Thinking about picking this game up. Does anyone use 56k and play GW? I won't have broadband until I buy a house (hopefully within the next two months..)
Originally posted by Peteus Hmm, I'm putting everything on low. I have a P4 2.0ghz with a Radeon 9800 Pro and a gig of ram so I'm not too worried about the graphics.
You can put medium/high basically. The game doesn't need a very good PC to run on high settings.
With the connection you got, you can just get the minimal config and it will not make any change since you gota put it to minimal settings. And for the servers, theres not many servers in GW, if you're in North America, pick the North America server, if you want to speak Korean, take the Korean server, etc...
You should consider broadband, its worth it and its really affordable now.
Yeah I know. 90% of my town has DSL, I'm unfortunetly in the block of 10% that doesn't..
I had cable from our local cable company which is pretty small, and the connection was really bad at night. I'd get like 500-600 pings all the time and it would drop to like 4-5 kbps..So I decided to get rid of them b/c their cable sucks and got DirecTV. (Was paying $30 a month for 256/128)
I'm looking at buying a house so as soon as I buy it I will have DSL since I know that location gets it (IF I get the house).
I play on 56k with no problems at all, only problem you'll run into is downloading new maps sometimes, but you've been everywhere once, it runs great on dialup.
Why the heck would you even bother playing an online game with 56k? Last time I check it was the year 2006, for only $15 a month even less you can get Cable Internet. I'm not being an ass, I'm just saying that its time to upgrade because all in all your lucky Guild Wars can support Dial Up, mainly because its all instances anyhow, wouldn't do you good in a real mmorpg like WoW.
How many servers are there? Any recommended for a nub in NE USA
You should consider broadband, its worth it and its really affordable now.
I had cable from our local cable company which is pretty small, and the connection was really bad at night. I'd get like 500-600 pings all the time and it would drop to like 4-5 kbps..So I decided to get rid of them b/c their cable sucks and got DirecTV. (Was paying $30 a month for 256/128)
I'm looking at buying a house so as soon as I buy it I will have DSL since I know that location gets it (IF I get the house).
Dude install the game lol. There is only one server. There is also a built in tutorial. When you get the hang of the game journey on.
Wanted to see if it happened for every city just so I'd know to plan not to play that evening for a new city..heh..