hey guys i just ordered lineage 2 so it should arrive tuesday or wednesday. While I wait for it to arrive im trying to gather as much info on it as i can. I was wondering what you guys think of the following
the game's strengths and weaknesses
what the best classes are, which server has the best community, how good is the pvp, etc.
thanks for any info, hope to see you in game soon!
Hey buddy,
I congratulate you on making the mistake of choosing Lineage 2 as your game of choice. I did and i'm addicted. Anyway.
Game strengths are as follows:
Good graphics, GREAT SOUND, a wide variety of classes, great politics and intrigue, the economy requires a person to think and react which is a good thing. Interface is pretty easy, learning curve isn't so bad, people are generally mature, a semi-wide variety on things to do.
Game's weakness
Bots, economy's is brutally hard especially during the early levels, no customization, everyone looks the same, bots, ebayers, bots, bots, bots, ebayers, bots, scammers, bots, ebayers, bots, bots, bots, scammers, hmm, the PvP is unbalanced (but they are fixing it)
In terms of DD, look at teh sticky post on these forums that talk about classes. Also, when choosing your class you may want to choose a class that is good at solo and a class that is wanted during groups.
For example, i think any orc class can solo with the exception of OL/WC as they get higher level. But OL/WC have no trouble getting into groups.
You can solo with OL/WC just not so much at higher levels.
The gladiator is a great solo class, but not so valued in raids. Archers are pretty good solo, not so valued in raids, but do very well in PvP. Daggers do great damage but don't solo very well at higher levels and not so valued in raids.
Warlords aren't made for solo, but do amazing in groups designed for pole users, they attack many targets at once instead of a few.
Summon classes level slowly and I find them completely retarded, but don't let anyone know i said that.
Tanks can solo, but aren't super quick, faster than a dwarf i think, but they are always sought out for parties, so you won't have too much trouble there. You can level from like 1-61 just by raid bosses if you wnated to.
Dwarfs level slow as crap but they make good money, Go scavvy if you choose to make a dwarf character, they bring in money while you hunt, artisans bring in money while you're afk.
In terms of Server, Hindemith is pretty cheap in terms of pricing, so things are more affordable when starting out, the hindemiht forums on www.lineage2.com are very active, and the people are overall nice. The population isn't as high as bartz, but it's still pretty fun.
Then again i chose the serve with the least lag and that was hindemith and i'm happy i chose it.
Also in terms of choosing your character you may want to decide it in algorithmic form.
As in, do you want the following.
Healer, Damage dealer, nuker, buffer, healer/buffer, buffer/melee, melee summoner, range, dwarf
then you break it down from there.
Each damage dealing class has a slight nuance to them, so make sure you choose carefully.
Think what is most important to you, Solo ability, kill speed, raid party/group attractiveness, cost, etc.
I forgot to mention bladedancer/swordsinger, you'll have problems soloing at high levels, but everyone will love you for a party.
Thanks for reading this spastic response,
P.S. Melee does kind of get the shaft, if PvP were balanced, we'd have faster run walk skills and do like 10-20% more dmg on regular attacks to robed/leather armor users. But since the game developers are retarded, the PvP is kind of broken.
Archer seems like a safe bet, good lvling speed, good soloing, and good PvP when it comes time for it. I moved from WoW to L2 and I had a hunter on WoW, So i had enough of the ranged action.
You can see my sci-fi/WW2 book recommendations.
Yeah, I prefer melee........
We could use a "charge" or something.
it should arrive tomorrow! what server are u guys on?
Orc Titan is an excellent choice if you like melee classes.
I cant really suggest a server, most are the same. Id stick with Hindemath, Bartz, Kain, Devianne and Lionna.
If your in europe, Teon
avoid Erica at all costs.. its economy is extremely bloated
"If you want a picture of the future, imagine a robot foot stomping on a human face -- forever."
I think the guys gave you good advice. I think you should play a character that makes the game fun. If you don't like to click and heal all the time, then don't play a healer. If you like to pvp, then think archer or mage (dagger in C5 is looking good again). If you like a hybrid, think swordsinger or blade dancer. If you play a character to match what you want out of the game, then you cant lose.
If you want stable servers, Bartz and Kain are the best (unless your Euro, then go teon). Kain is a more ruthless pvp community. If you don't find the right clan, you will be in for a rough time. Bartz is equally as mature but more friendly. Won't find the hardcore pvp'r on this server but you will have enough to keep you busy.
I hope you have some thicker skin then most of those kissy face ex-SWG players lol.............
If you ever see something like this coming at you........run!!!!!
lol, just kidding, good luck to you in L2..... I'm on Tion. PM me if you go there.
oh no reason really, but I'm only familiar with the ones I listed. Im sure most servers are all the same, but for whatever reason Erica's economy is aweful comparatively
"If you want a picture of the future, imagine a robot foot stomping on a human face -- forever."
Mostly i'm saying that because there is a huge influx of new players all the time on bartz, I was able to get groups easy on it!
----ITS A TRAP!!!----
Too bad you're going to lose. Think of the matrix, you're one legit human (hopefully) vs a bunch of reproduceable numbers. I got so annoyed at bots, I killed one and then i turned around literally 15 seconds later and it was rezzed.
Good game, 1 pk count, karma, and then i was red .
Another time, we killed a few bots in a tight area, the bots trained us and killed our party. You can't win vs the bots, you can merely only hope to remain alive.
You can see my sci-fi/WW2 book recommendations.
----ITS A TRAP!!!----
Lol, less botters on kain my ass. .
I've done plenty of raid bosses, and only once have I come into contact with a RB farming clan. And even then we beat them to the boss
I know what you're saying, but you haven't played the game, it's an issue of scarcity. If you are legit, you have to work so hard to obtain gear, you have to work the market and conserve cash and it's ridiculous.
If you attack bots, and then some dude comes by and sees you red and attacks you, you could drop an item and you lose.
You attack a bot and they kill you and what happens. You lose 7% xp, i fi lose 7% xp, that's 1 hour lost. It may not be a big dael, but for me it's huge.
I'm only lvl 61, if i was lvl 70+ that 7% would be like 5 hours. Now look at the bots, they wear crappy equipment cuz there's like 9 of them at a time, they're not there for xp, they are there for getting adena and crap to sell.
You kill them 100 times and then what, you steal their equipment and then what, the bot owners have billions of adena to work with and they dont' care aobut the levels, they aren't even playing teh character.
You can try to train bots, but they usually have a bot farmer actually playing the game and htey leave or the bot program recognizes it. Either way, you'll end up losing, the only way you may be able to win against bots is to have a server-wide agreement to kill bots, so once they pop up, you kill them.
The problem is, if you get too many pk's, and you turn red or even if you don't turn red, and someone kills you, you could drop half your gear. Many people will look at it as an opportunity to get gear.
You can work together all you want, but some people will take advantage of you. Believe me, i think bots outnumber legit players. Tower of Insolence, throughout all the floors may have over 100 bots. Each high lvl catacomb/necropolis may have 50+.
If you organize it, more power to you, but you go red and someone pops your character and you drop 25m worth of gear, you'll see what i mean. If you have an A grade helmet and you drop that 120-170m worth, good game to you.
Believe me, I kill bots too, but it has cost me, you could say it cost me over 2m and 10% xp tota at high levels, tha tmay not seem much, but in terms of what i actually accomplished, it's absolutely zero. So it's basically, i accomplished nothing and lost 2m and about 3 hours of xp.
Go along with your crusade, but you have limited resources and care about losing xp, they are unlimited resources and don't care about xp.
Only way to win is to make the botters lose money and continue to lose money, but that would take everyone on the server working 24/7 becuase the bots work 24/7 and they are so ridiculously profitable it's unbelievable.
Good luck, I am just warning you, I will crusade against the bots as well, by sending out as many petitions as possible when I'm playing.
I didn't do it before, but that's the risk-free thing I can do,
You can see my sci-fi/WW2 book recommendations.