It's pretty apparent that they are returning pre-NGE features based on how low the subscriptions fall, not based on what we want. We all recall when the Devs said these things would never be re-implimented:
1. Firing specials from the keyboard
2. Target locking
3. Auto aim
4. Auto fire
5. Resizable radar
6. Double toolbar rows
They still say "NGE is here to stay" but they said that about the CU as well. They keep saying no classic servers, no multiclassing, no combat queue, no new professions, etc, but I think everything is on the table as the subscriptions continue to fall.
So, at what threshold do you think they do classic servers, which is clearly the quickest and easiest way to boost subscribers at this point?
The rest depends on the license.
Yeah, they said they wouldn't roll back to pre-cu from the CU and they didn't They're more likely to do another overhaul then revert to classic servers.
I'm honestly not seeing the "dramatically decreasing populations" you keep posting about, at least on Chilastra anyway. People are re-subbing to check out the new stuff that comes with each publish. Before you say they're not staying, that doesn't matter. They've paid for at least a months subscription and that counts towards the total. Chapter 2 impressed alot of people and there were posts all over the forums from people expressing this. If they get Chapter 3 right with the smuggling system, it's guaranteed to bring in ex-smugglers to check it out. Whether they like it is a different topic. Chapter 4 is going to be another high-profile thing with the Crafter revamp and a supposed new high end content area.
Right now you can't find populations anywhere except Eisley. You might run into some people at a battlefield, and that's about it. Restuss is dead, overrun by NPC's.
My gut actually say never as to SOE might think about the losing face thing... /shrug
I did choose 40k as to stay afloat a MMO that sold +1 mill boxes don't need that many subs to show black numbers instead of red. I read about sub numbers at f13 (think) a while back and the subs needed are extreamly low with a fair box sale in the past
In this case we are talking Star Wars and as I have no clue to what LECs demands are so...?
"There are two kinds of spurs, my friend. Those that come in by the door; those that come in by the window"
Right now you can't find populations anywhere except Eisley. You might run into some people at a battlefield, and that's about it. Restuss is dead, overrun by NPC's.
What I've been seeing on the forums contradicts that. I've seen more "I'm back from XX months" posts this month then I have before. I've been seeing this in game too with old friends on my friendslist popping online. Not only that, but I'm seeing more new people at the Legacy hotspots
Which I also wouldn't buy from SOE.
All depends what server your on.The populations are low compared to pre cu.
I'd reckon about 50k peopel would sub to play pre cu
Don't click here...no2
"What I've been seeing on the forums contradicts that. I've seen more "I'm back from XX months" posts this month then I have before. I've been seeing this in game too with old friends on my friendslist popping online. Not only that, but I'm seeing more new people at the Legacy hotspots"
I can agree with your first response in this thread. However, in no way can I agree with this comment about the forums.
There has in the last few days been vets asking question. This however, has still been far outweighed by the post on:
Empty Servers
Finally Quit
etc etc
There has been and will be many people that will resub. Most of them quickly scurry away. I think anyone that really loved this game is going to come back now and then. They hope that the game is somehow back with what they loved.
The problem with that is SOE most likely doesn't see it that way. They just keep seeing that $15 the person paid for the month. As long as they keep seeing that there is no reason to really change things.
Which is why I personally won't resub to even check it out.
Obviously on the server you play on Obraik you see the population you see there. The server I played on (starsider) is just not what it was or even close. The total population you'd find on the server isn't even as high as you would have found in Theed Cantina the day before CU went live.
That's not even the entire city of Theed or even Coronet. That's just the cantina and yes it had more people than I can find on the entire server now (well before my accounts cancelled out).
Driving through player city after player city just to see empty. Yes I see plenty of building but no players. I'm sure SOE was losing subscriptions...
However, what I know is what the game looked like the day before CU and what MY server has looked like since. CU didn't hurt Starsiders population as bad as the NGE. It did drop substantially but not like it did with the NGE.
I can't comment on other servers. I'm sure someone would like to say how most people in the Cantina were afk entertainers. Well afk entertainers were still another account paying a monthly which they don't have now.
Plain and simple...
They should have just fixed the game they had.
The main reason I just can't see myself ever going back.. Is that they removed from the game every part of it that even interested me. Of course that's just me... I'm not going to claim it affects your enjoyment or anyone elses.
I just don't see how anyone can honestly claim or even believe that CU and/or the NGE doesn't have less players subscribed than pre-cu. Or that the entire game population is on an upswing...
((I guess if you play on some server I've never seen that seems to have population you may be able to believe it. I just also would say based on servers that used to be overly populated and are now basicly empty.. its very hard to believe))
Yes, plenty of that. Read any forum, "Hi, I'm back, so what's ..."
During the JTL trial around end of 2004, servers were so full, full groups of 20 were going out from Mos Espa. Because all other cities were so full, people lagged out. Bestine was a no-no, Eisley was packed, you had hard time getting anywhere and not running into a bunch of people.
Yes, people come back, take a look.
Where are the hordes of newbies, first timers, players enthusiastic about the game, that can't stop playing. Where are the newbie guilds, newbie cities, newbies inviting random people to come see their house? Where are newbies excited about killing a bantha? Killing borvo's elite guard? Where are the newbies setting down a camp, inviting any random passer by, ammasing dozens of people? Where is the Jedi, assembling a group of new players, and taking them out for a hunt to help them gain a few skills? Crafters making stuff for new players? Where are the newbies running around excited telling everyone that Han Solo is cantina? A group of newbies setting up an expedition to Fort Tusken? A group of underequiped players struggling on their way to Sarlacc pit? A newbie completing the Jabba's palace quest, and spending 30 minutes trying to get Bobba to group with him? The horrible disaster that happened when you first ventured out on Dantooine? Or even worse, Endor. Learning about brandy. Getting first armor. First decent weapon. First pet. AT-ST.
That is what the experience was. The technical quality was always crap. The bugs were always there. But ask anyone to tell you of their experience now. Will they be excited? Will they have anything noteworthy to say? Do they have a story?
That was the game I played.
This game is dead.
By my gage - Just now at 10:48 AM Eastern US Time the first post on the General Forum has a time of 7:45 AM Pacific and the last post 6:34 AM. This is over a hour for a new post to scroll off the 1st page of 20 posts.
Pre-CU this would have been under 1 minute.
FYI -Scanning the Chilly Forums 1st 4 pages shows 3 goodbyes and 0 Im back
Would you be as kind as to PM me when the "best of both is finished" so i can try it rather than pay for its development & testing (combat system,xp,loot tables,AI,proffesion balance) are worked out in beta, not in a live game.
I bought a car - the sales man tells me the wheels will be put on soon so i bought it(what a deal).
The professions?
Oh, you mean an insignificant user interface issue, that affects how cursor moves. It wasn't the combat queue that made pre-cu.
you know what, I don't want SOE to do classic servers. They can't even manage the mess they have now. WTH. I left 2 months ago and things have not changed since day one of the NGE from what I just read in a players post. All they can seem to do is add more stuff in to break. I don't get.
But it's summer, school vacation, this is as good as it's gonna get. Free trials, kids experimenting out of curiosity. When September comes around, numbers will dip again, how badly is anybody's guess.
SOEs ego is just to strong for this failure.
I would think a whole other game with them not invovled has a better chance to happen actually.
SOE has really fucked this up and I cannot wait for the "I told ya so's" to fly is coming, just not soon enough.
I usually picture the Career builder commercial with the room full of monkeys and upside down sales chart when thinking about the SOE/SWG decision making process.....
SOE's John Blakely and Todd Fiala issued a warning: "Don't make our mistakes." Ref NGE
Winner of the worst MMOS goes to.... the NGE and SWG..!!!
Yes, plenty of that. Read any forum, "Hi, I'm back, so what's ..."
During the JTL trial around end of 2004, servers were so full, full groups of 20 were going out from Mos Espa. Because all other cities were so full, people lagged out. Bestine was a no-no, Eisley was packed, you had hard time getting anywhere and not running into a bunch of people.
Yes, people come back, take a look.
Where are the hordes of newbies, first timers, players enthusiastic about the game, that can't stop playing. Where are the newbie guilds, newbie cities, newbies inviting random people to come see their house? Where are newbies excited about killing a bantha? Killing borvo's elite guard? Where are the newbies setting down a camp, inviting any random passer by, ammasing dozens of people? Where is the Jedi, assembling a group of new players, and taking them out for a hunt to help them gain a few skills? Crafters making stuff for new players? Where are the newbies running around excited telling everyone that Han Solo is cantina? A group of newbies setting up an expedition to Fort Tusken? A group of underequiped players struggling on their way to Sarlacc pit? A newbie completing the Jabba's palace quest, and spending 30 minutes trying to get Bobba to group with him? The horrible disaster that happened when you first ventured out on Dantooine? Or even worse, Endor. Learning about brandy. Getting first armor. First decent weapon. First pet. AT-ST.
That is what the experience was. The technical quality was always crap. The bugs were always there. But ask anyone to tell you of their experience now. Will they be excited? Will they have anything noteworthy to say? Do they have a story?
That was the game I played.
This game is dead.
/wipes away tears of memory
Yes and thats really what has killed SWG. It's the spirit, the soul if you will, that has vanished from this game. People make a MMO great, not coders ( although it sure helps to get bugs away and content filled in ).