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I played EVE a year or two ago, I enjoyed the concept and kept up the gaming for about 6 months but in the end felt it was too dependant on mining for currency. Alas, the concept has again drawn me in and I was curious if people could let me know if they thought I would like the game based on the games I've liked in the past.
As far as space sims go that I've enjoyed, they've both been single player; Escape Velocity: Nova and Freelancer. I've also played privateer and the demo for DarkStar One neither of which I liked. The MMO's that I've played consist of Everquest and WoW primarily, and others but to a lesser extent. I guess what I want to know is if the game still feels like the grind? Or is it something I can casually enjoy? I'll be the first to say that my life has changed in the past few years, I don't have nearly as much time to game as I used to and I've been searching for an MMO to fit that new lifestyle. It's really an appealling game, but I am looking at some other games, namely DarkStar One, Civilization IV, and Guild Wars.
Any thoughts? This is your opportunity to tell me how great this game is.
Get 2 acct.
1 acct is hauler alt, he does courier missions afk.
Main acct is pvp acct, receives money from first acct to finance PVP.
Or you can do what some people do and sell timecards for isk, which is like buying virtual cash.
Or you can do 2 days of ratting per week. Usually pull in like 1 mil an hour in a rifter, 4 hours ratting, 4 mil. Not to mention salvaging loot from the people you killl.
Or you can do 0.0 mining as a sideline to support yourself.
Aside from Eve I play Allegiance, you can check it out at
Hi i find that doing missions and NPC rat hunting earns money faster than mining and is a lot more fun to do.
Ive been thinking of coming back to. Always loved the size of this game an all being on a single server. But back then there was some serious issues with lag.
How is the lag now? I will probably come back anyway but just curious.
Missions, NPC'ing and Ransoming are good incomes. Mining is a bad income.
Mining is something you do when you need a little bit more of one mineral to build a BS. Not something you make a living on. Unless you really want the game to be the Grind.
Aiming to get to 0.0 is more important then missin running to lvl 4, yeah you may get a Navy BS offer, after 100+ hours of mission running, or more. But nothing beats 0.0 ratting, or mining. It is the way the game is set up, we are ment to move away from protected space and into 0.0 to gain from the immense rewards. Hell a guy in a frigate as basic support, with a 2 month old using a BS (with minimum skills) can earn enough cash to buy another BS in a week or less, this is when popping a NPC BS can be a lil tough, torps 1, bs 1 etc.
Yeah yeah, you think going 0.0 can be a lil annoying. But it is worth the effort, as long as your corp thinks (and I mean think, they don't have to know) your contributing to them, you have free rain. Litterally, before my big guns decided to high tale it out of the ring of clouds (umm, re word that, out of space competed to by Goonfleet and BoB about a month and a half ago, and so we joined the FoF alliance, ) All I did was live out at our POS, I cant mine Ice, I can barely fly a badger I and all I can really do is lock and 'Fire the Missles!' if some one was mining ice, I'd sit there in a Ferox (shield tank of doom) and pop anything that spawned for them as they did there business (completed Prince of Persia - Revelation [psp] doing that) I earn't 50% of that profit. For sitting popping anything that spawned and waiting for the next lot. Earn 3+ mil an hour excluding loot that way.
0.0 is worth every second. Don't be afraid 40% of the time you'll be alone out there, and 99% of the time you have someone else in system, you will be friends/corpies/alliance buddies/Cease fire contract. Ganking is only done by those that you don't know, or you do and hate each other.. Boo113 I hate you =P Because you chased me 4 systems in your Gistii fitted Cerb and me in my NPC WCS t2 fitted BC [or to those that don't know, shields, shield resists, shield booster, no ECM - Webber - Warp Scrambler]
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To chain you normally just kill everything in the spawn, except one frigate or cruiser, then the BS's will respawn. However, nowadays i personally find you make more money just running the belts, the BS's that spawn have large bountys, and you'll find a lot with 1mil+. Also, by chaining you're missing the opportunity to spawn an Officer, who has a very large bounty and drops the best loot in the game.
I had Chelm spawn, the best thing he dropped was a Large EMP Smartbomb that has to 10k radius, which sold for 1.2 Billion. He also dropped a Large Armor Repairer, altogether i made over 2 Billion in loot. This is a rare spawn, but within that week i wasn't the only one to have had an Officer spawn.
I'm unfamiliar with the terminology but I assume "ratting" is a term for killing pirates? How soon out of the gates can a new player be ratting and picking up bounties of 1mil+? That seems like a long way down the road. Although from what I've heard it seems like there is pleanty to keep someone busy beyond simply mining, I'm quite excited to get the game in the mail. BTW thanks for all the great information on the dynamics of the game everyone.
Pirates is usually reverved for players who play as pirates. Pirates are much more dangerous than rats
I was in 0.0 withing a month, using a battlecruiser near empire space. After about 2 months I joined a corp based deep in 0.0 where the 1mil bounties are.
The only benefit to buying the boxed version is that if it sales for under $15, then you are saving money when you use the cd-key and receive a month of playing time.
Depending what you're fighting, and what race you are, you'll either need Shield or Armor Hardeners, Cap. Rechargers, Cap. Power Relays, Large Guns/Torps/Cruise and Drones. That is if you're using a BS of course
Some people actually rat (as stated above, ratting is a term used for an NPC Pirate) in a cruiser, they say a Thorax is great as long as you have a 1600mm plate. I prefer to use a BS myself, to collect loot as you'll get so much and when you refine it all after a week or more, you'll have enough minerals almost for a BS.
Problem can be if you happen to leave a Warp scrambling Frig in the support.
0.0 is really good to earn money and also alot more fun then empire. Yeah you maybe lose a few ships but it's not so bad. You earn them back in notime. (Never fly anything you can't afford to lose)
But flying missions is from my POV much more isk earning then Ratting. And you don't need an alliance to back you up in 0.0 but it makes it easier.
I run missions in hisec, belt hunt in lowsec and have fun in 0.0. And you don't really need billions of iskies to have fun in this game. Just get a cruiser and PvP your heart out. You will lose several cruisers but you will have loads of fun. And it doesn't cost you that much isk. (Prophecy's and Cepters are also fun) Getting killed is part of the game and very much so part of the fun.
If you want no risk? Play WoW and whine about griefers.
The good thing about Eve is that you can do what ever you think is fun. But there is always the risk of losing both your ship and your pod. (Unless you only use Eve as a chatroom that you pay for)
Explore the game and find new ways to make iskies. There is more then 5 ways to make a living in the game.
So just have fun and enjoy the great community.
PS. Always smile to the pirates and do pay ransoms.
Best advice there for anyone in there first 10+ mil ship. If you get locked and ransomed, pay cause it is usually 10x cheaper, let alone the discomfort of having to find al the parts cheap again..
But anyway, it is also wise to note, if you know you have a force nearby, keep the pirate on hold as you summon the armada. painful sometimes, but worth the wait ^_^
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