No, I don't mean Guild Wars where battles in PvP are just long repeats of the same exact animations and skills over and over and over again. No battles that just drone on and on. WoW has that, but I quit because of the horrendous repetitiveness and grind. I remember that I used to be able to duel players higher level than me and win because I was more skillful, and lose to players lower than my level because they were more skilled.
Don't give me any of those Korean grindfests. GunZ is a grindfest, yes, because you basically use the same weapons over and over to gain levels until you buy a new weapon which is just a more powerful clone of the old weapon.
By the way, I am looking for a FREE game. However, I'd be happy if you told me a P2P game that really does have fast-paced action against other players.
Try World War 2 Online.
guildwars was you best bet if you wanted the RPG part.
though just plain mmo/mo counterstrike.
I find it amazing that by 2020 first world countries will be competing to get immigrants.
Auto Assault fits the bill very well.
That makes no sense to me at all. I found the action in AA chaotic and constant.
Damn... I'm going to try Trickster Online on Monday because it seems pretty stable.
Don't click here...no2
i wonder why those guild wars players always come up with feeling shaky are we? dont fear guild wars will die soon, but not so soon, u guys still have some
neoteo = wtfpwned
What deserves to be done, deserves to be "well" done...
Space Cowboy (fast-pace action, game slowly turns into a grind but u can simple go nation war and pwn other planes, altho equip > skill)
Huxley will more then likely fit the bill your looking for when its released, but thats a ways off yet.
That makes no sense to me at all. I found the action in AA chaotic and constant.
Depends on how you look at it. In a way, action games refer to player action. A RPG can be full of fast paced movement and animation, but it's not an action game if the player is just sitting there, holding the mouse button down, watching automated dice roll. In an action game, the player's heart rate goes up a lot more, as they navigate the game mechanics, aiming, dodging, timing shots, coordinating it all, etc.
Auto Assault can almost be played while taking a nap.
When I want a single-player story, I'll play a single-player game. When I play an MMO, I want a massively multiplayer world.
I told you no grinding Korean games where you grind OTHER PLAYERS for levels. I have played Rakion and Space Cowboy. You grind against other players in Rakion using the same techniques and the same tactics on the same characters over and over. I remember that you could adapt to other players' playing styles in WoW in order to beat them in a duel. You'd have to modify your strategy every time.
Oh, and do any of these games have a SKILL TREE? I love those
Get your dry, crackled, Maple Story kissing lips off of this topic. You don't know any more about mmorpg's than a rock does.
Very nice and accurate! That is exactly the type of action I'm talking about. I need to be able to FIGHT instead of just having my battles fought for me. Those kind of battles just drone on and on (Guild Wars)
If you want fast paced PvP action AC1 was always awesome, the community is a little dead now and it can be a huge job lvling up
But if you want some real intesnity when you're fighting other players then there it is!
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