I played this game in the past for a total of 2 years on and off and I need help. I've played EQ2, FFXI, WoW (which i'm currently playing and bored of) and tried trials of others.
I'm torn. I don't know whether to come back to DAoC or what; so i'm going to ask some questions hopefully someone will be nice enough to repond.
1st off, what is the population like, are there realm imbalance issues and are hibs still over-powered?
2nd, how many changes have took place after DR? I quit around then.
3rd, what server should I play? Which is most populated, and which is the best in all your oppinions?
And lastly is there any good guilds out there willing to tell me info on a VOIP program about this game?
Thanks a lot.
1: ATM, everything is pretty balanced, at least on the Gareth server, and most others.
2: There are now mounts after DR came out. The mounts look very good compared to some other MMOs. I still dont know to much about DR because i do not own it.
3: IMO, i would play Gareth, largest population, very friendly community. I dont know if this is a new thing or not, but many people are starting to make characters with names like "coolbeans" and "Ooooooooooooooo" Ive seen both
It's 1pm EST and there are 1267 logged into Gareth atm.
Camelot Herald
-Just My Thoughts-
Currently playing: Nothing
Oh yea.
Still the greatest MMO right now IMO. The community is great! the quests are acually fun and creative! The graphics update thing is very nice also. RvR still owns. Just added the mounts which is a really nice touch, very well made. Havent tried the DR expansion yet, but alot of people are saying its pretty sweet. Mythic knows how to take care of there games ( unlike Blizzard with WoW ).
I came back to it just a few weeks ago and decided to try out the Albs. Its great!
I say go back to it.
it just owns...