Is good and evil (heroes and villians) truly good and evil or does good view evil as evil and evil view good as evil in City of Heroes and City Villians?
I think it's pretty much good vs. evil rather than a moral viewpoint. Of course, you can imagine your characters' are motivated by whatever appeals to you.
In CoV, I know that the npcs to interact with truly believe they are evil. I think the developers and such want it to be a good vs evil. Not something like RvR or something like that. I think ^ he is right. It all depends on how you play the game. Sometimes it's the Villain is a good guy with evil motives or vica versa.
Roleplaying...that's what makes it truly good/evil.
In COH, the players are good guys, and the NPCs evil.
In COV, the players are more like neutral mercenaries, and the NPCs are neutral or evil. Occasionally there are good NPCs (Longbow, Wyvern), but most of your missions are not "evil" missions... they're more about one villain group trying to foil the plans of another, and you working as their mercs. And the VAST majority of missions are you and your team vs. Arachnos, which is just another villain group.
Unless you go in for PVP, the games themselves are not really good vs. evil. And PVP, since almost never RPed, is really just neutral vs. neutral, since the heroes are rarely played as "heroic" and the villains rarely played as "villainous" (it's mostly just a gank-fest).
Roleplaying...that's what makes it truly good/evil.
All Your Base Are Belong To Us
Achiever 86%
Killer 80%
Explorer 26%
Socializer 6%
COH and COV are not really good vs. evil.
In COH, the players are good guys, and the NPCs evil.
In COV, the players are more like neutral mercenaries, and the NPCs are neutral or evil. Occasionally there are good NPCs (Longbow, Wyvern), but most of your missions are not "evil" missions... they're more about one villain group trying to foil the plans of another, and you working as their mercs. And the VAST majority of missions are you and your team vs. Arachnos, which is just another villain group.
Unless you go in for PVP, the games themselves are not really good vs. evil. And PVP, since almost never RPed, is really just neutral vs. neutral, since the heroes are rarely played as "heroic" and the villains rarely played as "villainous" (it's mostly just a gank-fest).