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MMO's quality... improving? nahh

i used to be a SWG fan and hard core player then i quit playing due to SOE's passion to destroy that game. so i went looking for another MMO to play and somehow i just count get stuck with one. i got bored, or it wasnt fun, was to simplistic was this was that... and i count figure out what in the world made SWG so apealing to me. i cant be the storyline because SWG completely killed it with the jedi invasion expansion.

i recently figured it out, it was the exploration aspect of it. it was 1 huge planet that you could go anywhere without loading (exept if yyou took shuttle) and you could also go everywhere you wish. you see a place on map that you want to go, and you go there. might be hard to get to but its possible

other games like WoW or EQ/EQ2 you are kinda stuck in little canyons, it becomes to linear. not to mention the million loading zones you have to get through.

what was fun in SWG when our base was attacked by the time we warn our guild members till the time they got here was crucial matter in the invasion, time and planificaiton was a must for attacking parties. you had a super deal with another guild but the money was spread within 3 people you had to wait till you get these people in the same place. to make the deal.

all this made it more realistic feel to it.

player economy only. there was no npc you could sell your loot to. if you had somthing to sell you had to find some one who is willing to buy it else, you just throw it away.

also the crafters where valuable, if you wanted anything decent it was a crafter that had to make it/ upgrade it. so crafters classes where a must and fun to play.

now for my question, is there any MMO out there that comes close to that?

IMHO MMO's have downgraded and not improved with new ideas.

P.S. also a dancer/musician profession was actually usefull, it is a place where you dont see LFG LFG LFG WTS WTS WTS WTB WTB spam but actual conversations in cantinas with music and dancers. its  achance to socialize with player guildmates or just people, sometimes i jsut dont want to go out to fight



  • GoT1977GoT1977 Member Posts: 27

    Personally i've had similar battles mate. I wrote a thread (probably on page 3 or 4 by now) a couple of days ago called "games stole my life but WoW gave it back" because i had similar issues.  I quit after waiting for wow for YEARS and then hated it after i was 60 and realized how much grinding and effort i'd have to put into endgame only to achieve..... ZIP.... only better items to kill badder bosses... not my idea of repetitive fun.

    anyway, maybe the same game that im looking at at the moment may interest you. Its called Pirates of the Burning Seas.  THeres a review on this site and thats what got me interested.  I used to play Sid Miers pirates (single player game but one of the best single player games arguably ever made since it was made over and over and over again for different machines) and this looks VERY similar but in MMO format.  You cant just appear in Trinidad if you're in panama and your buddy on MSN tells you theres a big battle there. You'd have to hope the winds were favourable, the crew was in a good mood and the ships biscuits didnt get infested! There'd also be enemy pirates, the french navy (curses!) and coral reefs amongst other things to slow u down. OR you could catch a fast wind and get there nice ad quick.

    Looks like an awesome version of the old game, and the graphics are somewhat BREATH TAKING. I've never been so impressed before and i'm not easily impressed.  Theres a screenshot of a pirate character standing in one of the towns (yes when u dock you get to walk around the town) and theres lightning storm going on and it looks bloody awesome.

    Go check it out and apply for beta like me. This could be your next big thing.

    by the way i've also tried and quit Ragnarok, Eve and DDO.  Not just WoW. So i'm not just an idiot who dosn't know what he's on about.  Although i dont know a great deal about pirates yet, just the original. hrm..

    anyway. good luck!


  • Squal'ZellSqual'Zell Member Posts: 1,803

    yeh im looking into that game pirates of the burning sea... only thing that kinda makes me look away is the feature that you are the shipwhen at sea.

    it would be much grater if your guild could be your crew, but i can see how that would cause login problems, like no captain nobody onlin so you are alone to mann your ship... it could also be mission wise, like party gruops become your crew party leader is captain . and a boat is standard upgrades are from skills.

    and ive been apliying to most betas to see what game does not have the canyon style.


  • TinybinaTinybina Member Posts: 2,130

    Originally posted by Squal'Zell

    now for my question, is there any MMO out there that comes close to that?

    Anarchy Online, while its old it does offer alot of the aspects you mentioned... If you can wait though look out for Age of Conan which will be out early next year.   Funny thing that there both made by the same company, now that I think about it its more sad then funny.

    You see, every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with their surrounding environment, but you humans do not. You spread to an area, and you multiply, and you multiply, until every natural resource is consumed. The only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet.-Mr.Smith

  • GRIMACHUGRIMACHU Member Posts: 528
    Ryzom should suit you.

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  • GoT1977GoT1977 Member Posts: 27

    Originally posted by Squal'Zell

    yeh im looking into that game pirates of the burning sea... only thing that kinda makes me look away is the feature that you are the shipwhen at sea.

    DONT let that make you look away, infact its the best and most unique part of the pirate game!!  You're a pirate in town with possibilities (and once again im drawing from the solo player version, but it just seems to be so similar) like sword fighting other pirates, meeting wenches, recruiting men, trading, fixing your ships and buying new ships.  Not to mention attacking towns with your men (maybe your guild in this instance? who knows)

    When you're at SEA, you control your flagship and sail around (thats how it appears and how it WAS too) and then when u enter a battle u used to enter a RTS type version of the game where you'd tell all your ships in real time what to do.  For example you can have your two sloops on the attack with regular cannon whilst your frigate (the flag ship) is busy reloading all 51 guns for the kill!!!  OR maybe the sloops will be using grapeshot to destroy the sails only of the emeny flagship so that your slower frigate can actually close in and your crew can board.  In the solo version at this stage youd sword fight once again and this was one of the fun parts of the game.  U could then capture the ship instead of sinking it, take it to port and repair the sails and your army now numbers 4 ships :)  of course you'd get to keep some of the crew who usually leave their defeated sack of shit captain at first chance :) arrghh! to be a pirate with a very piratey crew.

    Now this is speculation on my behalf as i've only JUST started getting into POTBS website and im reading all i can and a lot of this comes from the solo game.  Which was one of the best games ever made in a lot of peoples opinions. Maybe whilst your waiting you should run out and grab it "sid miers pirates" any version will do u as they're all pretty much the same.  the latest version was the best but a bit buggy.

    have fun, and dont look away because of the ship stuff, its the best part!!!



  • Squal'ZellSqual'Zell Member Posts: 1,803

    Originally posted by GoT1977

    have fun, and dont look away because of the ship stuff, its the best part!!!


    you are making it sound like it would be like a single player game but in an MMO situation?

    true i can start seing fleet battles and such the wise. (but pirates dont attack in fleets though) anyhow it looks like a promissing game and ill keep on reading the info


  • GoT1977GoT1977 Member Posts: 27

    Originally posted by Squal'Zell

    you are making it sound like it would be like a single player game but in an MMO situation?
    true i can start seing fleet battles and such the wise. (but pirates dont attack in fleets though) anyhow it looks like a promissing game and ill keep on reading the info

    Well all MMO's CAN be a single player game in an MMO situation cant they? leveling in WoW was when there was noone else around and i found the same in Eve, DDO AND Ragnarok.  I'm sure that all have that similarity.  I know what you're getting at im not trying to be rude or anything, its just hard to put across points on forums without coming across that way i think. Um.. how to put it... i think that you're right in a way and wrong in a way.  It is a very solo type game like most MMO's UNTIL (the integral word here i think) UNTIL you get to a part where its either a. important to have your guildies along or  b.  pvp action against another fleet.

    Second paragraph of yours; yes you can imagine the fun you'd have with fleet battle  and even 1 on 1 battle is just as fun. Knowing when to switch to a scattershot load for your cannons to take out the crew on deck of the other ship can be inportant if you're running in to board, in which case the enemy captain can probably guess that's what you're doing and make haste to keep distance.  Or you can go for teh scattershot to make him run? make him THINK you're gonna board?   I'm not sure about real history but if fleet battles in history can be taken into account there were pirates with multiple ships.  If i remember correctly the LAST Sid Miers game had a segment in the back of the manual called "the top 10 pirates from history" and historical accounts of famous pirates.  A couple of them controlled small fleets, not too dangerous to the navy of course but very deadly to the regular pirate enemy (the rich fat merchantman vessels, sitting low in the water full of booty).  I think its more promising than most people think but once again you've gotta have either a LOVE for PIRATES or A NEED for something different to Orcs, giant spiders and roaches or spaceships mining asteroids and travelling through hyperspace.

    its all in what you want i think but i'm happy to let people know what i think AT THEM MOMENT. i may end up eating my words instead of the Ships biscuit.  IF thats the case then the maggots will be better off.


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