With archlord very close to beta, its time I announced the guild ArtOfWar. I am Punish, Iam a 25 y/o husband, Father of two and a mmorpg fan, having been playing them for the last 8 years. Each game taking on its many challenges a great deal of my time is spent getting the most out of it and making sure my time was not wasted.
I take on the position of leader for many reasons, apart of me enjoys the command aspect of being able to pull off a successful plan leading others to a particular goal or success. More so however I take on the position to challenge myself , I simply love building an organization and seeing how far it will go.
ArchLord is no exception, the premise of this game has me thrilled. There is a clear “goal” too which many individuals will be competing for, that type of enviornment will keep me entertained for a long time.
Enough about me, Lets talk about the GUILD!
ArtOfWar is based on principles established by Sun Tzu, a great Chinese general some 2,500 years ago, (The Art of War) is his authored doctrine on how to wage war and be successful. I know what some of you may be thinking, the guilds based on a 2,500 book? Answer to that is a simple and resounding YES. This book is the guilds bible.
The guild will be lead by myself to which I will personally lead 3 generals, who lead 2 officers each, who lead X amount of guild members each depending on how many a guild in arch lord can actually hold.
Main point being ArtOfWar will have several leadership positions that I will need extraordinary people to fill them.
The guild will use ventrilo for voice communication during gameplay. Very important tool for bringing a group of people together.
The guild leader will be incredibly active, You will see me every single day until I quit the game.
The guild will have direction.
“weak is the leader who tries to do it all for fear of loosing control”
This guild will have multiple leaders that serve the cause and the guild. I will want people who can think for themselves to fill these positions. I will lead by example you in turn emulate my example make your own and lead your charge.
The guild will be PVP oriented, to the extent we will use PVP in the pursuit of our goals only. We will not PVP just to PVP as this would mess with the games diplomatic relations that will eventually take form. With that being said the guild will always defend itself and exact retribution on one and his faction for any form of disrespect including PK, Slander, Kill stealing, Loot theft etc. The guild in it's history will encouter those which would stand before us to keep us from our goals as they have the same, we will actively engage these factions. Main thing i would stress to anybody joining AoW, your butt is going to die, and its going to die ALOT. Your also going to kill a ton of people which is always fun too.
I will drill this principle into my future generals daily and the guild will soon follow our example, We will be respectful of all the citizens of chantra until we are slighted.
The overall goal of the guild in archlord, is of course archlord itself, ArtOfWar will seek to recruit those of you who share this goal.
See you in game.
Those interested in being recruited should visit our website and register for our forums.
I am a member, great group of core members, so far. Take a gander at the site and talk to us, then if you like what you see, put in your application. We would love to have experienced and mature players. And dont forget to come to the tavern for cookies and a pint!!!
Xxarif Khan
There ya go, matey.