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I'm predjiduced since UO is the only game I've ever stuck with but I really really really dislike leveling and that is what the majority seem to be.
The AOS changes to UO are the final straw for me so I'm looking for a new game along those lines, any suggestions?
Let me get that link...Ill give it a try.
if you wanna play PIY
Hm, Ashen Empires, you don't have to fight at all to level, if that's what you mean by that.
A Tail in the Desert is a non hack & slash type rpg where skills are what it is all about, crafting all the way. Since it is non-violent, I think it is a french developed game! link
What I mean is no leveling, no experience points, like UO. You just gain stats and skills as you play.
In UO on your first log in, if you feel like dying you can take on the toughest critters in the game. You'll die of course, but you can do it :P No "zones" that you have to be at certain levels to enter. Do any exist besides UO?
Thanks for the suggestion on Meridian, I'm going to try it tonight.
I've just heard too many bad things about IPY, seriously bad rep there.
a job of a lorer is to preach the history of chaos with out the lorer of chaos all would be in chaos
Take a deep drink of your demon Lad, tonight we tangle with the fire in the gut.
I'de recommend you DON'T try m59.
I don't know what's wrong with you people
Don't jump off the roof Dad
You'll make a hole in the yard
Maybe a game like Warhammer...or any other game that have a few skills but no real levels. You never really double HPS in Warhammer (well maybe double in the end, but usually not). I would more go for such games if you dont like leveling.
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
isnt wish like what the original poster describes? still in development of course, then there is the newer ultima online coming out in the next few months. okay a pointless post
Meridian 59 is nothing like UO, first of all, and its revival has been a plus. The new graphics engine thats in beta atm will bring the graphics up to par and with the new rebindable keys and mouse look, will change alot about the game.
MEridian 59 has the best PVP system in place and the best chat/guild features.
ofcourse there are those who cant cut it on a rough server, so the game makers have also set up a non pvp server.
being the game came out originally in 1996 it supports a very small tight community.
You can look at Gilroys website for active forums and information
Server 101 is the tuffest server to play on as the guilds tend to be big and war is always going on.
its alot of fun for those who pvp and those who dont:))
hope to see ya there
Obviously a lame ass poser who doesn't have any skill PvP gaming and got shanked everytime he tried to RPK a 30HPer. The graphics update is real I'm in the beta right now and this game is cheat and nearly bug free just a few balances need to be worked out. This guy prolly only plays on the hacked illegal servers because he needs god-built characters and can't buck-up on the NDS servers.
oh and that gilory's site is it has an incredible amount of info of the game
Ignore dragonfist, he's just trolling. One thing about meridian (if you are coming from uo) is that it doesn't have the same level of crafting type skills that uo does. So if mining ore and smithing armor is your thing, and you don't like fighting, meridian may not work for you.
However if you like killing stuff (and eventually, killing other people) meridian is probably your best bet since it has the least restrictions to interfere with combat. And as others have said, the level system is very much like uo's, you just run around and do stuff and your skill % goes up along the way. I'd even say leveling is easier in meridian than it is in uo since you gain whole percents at a time (none of this .1 bs) and skill gain doesn't inherently get harder as you go up (it's based off stats instead).
The only real knock on meridian is it's graphics and its ui, but those elements have been greatly improved in their new beta client. Make sure you sign up and try that out, it really makes a difference. The monsters are still sprites, but the world looks 10x better in high res and with the lighting effects. And mouselook owns.
Oh yeah and if you do sign up, play on server 101. There's more people and more action
I think what you are searching for is something modern with the scope and freedom of classic UO. Trust me you are not alone in that endeavor. Sad truth is, it doesn't exist. Not yet anyway. Many people are looking for the same thing wasting cash jumping from game to game at their respective releases just to be disappointed and cancel subscriptions a few months later. Thats why people are suggesting a pre-UOR shard, such as IPY and Metropolis, it's free and it gives you back the UO that should have never been lost.