't rattle any differently than anyone else's. They're open about what they don't like and they don't candy coat it.
Sometimes, I think the Vistas have their hearts in the right place, but their brains are wired all wrong. The Vistas don't want you to drink clean water. They don't want you to cook your food. They don't want you to travel in a car. They HATE technology and they HATE people who use technology. They think it's all gonna end badly and permanently next time technology gets out of hand. Maybe I'm just an optimist, but I think we can all learn from our mistakes. Some of the biggest mistakes in the past came from people followin' the mad preachin' of crazy folk and I sure don’t want to see that happen again.
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“Whoever said business ain't personal needs a smack to the melon. If it's business, it's personal!” - Bad Jack Badham, Black Hood Leader |
I'll be the first to admit the CHOTA are odd. They're savages, sure, but I don't think they're necessarily as bad as certain people make them out to be. They're solid in a fight too.
They're real live-free-or-die types. They don't take crap off anybody. They go their own way. They do their own thing. I don't know about you, but I think there's a lot to respect in someone who spits in the face of jackboot types and says: “Here's where we stand. Shove us and we'll shove back.” They don't get hung up on worryin' too much about the future, and that's a good thing, I think, because there's stuff enough to worry about today.
The CHOTA were there for us, back in the day, when our kin stood against Masters and his death squads. I gotta respect that too.
You stand with the Travelers, that means somethin' to us.
You stand against us, well, that means somethin' too. |
“If it ain't broke, don't fix it. If it's broke, sell it for half price.” - Victor Scuttieri, Moros Family |
I know Techs can get a little single-minded about their machines, but that's what makes them so good at makin' those great toys of theirs!
One thing you definitely want to keep in mind: The Techs don't share their machines with just anybody. But we supply the Techs with stuff they need and the Techs give us access to their gadgets and gizmos. So, if you're with us, you get to share that wealth.
The nutjobs who talk about how technology corrupts seem to forget that technology doesn't corrupt. It's people who use technology the wrong way, for the wrong reasons, that corrupt.
You hear Vistas talk about abusin' technology. How is abusin' technology any different from abusin' nature, besides the fact that we make our technology and nature's just there, y'know, naturally? Vistas might think it's bad to use a gun because technology's bad. At the same time, they'll send one of their trained killin' animals to pounce you and gnaw on your guts.
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“The customer's always right, except when he's not or when his credit's no good or when he's trying to get the better of you.” - Shine Perron, Vegas Family
These thugs like to claim they're all about the greater good. Me? I think they're all about the greater good of the Enforcers. They want everybody to move in lock-step with their rules and regulations.
Hey, don't get me wrong. A little law and order's okay. I've known an Enforcer or two who got along okay with us. They can be handy in a firefight, that's for sure. It ain't all fang and neck between us, but you do get the way-too-visible loudmouths and wannabe-tyrants from time to time. You open your doors to the wrong people and, soon enough, you'll have 'em postin' screeds in the town square, demandin' that you turn each other in for this crime or that crime. Hey, it might even start off as a legitimate crime, like sheep-thievery or somethin'. But, sure enough, before you know it, they'll want to lock you up or smack you down for sayin' stuff they don't like, thinkin' things they don't like, or just lookin' funny.
Law and order's all good and fine, in moderation. I don't think the good people of Redfield need too much of their kind of law and order, is all.
“Family before Traveler. Traveler before everyone else.” – Part of the Traveler oath |
The Lightbearers are a bunch of self-righteous, overbearin', egotistical blowhards who are just this side of the Judges when it comes to bein' whacked-out zealots. Oh, sure, they like to preach about peace and personal responsibility, but they've got ninjas! Freakin' ninjas! I'm not kiddin'! They will mess you up if you say somethin' wrong or act some way they don't like. |
They'll talk a good line about how they're lookin' out for your townsfolk. They'll say they just want what's best for you. But if you're a regular human like me, they'd be just as happy to see you dead and gone. Extinct. You've heard the talk. They want your mutants. Once they've taken whatever powers they can from your useful citizens, well, you can count on them to cut their losses and toss you to the wolves.
Whatever you do, don't trust these guys.
Don't sell your souls to them... Hell, don't sell your souls to anybody.
The Travelers ain't lookin' to change you. We ain't lookin' to own you. We ain't lookin' to control you. We just wanna do a little business with Redfield.
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So, that's all I gotta say about this. It's in your hands now. I'll leave you to it. Take your time. Think it over, nice and careful-like. Make sure you reach the right decision. Send someone around to the tavern when you've made up your minds.
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It wont copy right so here it is without the pics...
Folks, I'm just a simple guy. The name's Len Oberland. The Travelers up in the Fair Ground picked me to come down and talk with you, our valued friends in Redfield. I work for a man named Ryuu Matsuo, but today I'm talkin' for all Travelers: We want your business.
Oh, I know you've been hearin' from the Lightbearers too. It's no secret how they feel about us. They say we're greedy. They say we're out to cheat you. They say a lot of things. It's what they don't say that ought to have you worried.
We don't want to change your way of life. We don't want to change who you are. We don't want to change what you are. We just want to do business.
You sign on with us, you won't be sorry. You sign on with the Lightbearers and their pals, well, that's dicey. Let's just say I'd hate to see anythin' bad happen to Redfield. Seems like a nice place, with good people and decent livin'.
Give me a few minutes. I'll lay everythin' out, nice and clear, about what you get if you throw your lot with the Travelers and our friends. I'll also tell you what you'd be settin' yourself up for if you kowtow to the Lightbearers and their lapdogs.
I'm sure most of you good folks like to get fresh water from your cisterns, right? You do what you can to purify it. It's important to do that. Everyone needs fresh, clean water. Who wants to get some nasty virus from polluted water? Nobody. You don't want to get sick. You don't want your kids to get sick. what makes it possible to clean the water we drink every day? Technology, folks. Plain and simple. It cleans for us. It cooks for us. It gets us from place to place faster than walkin' on foot.
Oh, sure, technology's gone too far in the past. But there's a reason they call it the past, yeah? We're talkin' about here and now. Here and now: We need this stuff and the Techs help us get it, even if the they’re obsessed by it. Still, at least you know where you stand with 'em and even if they're not keen on tech, their chips don't rattle any differently than anyone else's. They're open about what they don't like and they don't candy coat it.
Sometimes, I think the Vistas have their hearts in the right place, but their brains are wired all wrong. The Vistas don't want you to drink clean water. They don't want you to cook your food. They don't want you to travel in a car. They HATE technology and they HATE people who use technology. They think it's all gonna end badly and permanently next time technology gets out of hand. Maybe I'm just an optimist, but I think we can all learn from our mistakes. Some of the biggest mistakes in the past came from people followin' the mad preachin' of crazy folk and I sure don’t want to see that happen again.
Whoever said business ain't personal needs a smack to the melon.
If it's business, it's personal!” - Bad Jack Badham, Black Hood Leader
They're real live-free-or-die types. They don't take crap off anybody. They go their own way. They do their own thing. I don't know about you, but I think there's a lot to respect in someone who spits in the face of jackboot types and says: “Here's where we stand. Shove us and we'll shove back.”
They don't get hung up on worryin' too much about the future, and that's a good thing, I think, because there's stuff enough to worry about today.
The CHOTA were there for us, back in the day, when our kin stood against Masters and his death squads. I gotta respect that too.
You stand with the Travelers, that means somethin' to us.
One thing you definitely want to keep in mind: The Techs don't share their machines with just anybody. But we supply the Techs with stuff they need and the Techs give us access to their gadgets and gizmos. So, if you're with us, you get to share that wealth.
The nutjobs who talk about how technology corrupts seem to forget that technology doesn't corrupt. It's people who use technology the wrong way, for the wrong reasons, that corrupt.
You hear Vistas talk about abusin' technology. How is abusin' technology any different from abusin' nature, besides the fact that we make our technology and nature's just there, y'know, naturally? Vistas might think it's bad to use a gun because technology's bad. At the same time, they'll send one of their trained killin' animals to pounce you and gnaw on your guts.
Hey, don't get me wrong. A little law and order's okay. I've known an Enforcer or two who got along okay with us. They can be handy in a firefight, that's for sure. It ain't all fang and neck between us, but you do get the way-too-visible loudmouths and wannabe-tyrants from time to time.
You open your doors to the wrong people and, soon enough, you'll have 'em postin' screeds in the town square, demandin' that you turn each other in for this crime or that crime. Hey, it might even start off as a legitimate crime, like sheep-thievery or somethin'. But, sure enough, before you know it, they'll want to lock you up or smack you down for sayin' stuff they don't like, thinkin' things they don't like, or just lookin' funny.
Law and order's all good and fine, in moderation. I don't think the good people of Redfield need too much of their kind of law and order, is all.
They'll talk a good line about how they're lookin' out for your townsfolk. They'll say they just want what's best for you. But if you're a regular human like me, they'd be just as happy to see you dead and gone. Extinct. You've heard the talk. They want your mutants. Once they've taken whatever powers they can from your useful citizens, well, you can count on them to cut their losses and toss you to the wolves.
Whatever you do, don't trust these guys.
Don't sell your souls to them... Hell, don't sell your souls to anybody.
The Travelers ain't lookin' to change you. We ain't lookin' to own you. We ain't lookin' to control you. We just wanna do a little business with Redfield.
Currently Following: Roma Victor, Fallen Earth, Warhammer Online.
You can read it online at as well. - Your source for Fallen Earth information.