I'm aware that Mourning became Age of Mourning then became Thone of Chaos. I'm also aware that's there is some dispute as to whether Throne of Chaos is helmed by new developers or it's the same shady guys hiding behind a new name.
MMORPG.com listed Age of Mourning then shortly after, removed them from the list due rudeness and legal threats made by the, supposedly new, Mourning developers. Now the game is called Throne of Chaos and is not listed on this site, as one might imagine.
Here's the weird part, I just saw an ad, a "special offer", on this very site, for Throne of Chaos. This game is still, as far as I can find, not listed on this site yet they have ads here? Given what happened between the MMORPG.com staff and the Mourning/Throne of Choas people, this seems very strange to me.
So what has happened? If Throne of Chaos is really under new mangement then why not list it since their ads are here anyway? But if it's the same old scammers from Mouring running the show, why has MMORPG.com allowed them to advertise on this site?
Any info would be appeciated. Thanks.
i r a noob and can't get it as a hyperlink sorry you'll have to copy and past it.
Still, it seems strange that MMORPG.com would let them put ads up but not list the game. I guess it's a matter of "we don't like enough to give you free publicty, but we're willing to let you pay us for some."
It seems at least like this new crew is totally unrelated to the old dev group. It hardly seems fair to blame the new folks for the old owners' misdeeds. They're planning to set it up with a free trial - NO credit cards to try it, specifically because of the scam the old owners pulled. They came on these forums - which are definately Mourning-hostile-central! - to answer questions directly, which impressed me.
I'm still skeptical about TOC, mind you, but I'll keep an open mind til I see the game.
Commander, Defenders of Order
At this point, they have shown nothing different from the last devs except a better social grace when fleecing, er, I mean convincing people to give them a shot. So for now, no. They can pay all they want but they do not deserve to be listed here.
Altough they say otherwise, I personally think its the exact same company. As I have seen posters in diffrent forums (other then mmorpg.com, but it happens here as well) that randomly post the link to www.throneofchaos.com in new threads. now I know every game has its fans, but I have never seen a vanguard fan post a link to the vanguard website in diffrent forums in new threads, all starting: "this is a true pvp mmo" or "this is a much better game".. or a Warhammer online fan. if you ask me, its the same company with the same dirty trick.
Ya it's pretty weird, over on the Darkfall boards, alot of new posters have started showing up posting links to TOC hyping it like there was no tomorrow - it's quite annoying... It might just be clueless fanbois, but we haven't been bothered before, and now they are suddenly all over the place.
SUN - peekayin since pong
Webdeveloper on:
And this was just couple of months ago, so in that time the old team quit but managed to find a new developers to continue making the game?
Everything is of course possible but no thx, i dont buy it. Especially when mmorpg.com forums seem to be infested with countless trolls advertising ToC like no tomorrow.
Its still Egomancer & Co.
If MMORPG.com believes that Loud Ant and Throne of Chaos are really completely different people from those Mourning folks, then they're a legit game and company and should be listed along with allowing them to advertise.
If MMORPG.com thinks, or at least suspects, that the Throne aof Chaos and Mourning devs are still the same con artists, then they are right not to list them, but should clearly not allow their ads on this site. To do so would be hypocritcal and irresponsible.
Putting their ads up without listing them makes little sense to me. It sends a mixed message. Perhaps MMORPG.com is unsure as to what is the truth. Even still, I'd appeciate it if they took some postion even if they don't yet know all the facts.
I'll bet this game will be released sooner or later (probably later) but will be in a terrible unplayable, unfinished state (just like Roma-Victor). Only the hardest-core fanbois will be saying "just give it time it has potential" (just like Roma-Victor). The game will lose what little fan support it has and fold (just like Roma-Victor is going to).
I do hope they release the game and just get it over with.
Roma-Victor released???
That snuck in under the radar.....So I'm guessing it didn't go good, BuZZKilgore? I guess we can chalk it up to another "quality release" I can use to bang over the heads of people who claim western games are so superior lol.
Thats to bad, there where alot of people watching this game to. Boo for devs making more crappy, incomplete games.
Wow, you really hate Roma Victor...do you need a hug?
D&L is the king of failure when it comes to MMORPGs.
I guess I am not the only one getting fun emails from londant.:)
I find the whole thing strange so far. The first post (someone already linked) wasn't in anyway about truth and honesty. It was shameless advertising for the new mourning. Besides that, loudant was very unable to answer the questions of me, Norked and others. These were about a lack of named publisher, lack of any creditations (shell companies), strange advertments for programmers and lack of a real location (google map and other mapping programs return nothing or private one-room homes).
These new trolls that have shown up advertsing Mourning are strange as well. This Phil guy is recommending ToC constantly and flaming similar mmorpgs.
Well we have 7-8 months to find out. (Q1 2007 release date)
Same game? YES , Quote: "We are looking for volunteers to work full-time or part-time to finish Thrones of Chaos. The title has been in development for 4 years and is around 90 percent finished; it has cost nearly 1.5 million to develop thus far." from http://greenville.craigslist.org/sof/?displayMode=printFriendly
Same team? My bet is yes, mmorpg.com says no (but has been a yes in the past).
"Ya it's pretty weird, over on the Darkfall boards, alot of new posters have started showing up posting links to TOC hyping it like "
what about the Age of Conan Dev that was making posts on the darkfall boards?? and if you don't believe that theres an archived post on the AoC forums where a Funcom company guy actually confirmed it was TRUE. no one seems to be talking shit about that "100% FACT". because no one cares cause darkfall is vapor i guess.
Same game? YES , Quote: "We are looking for volunteers to work full-time or part-time to finish Thrones of Chaos. The title has been in development for 4 years and is around 90 percent finished; it has cost nearly 1.5 million to develop thus far." from http://greenville.craigslist.org/sof/?displayMode=printFriendly
vbmenu_register("postmenu_1980", true);
in a childish attempt to make us look bad. Craiglist already removed the numerous posts in question and is investigating the issue. I would suggest letting them know that taking part in activities like this is not only extremely non productive but does also include a hefty fine by craiglist.
Besides that, loudant was very unable to answer the questions of me, Norked and others.
why does anyone need to answer your quesions? who are you? and why do you need an office building to build a game??? if 20 ex blizzard guys got together to build a game and didn't have an "official" building somewhere would it make any difference?? no. A building doesnt give people skills.
Thats the thread (& I added the entire post), the dev thinks mmorpg.com users put up the craigslist ad & thinks its "a childish attempt to make us look bad. It's plain as day." Well Im convinced he has had pr-training from Egomancer.
Cant see why that thread got locked since it was a discussion about open-gl versus direct-x (& was good) until Rapture started taking a dump on the thread (which didnt even get a warning? heh), looks like D&L-moderators have a new challenger for "moderator discretion" in official game forums.
Yeah,when I posted my intro on the ToC forums I was told about this. Seems VERY unprofessional of them to go around criticising Darkfall and then making hash apologies. (I'd still love to see the posts on that)
Something tells me it was an act of 'fear'. (of competition?) A shallow assumption,but why else bother? AoC has huge support,moreso than Darkfall at the moment I would reckon. No need to act like fools. It'd be like ToC fanboys flaming on the Darkfall forums. (hint hint!) Only harms your own game end of day.
Regardless,I never saw AoM,so I'll be judging this game on its individual merits. I must admit though for a game with a Q1 2007 release date (giving them 7-8 months in theory),there does appear to be a HUGE GAP missing information-wise. Of course,in 7-8 months,if not less there could be a running beta of ToC.