I have played about 5 different mmorpgs, my most recent was wow but i quit that cause it took over my life and i didn't like the world that much, and the community was very immature.
My favorite mmo is EQ i played that for a while and loved the world and everything about it.
Does EQ 2 live up to its predeccssor? is it worth getting and paying the monthly fees for over other mmos?
The real question is was it ever worth getting?
Having tried the game for a couple of months I came to the realization that the graphics were fair but the game itself was severely lacking. The original EQ was and still is a far superior game in terms of quests and content.
I would rather they had upgraded the graphics of the original and invested in EQ' s future than to have made this mediocre sequel.
Critical thinking is a desire to seek, patience to doubt, fondness to meditate, slowness to assert, readiness to consider, carefulness to dispose and set in order; and hatred for every kind of imposture.
Also i know wow ate up the mmo market, so do the less popular mmos like eq2, still have huge servers & player communitys like the good ol days when eq was the only good mmo out?
Just the heritage quests alone in EQ2 are better than EQ1's.
So, how is EQ2's "game" lacking compared to EQ1. And how are EQ1's quests superior to EQ2s? I'll grant you EQ1 probably has more content, as well it should it's been out far longer.
Hi I ll tell you what happened a few years ago. I was playing UO and somewhere i can't recall now i saw a banner that was actually an UO screenshot showing players of UO going through a portal and playing Everquest. Everquest was a legend. It was the only game that beat UO after a few years of it's Success. Do not compare EQ1 with EQ2. You may be amazed from the new grafix system of EQ2 but it does not worth the effort. EQ2 is not EQ1 in any way. If you want to try something new try something else and not EQ2.
Try out EverQuest I, it remains the very best gameplay on the market today.
EQ2 is the best game out there at the moment and well worth the money compaired to other games.
It is not like EQ1, though. Its closer to WoW than EQ1. EQ1 is still alive and a very good game, even better than most of the newer games you can get now. Only problem is that like most older games its a bit elitist and life in the lower levels can be tough/lonesome.
I'm a big ol' fluffy carewolf. Be afraid. Be very afraid.
First of all divorce your mind from the idea that EQ2 is in anyway, shape or form like EQ1. EQ2 is better then EQ1 IMHO...less grind, more fun, and tons of non-raid content which includes solo and group dungeons that scale with your level, a deep and useful crafting system, and a very balanced class system in which everyone can solo but some solo better then others but in the end everyone can solo which is not the case in EQ1. Oh a good PvP system and servers. If you are in love with the experince of EQ1 as your first MMORPG then nothing will be good enough for you. If you are looking for a game that is better then and more refined in the lessons learned from EQ1 and which is fun then EQ2 is a great game and worth playing even as of today.
Games I've played/tried out:WAR, LOTRO, Tabula Rasa, AoC, EQ1, EQ2, WoW, Vangaurd, FFXI, D&DO, Lineage 2, Saga Of Ryzom, EvE Online, DAoC, Guild Wars,Star Wars Galaxies, Hell Gate London, Auto Assault, Grando Espada ( AKA SoTNW ), Archlord, CoV/H, Star Trek Online, APB, Champions Online, FFXIV, Rift Online, GW2.
Game(s) I Am Currently Playing:
GW2 (+LoL and BF3)
Lets debunk the over zealous fan real fast.
How many dungeons scale with your level again? How many are solo and how many are group? What is the name of this ONE dungeon? Oh yes you must pay 7.99 extra for this dungeon, or buy station access where you can rent this this dungeon, after you have subscribed for 3 months then it unlocks.
Crafting system has been dumbed down. You can actually make a bad product and get two pristine products when finished, hmmmm that doesn't add up. Basically any moron can craft now, with this advent of thinking now the market is flooded and people are selling things just a few copper above what an npc would give you. So with crafting in its current form you can expect to make a few copper per 10 minutes. Oh one more thing, eq2 got this grand idea that drops should be way better then anything crafted in the middle of the games life. So now crafters such as, armorers, tailors, weaponsmiths are truely useless.
PvP is good he says ............ I have played the pvp servers, her is how you make it fun. Pick any evil race of character then select assassin. Once you do this you are the overpowered class of pvp and will rule all. So roll an assassin first, get to endgame, save the money, twink your alts.
Also what he means by solo is simply you can level up solo. THis will be very slow go but you have the option to do it. If you want anything worth while better group or raid.
On the raid thing this guy answered ............ the person was asking if its all raid endgame, the answer is yes. It doesnt matter how many people it requires really. See what they do is this little trick of droppin less stuff for less people so they have to grind the raid just as much as other games.
Unlike this guy, i would not suggest playing eq2 and ill go into depth on the reasons why as soon as i get some info released from soe that i requested. Basically when playing eq2 you are a tester. They change the game so drastically and with out warning you have no idea what your playing from month to month, sometimes week to week. They are making their customers pay them to basically find out how to make thier next game.
Lets debunk the over zealous fan real fast.
Oh Boy I Bet Some One Has A Stick Up There Arse.
How many dungeons scale with your level again? How many are solo and how many are group? What is the name of this ONE dungeon? Oh yes you must pay 7.99 extra for this dungeon, or buy station access where you can rent this this dungeon, after you have subscribed for 3 months then it unlocks.There is a dungeon in the commonlands that you can play solo called
Bloodskully Valley, there is one in Antonica which it's name escapes me
right now, there is also a mini-instance zone in which you ride a boat
by yourself to the Enchanted Lands and have to face a few waves of mobs
and in the end you usually get a nice chest drop. I am sure
veterans of EQ2 can fill in the gap.
Another thing you don't need the adventure packs. They are not required
for you to have fun they are extra content for people looking for such
a thing. He could easliy do without these adventure packs if likes.
Crafting system has been dumbed down. You can actually make a bad product and get two pristine products when finished, hmmmm that doesn't add up. Basically any moron can craft now, with this advent of thinking now the market is flooded and people are selling things just a few copper above what an npc would give you. So with crafting in its current form you can expect to make a few copper per 10 minutes. Oh one more thing, eq2 got this grand idea that drops should be way better then anything crafted in the middle of the games life. So now crafters such as, armorers, tailors, weaponsmiths are truely useless.
The only way you always get pristine items from
non-pristine crafting is if you are a provisioner making food/drinks or
alchemist making posions/potions and get a average end product which only gives you 1 pristine. If you fail and get below average you get a lesser
product that is not pristine and has it's effects reduced in time and potency.
yes craftng is now less tedious and open to more people so a-holes who
over charge on T1 handcrafted items get a chill pill. Sorry if you cant
charge 2 plat for a non-pristine tin shield anymore. You now have to
compete and earn your customers....oh the horrors !
Oh wait let's look at WoW's crafting system...ummm is there one worth talking about ? NO ! WoW's crafting system is a utter trash. Nothing and I mean nothing is worth making or selling from 1-300 unless you are a Alchemist or Enchanter enchanting weapons and items for someones alt twink. Even then you will be limited in recipes because unless you farm gold or belong to a raiding guild you wont be seeing any of the mats or recipes that make big money in the AH for cheap.
Lets look at tailoring in WoW. Hmm outside of making bags for yourself it is useless unless you disenchant ur items to level up your main crafting skill **shock**Enchanting !**shock** which means you'll be doing the biggest gold sink in the game. What about the other professions ? Smithing is useless, Leatherworkering useless, Enigeneering outside of PvP useless. The only logical reason to craft in WoW is if you like throwing gold out the window and never want to see it come back. You wont make any money in WoW's crafting system outside of Enchating or Alchemist and those two professions are desired only for Raiding and PvP.
PvP is good he says ............ I have played the pvp servers, her is how you make it fun. Pick any evil race of character then select assassin. Once you do this you are the overpowered class of pvp and will rule all. So roll an assassin first, get to endgame, save the money, twink your alts.
Guess you never played WoW. ---- --> OMGWTFBBQSAUCE I l337 L3g0l@$ NE
Rogue and I W1ll STUN LOCK U AND 2 SHOT U. LoLz Chuck Noris.
I bet he'll also enjoy the the honor grind and being 1 or 2 shotted by raid equiped players who are 12 years old or over grown emo manboys telling in chat to "LRN2PLAY NUB /spit" while doing it.
Also what he means by solo is simply you can level up solo. THis will be very slow go but you have the option to do it. If you want anything worth while better group or raid.
That is complete and utter BS and you know it. I played a Fury leveled fine and my Templar doing good. Not as fast as my Fury but I am doing well. Then again guess what you don't have to level up solo. You can be social and
group with people using the LFG tools and chat channels and do instances which give great XP. Yeah I know
that is not what the WoW fanbois have in mind when they play a online
game and spam their endless witty Chuck Noris jokes in the World LFG
chat system and while telling people to "LRN2PLAY".
On the raid thing this guy answered ............ the person was asking if its all raid endgame, the answer is yes. It doesnt matter how many people it requires really. See what they do is this little trick of droppin less stuff for less people so they have to grind the raid just as much as other games.
Unlike this guy, i would not suggest playing eq2 and ill go into depth on the reasons why as soon as i get some info released from soe that i requested. Basically when playing eq2 you are a tester. They change the game so drastically and with out warning you have no idea what your playing from month to month, sometimes week to week. They are making their customers pay them to basically find out how to make thier next game.
You can PvP in EQ2, or spend your time crafting in EQ2 and actually make in game
money off it, or finish those Lore and Legend and Hertiage quests, do instances or raid if you like.
Now what is there to do in WoW ???? Oh I know
it's "RAID OR DIE" or better yet you can also get on that endless PvP treadmill grind of degrading
honor. So let's see it's grind for items in boring 5+ hour long raids or grind for PvP items using a degrading honor ladder system that punishes you for not playing 24 hours 7 days a week. Yup that sure is a lot to do in WoW.
Between the crappy "Chuck Noris" joke spams, immature behavior, elitiest raiding guilds, and horrible PvP grind I sure bet this guy will be more then willing to waste his time on a game which will never reward him with anything to progress his character after he reaches the max level of 60 in about a month or so a becomes bored out of his skull.
P.S. About that tester part of your post. You make sure and tell the OP that when he is waiting in que to log onto his server and he is number 850+ with a 30 minute wait time. That is if his server doesn't crash every so often and require a complete realm restart that then for some odd reason ends up take longer then expected and before you know it he is reading on the forums how his realm along with 8 other realms will be offline for a few days.
Games I've played/tried out:WAR, LOTRO, Tabula Rasa, AoC, EQ1, EQ2, WoW, Vangaurd, FFXI, D&DO, Lineage 2, Saga Of Ryzom, EvE Online, DAoC, Guild Wars,Star Wars Galaxies, Hell Gate London, Auto Assault, Grando Espada ( AKA SoTNW ), Archlord, CoV/H, Star Trek Online, APB, Champions Online, FFXIV, Rift Online, GW2.
Game(s) I Am Currently Playing:
GW2 (+LoL and BF3)
Youre posting in the EQ2 forum so all youre gonna get is fanbois stamping out the people who try to leak the info that the game is crap. I wont lie, I had fun for a while when I found some nice hard-core peeps but they left and the servers are dead. There are 2 dungeons with people in leaving huge levelling deadzones where you have to solo grind to tears. Not my idea of fun. Also, the expansions offer little content YET everyone insists you need them to have fun, result: Youre left with a $60-70 SOE bill and a big
Note: PlayNC will refuse to allow you access to your account if you forget your password and can't provide a scanned image of the product key for the first product you purchased..... LOL
There are several solo instances that do not require you purchase anything but the base game. Pirates Hidden Stash is one that I recall off the top of my head, there are others. The zone will give you the option for "heroic" or not, that is the solo instance.
As to level scaling, yeah, you need Split Paw for the scaling level instances but the fact that they scale 20-50 (meaning you can level up there till you hit 50) I think makes it worth the 8 dollar tag he complained about.
I personally don't need scaling dungeons and solo instances. I like to play with people but if you want to you can. I like the fact you have the options. You will level faster in groups, you got more folks can fight more powerful creatures... what do ya expect?
The tradeskill system is great now, far less tedious, more fun. Don't need to depend on others to make items for you to continue your trade... and you make from the components, no more stupid sub-combines.
At the end game you can raid. I am in a guild that does raid 2-3 times a week but that's not my focus. I probably play 40 hours a week but of that only 6-8 hours of that is raiding. There are a few long winded quests you can work on to get some really nice items and you also have the AA's to work on as well.
The changes to EQ2 have been drastic, in some cases yes, but they are for the better. Death penalty was stupid, group debt? Death stings, it doesn't make you want to quit the game... that's a good thing. If you want a stagnant game look elsewhere.
Let's debunk this over zealous SOE hater.
Congrats you debunked yourself, color me surprised. The blindness of the diehard fan triumphs again !
There are several solo instances that do not require you purchase anything but the base game. Pirates Hidden Stash is one that I recall off the top of my head, there are others. The zone will give you the option for "heroic" or not, that is the solo instance.
As to level scaling, yeah, you need Split Paw for the scaling level instances but the fact that they scale 20-50 (meaning you can level up there till you hit 50) I think makes it worth the 8 dollar tag he complained about.
I personally don't need scaling dungeons and solo instances. I like to play with people but if you want to you can. I like the fact you have the options. You will level faster in groups, you got more folks can fight more powerful creatures... what do ya expect?
The tradeskill system is great now, far less tedious, more fun. Don't need to depend on others to make items for you to continue your trade... and you make from the components, no more stupid sub-combines.
At the end game you can raid. I am in a guild that does raid 2-3 times a week but that's not my focus. I probably play 40 hours a week but of that only 6-8 hours of that is raiding. There are a few long winded quests you can work on to get some really nice items and you also have the AA's to work on as well.
The changes to EQ2 have been drastic, in some cases yes, but they are for the better. Death penalty was stupid, group debt? Death stings, it doesn't make you want to quit the game... that's a good thing. If you want a stagnant game look elsewhere.
Wow, you can quote my entire post, say nothing and not disprove anything I said.
other EQ2 haters post in this forum if they didn't like and don't play
this game ? They are angry bitter trolls. I can tell anyone from the start that I felt WoW was better then EQ2 at launch. I played WoW and got 2 60's and raided my eyeballs out and then did PvP and realized it was all one big shallow grind. I left WoW burnt out and discovered that over time EQ2 has improved and grown and become a better game then WoW IMHO. It had many things I could do that didn't require 40people. Of course for some people that opinion is outrageous because as pointed out they are blind with SOE and EQ2 hatered for whatever the reason.
Games I've played/tried out:WAR, LOTRO, Tabula Rasa, AoC, EQ1, EQ2, WoW, Vangaurd, FFXI, D&DO, Lineage 2, Saga Of Ryzom, EvE Online, DAoC, Guild Wars,Star Wars Galaxies, Hell Gate London, Auto Assault, Grando Espada ( AKA SoTNW ), Archlord, CoV/H, Star Trek Online, APB, Champions Online, FFXIV, Rift Online, GW2.
Game(s) I Am Currently Playing:
GW2 (+LoL and BF3)
While part of me says, yes make these 3 total fools look stupid, your just not worth it. Arguing with a fanboy is pointless, they cant see the two sides of the coin, only the shiny pretty side they imagine to exist.
For the one who cant figure out what i highlighted. In one sentence you say you love to group, in the other sentence you say you hate to depend on others . Want me to draw a picture or you got it now?
To the other guy who cant split his ideas up in paragraphs. If your going to ride a companies ****, make easier for others to read so we can all have a laugh.
To the the third guy who trys to make an inteligent rebutal but only repeats the say false over hyped info...... nice try but too many people know the truth. You explain the game as if it has everybase covered to perfection, and if you truely believe this and can keep a straight face telling others this, then you really should work for SOE ............... start with SWG i hear they need some good bs'rs to get that game on track.
Do i play eq2, used to ............ its still on my account becuase of the station pass. I play many soe games as well as others. I play games, test them, push them, and find out what could be fixed, what needs adjusting ect. I dont play a game and start **** riding as some loyalist do. Doing this doesn't help the game, it pushes logical people away while keeping the illogical people happy with their ignorant, blind glee. I've delt with these people several times, you three are nothing new, jokes at best, we all know it.