I was following this game back in late 2004-early 2005, but I haven't paid attention to it since it was delayed so much. I love Roman History, and I am curious if this is worth playing? Does it give you the grand Roman feel? can you walk the streets of Rome and fight with a massive legion?
1) The world is empty and flat. No trees, no grass. Just not more then a flat green texture. There altough a small barbarian settlement with couple NPC's who look more dead then alive. The romans also have a town which is big and feels empty. Rome isn't there yet and won't be added for coming years.
2) You cannot fight with a massive legion 'coz the server can't handle it + the fighting system is pretty buggy
3) Roman feeling? If the romans felt like shit you can get the roman feeling i gues.
Once the server issues are worked out and more people start playing they will open new areas. They do not want to have huge areas of nothingness that is taking up needed server space.
It will be 1/2 the actaul size of the empire...thinkibf they might of changed it to a 1:1 scale
I alos suggest you look on the RV forums and at the other sections of the RV website like this: