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The Acolytes
Our Goal
The Acolytes is a guild forming for the greatest upcoming mmo to date, Age of Conan! We know that the release of AoC is quite a ways off, but we are trying to get a good core started so we will be prepared to take on the world of Hyboria and whatever it may throw at us. We will be a mature and very active guild that will try and do their part to continue the ongoing story within AoC! We also plan on spending alot of time in guild pvp and take down our enemies without looking back in the border kingdoms! We expect Acolyte members will treat each other in a courteous and respectful manner at all times. People join this guild to help one another and form lasting friendships; therefore, it can only be assumed that a friendly attitude is desired towards fellow guildmates and allies. We also ask that you register on our forums.
We are looking for mature players who are willing to join the Acolytes. We want people who love to play mmo's and want to have fun while playing! We encourage our members to be on as much as they can to help progress their character and the guild. We will have alot of members that are on alot, but we realize there are more important things in life then Age of Conan. We want our members to enjoy themselves while they are immersing themselves in AoC. If our guild can accomplish that, people will want to be around as much as possible. We also ask that you register here on our forums. If you feel that you would be a good fit please stop by the Recruitment Lair on our forums.
Guild Structure
- The Ethereal should be a person that is making sure the overall well being of the guild is at it's full potential and to make sure the guild continues to progress to whatever greatness that it can achieve with the resources available.
- The Erudite's are the foundation of the Acolytes. The rest of the guild can depend on the Erudite's to be there for them. Once the game launches each Erudite will have some sort of specialty, be it recruitment, battle plans, resource management, etc. The rest of the guild can come to the Erudites's with any suggestion or complaints that they have. All big decisions regarding the guild will be discussed between the Erudite's and the Ethereal and of course we will always take into consideration what the entire guild feels. Because the Acolytes are nothing without it's members!
-This rank will take full advantage of the great natural leaders we have within this guild. Sub ranks among the Enlightened will help to improve and expand the overall leadership of the guild. For example, people within this rank may be primarily dedicated to the bookkeeping duties of a treasurer, assisting newer members with any questions they may have, or having the responsibility of planning and/or leading major raids or sieges. If they are very well versed within their particular game class they may be considered as class officers.
As you can see this rank will be quite crucial to the Acolytes! Of course the Erudites and Ethereal will be doing things like this for the guild as well, but we do not want any of our members to feel like there is nothing to do within the game. We have already established a decent sized membership, and we can only predict more growth along these lines. We are counting on the people within this rank to help us with the everyday workings and guidance of the guild.
- The Disciple is a veteran member of the Acolyte's that has proven that he/she has gone out of their way to make sure the Acolytes are the best that they can be! Depending on the mechanics of the game we shall also have certain Disciple's keep an eye on whatever land masses we obtain through battle.
- The Adept is recognized as a full member of the Acolytes after the two weeks of recruitment time has passed and have made a good effort to be part of the Acolytes. Also, obtaining Adept status allows access to the guild resources within the guild bank.
- The Apprentice is a person that just joins the Acolytes and must endure the two week recruitment period to display his/her loyalty to the rest of the Acolytes. The Apprentice will not have access to the guild resources at this time for precautionary measures.
There will also be a crafting side to Age of Conan which will be just as vital as the war aspect of the game. We will have an Elder Crafter which will be the head of the five masters of Weaponsmithing, Armorsmithing, Gemcutting, Alchemy, and Architecture. The Eldar Crafter must take up the Crafter prestige class. Any other members that take up the crafter prestige class will work with the Elder Crafter of the Acolytes. If you take up any of the other prestige class and decide to work with crafting as well then you will work with the master of your craft. At this time I do realize that when the game begins everyone will be on the same playing field when it comes to knowledge, but I am trying to set some ground work for the future that we can work with and I think would be helpful for someone new to the guild and wants to learn how to take up weaponsmithing for example. Also, at this time it is hard to say if we will need more then one Elder Crafter. We will adapt as need be.
Elder Crafter of the Acolytes
- Master of Weaponsmithing
- Master of Armorsmithing
- Master of Gemcutting
- Master of Alchemy
- Master of Architecture
With the information that we know currently, which is nothing, we will be on a server and everyone from around the world are more then welcome to join the Acolytes. Currently we have a mix of US, European, Norwegians, and some Aussies in the guild, so we are open to everyone. Since Funcom is located in Norway I don't see them wanting to create specific servers for specific locations in the world.
If you would like to learn more about us or ask any questions then feel free to travel the path to this link:
Vae Victus Totus Palma Ut Acolytes
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Website | Forum | Video | Discord |Twitch Channel
We have just invited our 20th member! If you are looking to make a difference in Hyboria and not just talk about it visit and check out the Acolytes recruitment video, backstory, and forums!
See you around!
Website | Forum | Video | Discord |Twitch Channel
Website | Forum | Video | Discord |Twitch Channel
We just invited our 30th member Voidsurvivor! So once again if you are looking to join a guild that is looking to make a mark in AoC then head on by our website where you can find all the information you need about the Acolytes!
Warchief of the Acolytes
Website | Forum | Video | Discord |Twitch Channel
Website | Forum | Video | Discord |Twitch Channel
We are continuing to grow and are always looking for like minded quality gamers!
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/gives redruum a cookie
can we pvp now?
honestly hope to see ya in game so we can discuss the finer points btw in game the name will likely be boozek. if you see the tag run or fight
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Sounds interesting. So far this is the only guild I've seen post on
In due time I will want to join a guild. Just want something that will offer me good things for playing well, but not playing 20 hours a day since I have a job, family, etc.
We may be the guild for you! We are trying to keep a mature atmosphere by limiting our members to be 18 and older. We currently have 44 members and we plan on accomplishing whatever is possible in AoC, but we also understand that RL is always more important then any game! We have a great group of people already and are always looking to add to it!
Website | Forum | Video | Discord |Twitch Channel
Website | Forum | Video | Discord |Twitch Channel
Awesome! Well if you can't find it for whatever reason this is a link straight to our Recruitment section.
Website | Forum | Video | Discord |Twitch Channel
Website | Forum | Video | Discord |Twitch Channel
Website | Forum | Video | Discord |Twitch Channel
The Acolytes is a great guild. Sooo, don't miss the fun, join us!
Wow, I haven't checked this thread in a while. Well, we are over the 50 member mark currently. The Acolytes are always looking for more like minded people that love to play mmo's!
Even if you are not interested in joining us, but want to stop by and see who we are then this is the link to our forums:
Website | Forum | Video | Discord |Twitch Channel
Yeah... it's a place that rocks, and even cooler people go to.
Played Wow, D and L, AOC, GW, Eve, Rift and many more insignificant games.