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I can honestly say the Jedi expertise fails. It was supposed to give us diversity, but all it did is make every jedi go for the light side tank stuff. We're all the same because surprise surprise, the dark side stuff is underpowered and comes nowhere close to compensating for light side powers. I can kick any dark side Jedi's ass easily. I can tank them all day long, all they can do is run, snare, hit, run, snare, hit. The fight can last forever and never end. That sucks and gets boring fast. It should be that if I make a mistake, a dark side Jedi can overwhelm me and own me quickly, but it's not.
Another pathetic failure from SOE. The only good thing in Chapter 2 is auto-attack, and they even managed to SOE that up. Even the simple things, they SOE them up. Crazy
The expertise system was pretty cool the first time I played it... Back with Diablo 2.
Former SWG beta tester and player
2 classes are finished.
Other classes are stuck at level 1, the remainder will be added within next year.
Hmm, what's wrong with this picture?
At least SOE is consistent at failing.
Even if they plan on doing expertise for every proffession.
We all know it would take years.
If it came at all.
Smugglers have been waiting for YEARS.
Rangers also waited until , well you know.
Lies lies and more lies.
That should be SOEs motto.
Working as intended.
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Shayde - SWG (dead)
Proud member of the Cabal.
It sounds great, so great in fact, I pitty those who canceled - Some deluded SWG fanboi who pities me.
I don't like it when you say things. - A Vanguard fan who does too.
really the majority of players where fotm. so alll those players like say rangers crafters entertainers creature handlers where fotm.
the role players? cant recal them powning at pvp.
ah i forget for you star wars is pvp an pvp only sorry my bad
Kane Like I said in my other post, Doesnt matter what your path is in the Jedi system or BH. Most players have stacked stats in Expertise due to a respec bug, You will pwn anyone untill a SOE/LUCAS GM comes and fixes you or Untill the see the problem as a whole and Patch/Update the servers, Its a joke.
To add to your defence, the new expertise system does lack and is Unbalanced. I am a sith Elder, but hey I use all lightside powers cause , well Its the smartest choice it you wana win in 1 on 1 or duels. The servers are full of ONLY Bounty hunters and Jedi, I hardly see any other professions. Knowning SOE/Lucas its gona be a good 6 months till all the Professions have expertise system. So till then expect to see only BH and jedi on your server.
Games a joke, get to vll 90 from 1 in less then 2 days with the new "Rebel Expantion" Battle of Restuss.
I would Love to take SOE out back and take my belt to em......
1 or 2 does it matter - what does matter is they belive it will.
Was anything new added or were these just skills you had before they took them away then offered them up as YAY POINTS now?
I have not even wanted to look into it.
Being a Jedi from the old old ways, this stuff makes me want to just delete my Knight.. (earned mind you)...
I do feel sorry for the clicky Jedi though to a extent, they never got to see or know what it was like to be a Jedi in the game when it was hard and a challenge. (I really think alot of people would have liked that)
I usually picture the Career builder commercial with the room full of monkeys and upside down sales chart when thinking about the SOE/SWG decision making process.....
SOE's John Blakely and Todd Fiala issued a warning: "Don't make our mistakes." Ref NGE
Winner of the worst MMOS goes to.... the NGE and SWG..!!!
Since you were not a Jedi I will correct you. Alot of people were not FOTMs --- in fact most of us old Jedi Knights knew our template and did not always choose what some people did.
The NGE is one giant FOTM without choice.
So, with that said... I would take the option to have Armor, pre-NGE choices then anything because the great thing is you HAD NOBODY forcing you to be anything you did not want.
You could make your Jedi half Riflemen half Jedi with healing... you had CHOICE.
The NGE turned everything into one giant slate of FOTMs...
I usually picture the Career builder commercial with the room full of monkeys and upside down sales chart when thinking about the SOE/SWG decision making process.....
SOE's John Blakely and Todd Fiala issued a warning: "Don't make our mistakes." Ref NGE
Winner of the worst MMOS goes to.... the NGE and SWG..!!!
I have never been a Jedi, but with my BH I have a nice selection to choose from. Thank you for your time.
Damn byotch dat aint no friggn moon fool, dat be a friggn space station byotch.
So, they've gone back to auto aim and it's pretty obvious that the game's neither "Star Warsy" nor "Iconic"... That means, by the time they're done, they're going to be exactly where they started off, just with a far worse game and a drastically reduced player base. So, hypothetically, instead of spending all this time ripping stuff out, throwing a replacement in half-finished, ripping out the new stuff, and throwing in a broken version of the original feature, they could have just made the small tweaks we were asking for a few years ago.
Sure, they wouldn't have been able to spend the last two years playing WoW on the job. But, in the long run they would have had more customers and we probably would have put up with their bulls**t for years. They should have learned to slack off in moderation.
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Some players were "A" form of melee stacker. Based around fencer, swordswman, MBrawler or pikeman, depending on their targets, ranging from melee stackers, krayts and NS to Jedi.
Then you had another group of FotMs, which was based around ranged. Many were rifle, although pistoleer and even carbines weren't that uncommon combinations.
Then the weird stackers. With commando, pistoleer and various melee mods combined.
Then the doc/melee, cm/ranged combos.
Then the exotic ones, like ranger combinations for terrain neg.
And the, towards the end of pre-cu powerful combo of fencer/doc.
And who could forget the CH/MBH.
Or the feign death Jedi (grinding at least).
And so on...
These are "classes", as you would call them now, and within those classes, there were several "FotMs". Yielding probably a hundred completely functional and powerful pvp templates.
And then, there was a majority of players. The mythical silent majority. The players who were artisan, scount, CH, entertainer and smuggler/pistoleer. Or builds everyone else used.
Yes, there were FotMs. Hundreds of them. All viable. And you got to choose, change, drop and attain.
With CU, template choices became very limited, because skills got boring. Melee needed AB, ranged needed something or another, etc.
It's very long since the pre-cu was shutdown. Perhaps some day it'll be possible to check the real options again. And see that perhaps there was more than some belated memories would make you think.
sure, some people werent, but the vast majority were and if you deny that well, then you are either a liar or you never participated in swg pvp.
And it didnt really matter what template jedi were, they were overpowered either way.
I am the flipside of the coin on which the troll and the fanboy are but one side.
pre-cu server load = 2000-3500 people
Do the math. Who is the majority?
Bringing the discussion back to the expertise system...
When (as a jedi) you log into Chapter 2 for the first time you are given a choice to keep the default template with all the skills you had before. However, if you want to change the default, you CANNOT go back to it again. The default setup ignores certain pre-requisites and therefore it would take more expertise points than currently exists for players to pick them again.
Why is this so? LuapYllier provides an excellent theory. Link here, and the post is pasted below to preserve it from SOE deletion.
The default allocation was put in to as closely mimick the existing jedi skills at the time as they could...this was done inorder to quiet the masses of jedi who were complaining about losing skills only to have to buy them back. It was also done to cover up the fact that in reality the skills that they had they could not buy back in the new system because they don't have enough points to do so. So essentially they were trying to avoid giving anyone the impression that they were LOSING something. In truth the Jedi did lose some abilities but the abilities they do choose to have are stronger than what was available before.
Did u think it wasnt going to fail? U actually thought it was going to work and be good? i mean seriously? lol. Im still amazed at how people fall for this sh#t. First off expertise is just a rehash of the pre-cu skill tree. Secondly expertise is quite worthless unless you can have 2 proffesions it just wont work and everyones gonna be the same no matter what they do untill they give back 2 proffesions where u can have variety. I really wish those who are beta testing this still would just leave and donate money towards EMU its the only way to get a "REAL" expertise system back this crap is just a joke it will be years before its worth anything out of the beta stage
We're sitting in our offices thinking of ways to upset our paying customers. I think were on track to meet that goal.
John Smedley
To add, The expertise system Addes basicly 3 new moves, 1 is passive, and its dark side, has achance to drain the enemy of 5% action , the other one is force shockwave, I think they wanted a force push, but this attack just hits targets in a small area, and does not move them or anything like a force push would. The other new skill is a lightisde buff type thing, it lets you regan action for a small time.
But other then that, Yes they took our skills away, then revamped them into the expertise system.
You have to spend points in order to get force lightening, force choke, LS throw, Force cloak and force run( u get the basic with no points in force run)
Thing is the lightside powers mixed with general make for the best damage dealer. The darkside mixed with general is mainly DOT and snares.......and dieing.