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I'm not quite sure what I'm suppose to do when I enter this game, especially as a newbie. Should I not enter and train offline as a newbie or try and get into the training grounds?
So far I've tried to take part in 3 missions:
The First time all i done was try and run to the Target and eventually Exitted because it was too far (I assume this is because the Missions has been around for a while?).
Second time I ran into a bunch of people but they said I needed a Parachute for this Missions, apparently new recrutis can't get Parachutes so I left.
Third time I was running towards my leader, got shot and died.
So... what do i do exactly? Upon entering the game should I say in the channels something and get details on the plan?
I also read in another thread about the possibility of others being annoyed about Newbies "Wastign equipment" (although this was on the subject of a Plane), if as a Newbie I show up but am pretty much useless, will it frustrate my 'Comrades'? I have no idea what the WW2 Community is like so I'm nervous to ask out loud for help, especially in this setting where I assume people are pressure for time and can't be guiding a newbie around.
Finding it quite overwhelming and unsure what to do and how to act.
when you log in and choose a brigade, look for a mission with a truck next to it. this is called a mobile spawn point (msp) if you spawn in at that you will probably be very close to the action. otherwise spawn in to a defense mission and watch the chat to see where the enemy are coming from. also helps to look at your map to see where the enemy foward base (fb) is. position yourself in decent cover to intercept the enemy troops.
you mentioned you ran at another player and were shot. NEVER run directly to another player with the only reason being to be close to them. you are attracting attention not only to yourself but also to the other players position.
about the parachute: you are currently at rank: Recruit. which means your name appears green and has a giant R next to it when other members of your side look at you. at this rank you can only spawn in with certain equipment. you need to rank up in order to use other gear. ranking up occurs mainly from getting kills, but also from setting up msps and having ppl spawn from them and from capturing cps.
any other question feel free to talk to me on xfire or in game (if you play allies) by typing .m Fader
ww2online: Fader
EVE: Fader Bane
proud member of BKB
"yes training server and the offline practice mode are a must before you log in. practice with all the equipment until you have you controls down and know how to handle everything. the reason i stress this is that every town in the game has a limited supply. so when you grab that nice big tank and it gets blown up because you don't know what you're doing, thats one tank less that an experienced soldier could use. (now if you're playing axis waste all the supplies you can)"
Do town's have a limitted supply of Rifles (which is all I've been toying with). Just worried I may have messed things up for them. Is it worth playing with the Tanks/Planes/So forth in practice mode if i don't intend to use them anytime soon?
"when you log in and choose a brigade, look for a mission with a truck next to it. this is called a mobile spawn point (msp) if you spawn in at that you will probably be very close to the action. otherwise spawn in to a defense mission and watch the chat to see where the enemy are coming from. also helps to look at your map to see where the enemy foward base (fb) is. position yourself in decent cover to intercept the enemy troops."
Ah, I remember a Truck in the 3rd Mission I joined so I guess that's why I was closer to the action.
"you mentioned you ran at another player and were shot. NEVER run directly to another player with the only reason being to be close to them. you are attracting attention not only to yourself but also to the other players position."
I didn't run "at the player", I was running in the direciton of the leader. But thanks for the tip Makes sense.
"about the parachute: you are currently at rank: Recruit. which means your name appears green and has a giant R next to it when other members of your side look at you. at this rank you can only spawn in with certain equipment. you need to rank up in order to use other gear. ranking up occurs mainly from getting kills, but also from setting up msps and having ppl spawn from them and from capturing cps."
I see. How would I set up MSPs and by capturing "Cps" since I don't see myself getting very many kills
"any other question feel free to talk to me on xfire or in game (if you play allies) by typing .m Fader"
A bit... this game in completely overwhelming!
Here is a list of newbie tips for you...
Start off playing a basic Rifleman. Each Base has at least 200 of these, and if the count is getting so low that a few rifleman would cause anyone to cry... the base is already lost anyway.
Before select a brigade, look at the map. Find towns flying the flag you fight for that have little orange army men / tank icons next to them. These show that at least one bad guy is near. Hover you mouse over the towns icon and a information box will come up telling you which unit is deployed in that town. Then go to the select brigade tab and select that unit and spawn in.
Once spawned, and before exiting the spawn point, give you self a few seconds for your client to receive all the local information, check you map to see is any other players on your side posted any information about the location of the bad guys, and determine which side of town the bad guys should be coming from.
Get on target chat (press F2) and ask what's going on. If it's a massive attack, just watch the chat and your map for reports and try and get to a location that will provide you a little concealment an cover, and wait! The hardest part of playing WWIIOL is the fact that if your moving, your easy to spot and if your spoted someone is going to direct fire on top of your head. This game is all about using cover and concealment to get you where you need to be. Also, remember that once you fire, everyone knows where you are, so fire and move is the best tactic for ground play. The weapon sights are also adjustable, I like to set my rifle at 300m (page up / page down keys) Most combat take place around this range.
Once you in the game, and you kind of have a handle on tactics, and game play, give a tank a try! Or if your a air combat type take out a fighter for a spin.
Here's a tip on learning air combat tactics... beg a ride with someone! Several of the aircraft have tail gunners that other players can man. A good pilot can pull your rank up in just a few of missions and teach you a ton about how to fly. That pilot also gets an extra set of eyes watching his rear end. No pilot in there right mind would give that up! (You can also help man a tank, but it's rare to find anyone willing to give up there main gun to a newbie)
Last but now least, find a squad and get on voice chat with them.
Thanks for the info, i feel a lil better about diving in as a Rifleman. Is Targe tChat the unviersal chat for my side then?
Is manning the tail gun on planes easy or hard? Is it similar to aiming and shooting with a Rifle or is it different? [Edit: Nm, that's if I intend to fly >< Which I don't since I don't have a Joystick]
As a general rule, the roll of the infantry is to capture enemy facilities (flags), defend friendly facilities and shoot enemy infantry. When you pick a mission as infantry look at the mission screen for the origin (where u spawn) and target (where u intend to move to). If the mission is an attack mission, you want to look for missions that have the truck icon, or the origin is in the enemies town (captured depot). This will get you to combat the quickest. The mobile spawn point (truck) most likely will be between 400-1000m away from an enemy spawn area, but the captured depot will be in the same town as the enemy's spawn points. Do not worry about waisting infantry while you learn, there is usually plenty for everyone (except the sapper, try not to use that unit too much while you learn since it is a multi-roll unit with many uses and few in the spawn pool).
Again, as a general rule, the roll of the tanker is to kill enemy tanks, kill enemy anti-tank guns, kill enemy infantry and suppress routes of movement so friendly infantry can advance. Tanks in this game are much fewer in numbers compared to infantry. On an attack, a lot of friendly tanks can make the attacking infantry's job real easy so if you ever play as a tank, support your infantry and in turn support other tanks. Do not be afraid of spawning a tank. Just make sure you are familiar with running it. What the vets in game roll their eyes at is a new person who spawns a tank then asks on general chat, "how do i drive this thing" or "how do I fire this thing". Be familiar with the vehicle and how to use it first then feal free to use them in game. Don't sweat the dieing stuff in a tank, we all were new and we all learned what to do and not do by playing them/dieing in them.
Communicate with your side always. If you spawn in a mission and you're not sure whats going on, whats needed in the mission, where the badguys are coming from, etc. say so. Don't keep silent, but let your teammates know that you are lost in the mission. Someone should step up and help you. Also if you are not familiar with game functions, map functions and anything else, tune to the HELP channel and ask your questions. Many vets (including my self) watch the help channel and answer noob questions.
Last, if someone starts spamming you in text on how you're new/waisting stuff/worthless bla bla bla, tell him to bugger off/go pound sand/or any other explitive you can think of because you paid your dues just like everyone else has. Therefore you are entitled to use all the equipment too (rank restrictions aside). If he continues on, just do a .ignore <player's name> and game happily ever after (not sure about dot commands, in text type .help for a list)
Good luck and if you play on the allied side, look me up in game and I'll train ya.
target chat is the most used chat, but it is not your "side" chat. there is actually a "side" chat that you have to join your self but not many use it. most people have the default channels plus two custom channels of the high command channel (HC), and the airforce channel (ie: 55 is the RAF if you are with the british) to join a channel left click on the chat tab you want (hold down the alt key to bring up the cursor in the field). then select from the options. to set your own channel, select custom and put in the number.
ww2online: Fader
EVE: Fader Bane
proud member of BKB
Well I had some fun yesterday, even though msot of what I done was Cannon Fodder I managed to get my 1st kill! ^^ Shooting a German 3 times in the crotch ftw!
I wanted to try and man one of the MSP buggies but I can't figure out how to change my keymap settings. When I go to change it from "Joystick" by pressing a button on my keyboard it won't allow me. The only thing that it will allow me to change it to is my Mouse... which I don't particularly want to control every element of driving...
You guys were right though, the community has been very friendly. I hopped onto a Tank for transport and once we came to park to protect a base the guy sat and talked with me, tuned me into an Allied Channel, explained some of the chat stuff to me (so that I finally understand what I con means what now, wahoo!) and filled me in on the Abbrevs that I didn't understand.
I tried to take you up on your offer Slamen and Fader but I couldn't find you guys online when I was playing. I'm Mickioni on the game btw if you guys happen to stop by here and find me online.
ww2online: Fader
EVE: Fader Bane
proud member of BKB
Eh, I don't really wanna start investing in a Joystick for a game I'm not 100% on playing in the future. I was at it again today, kinda getting a frustrating. Out of the 8 or 9 times I got killed I had no idea what it was or where it came from and another time I got killed it was by a Machine Gunner who I'd shot at 3 or 4 times (although according to the post-death report I hit him once which makes me wonder if Bullets don't go through bushes...). As a Rifleman it really seems all I do is be fodder for the enemy to kill, I know the learning curve and rank system is there for a reason but it can get rather frustrating dying and having no idea what happened.
Edit: Bleh, I can't re-enter the game now since I cancelled the account in advance. Midway through today i realised I didn't remember when I registered so I figure best to cancel now while I'm sure I won't be billed than later. It said when on the account page but I cancelled anyway for safety. Turns out that "You won't be able to enter the game" applies to before that free trial ran out. Anyway, I won't be resubscribing, while it was fun it wasn't the kind of thing I could see myself playing consistently and to be honest, it gave me some painful headaches. I appreciate all the help I got while I was here both ingame and on this forum though.
Oh I see lol. Thought it meant I hit a certain type of person X times.
ww2online: Fader
EVE: Fader Bane
proud member of BKB
"sorry to hear you didn't have a good experience. the game does take time and patience its not the usual run and gun games like battlefield."
It wasn't a bad experience It was fun and while playing it always felt like at any moment I could be killed (good thing). It just gave me loads of headaches having to focus so much and the lack of Joystick probably took away a large amount of the gameplay. Was a fun game with a great community, I just don't think I'd ever have it in me to play consistently long enough to get good at it though.
A number one rule which is extremely important - stealth....always keep low, aim up your sites, slowly and carefully proceed to the enemy. This can be tricky, you have to avoid your body from sticking through the bushes. Another important thing is to have your knife equipped instead of a rifle! A rifle can stick out a lot, and even the fact that you show less pixles means you are harder to spot. A rifle can actually give you away. Stick with a knife...not a grenade...I learnt my lesson why the hard way . If you use stealth, have patience and treat this game realistically, the element of suprise is on your side. The trouble will be when you take a shot, the enemy is going to know the where abouts of your location, so be ready to relocated after killing your enemy. You have to make yourself seem like a sniper all the time....otherwise you are just going to continue dying. When in town, thats a lot harder to stay alive, just take cover in berms and bushes.
Anyway, a second rule which is repeated from the first rule is only shoot if you have to. Watch when you shoot and where. Try to always make sure you are well dug in to a berm or well hidden in a bush before taking a shot. Never shoot when you are right near a friendly don't want to give away its location. Try to shoot the enemy from a close range within 300 meters. That ways you won't have to shoot at him several times since targeting at long ranges is so hard. Keep the element of suprise in mind....once you take that shot...your element of suprise is gone.
A very good tip is to stay near an HC (the well dressed officers) and keep him company, unless they go AFK. They are very experienced (though some still don't know how to fight) and know quite a few things. Most importantly they have binoculars and you can trust in their experience not to be hasty and since they have binoculars they can see the enemy better then you. Try to stay near them, follow them, but don't be so close you are right up their ass. Try not to give their position away, if he's spying at the enemy, its not necessary for you to also stick your head out....unless the HC is going to start taking some shots.
Anyway, those are some good tips. Ah also use the Help channel for extra help.
One last thing, even though you are having a tough time aiming....its because this game may have bad FPS for you or else because its the trouble with the realism. The realism is hard to get used to and if you don't kill your enemy before he kills have to start over, and always think that you have one chance, and if you are hit once you are dead. I always do my best to stay alive rather then get kills. My name is Mik3y in WWII. Check my Allied ratio axis ratio isn't so good, though thats cause I'm still getting used to the weapons. don't need to play with the Joystick only. I've managed to play everything without joysticks except for planes. Well not only managed, but I prefer playing with mouse and keyboard in everything except planes. I use my joystick only for planes. If you want I'll send you my config and you may learn it and I can easilly explain a few things. Anyway, you are new to this game, so I suggest you have a lot of patience and persist in asking the community itself. They would have told you some of what I told you.
Have to put something up!
When I first started playing this game, I was constantly getting killed and thinking WTF?!? (matter of fact I still do this) -- This game takes time to get used to, it doesn't require huge investments in time to play it regularly, there is no 'race' to level up there is no 'grind' the only initial grind is gaining the few ranks so you can use binoculars and the rest of the Infantry Equipment, but beyond that you don't have to think about it.
I do play a few MMORPGs and the contrast is significant. Everything you do in this game has signifiganance as it is all real people based (except for the fairly basic AI that protects towns to help balance initla attack game play). This has been the only game that I have ever played that I continue to play regularly and really enjoy. Every other game I get burned out on fairly quick once I hit level 40 or something and just get tired. Once you learn infantry and sapping, etc... it's awesome, no other game will get your heart racing so frequently than this one -- nothing like sneaking up on an enemy tank and placing a charge on it. As well, once you master infantry (and most of the experienced players still play rifleman as it is one of the best units), you can move on to flying, which I will tell you is one of the most fun and frustrating experiences in the whole game, it takes time to master, it takes skill, it takes patience, but shooting down your first plane, seeing the wing fall off or the engine catch fire is such a feeling of exhilieration that you'll probably lawn dart out of excitement.
Also, this is a 'thinking' game, when new people start playing it, I always get a lot of questions and always try to help them out as most new players are accustomed to the hack-n-grind or typical FPS. Don't expect an HL2 or COD experience. I find the biggest challenge folks have initially is finding the action, but once you get used to the map, finding the action becomes easy, now you just need accept death ;-) -- it happens it will always happen and many times you'll have no clue as to who shot you. But, that's what makes it fun. You have to think about your approach to battle, how you flank your enemy, where to hide, how to hide, know how to identify the enemy by sound (a french, english, and german rifle sound different) it can be subtle, but once you get good at it you'll go "ahhh...there's an S35 heading down the road", and you'll know what to do rather than take a few hundred pieces of lead, and maybe be able to sneak up on it and blow it up. (I play axis mostly so hence the s35 as the enemy). My point here, is that most FPS folks get disilliusioned quickly, because they expect quick action/respawn, etc... but that's not what war is like, this game is the closest to a real war simulator that there is. It's about life preservation and taking out more of them before you get nailed. I'm just happy I now know how to BnZ in a 190...hahaha..
The community is awesome, almost everyone is friendly ;-) There is a very very limited amount of inmature spam on chat, and when there is it is usually quashed right away. I can go on about why this game is better than almost any other out there, but that's something that is subjective and a taste preference.
Slowly, you'll start to build up knowledge of where you'd most likely run into EI. The most obvious one, ofcourse.. The church tower. Don't go there. Any half-decent sniper will pick you down in no time.
It's often more rewarding to take the long way around town(Lets say most of our forces is focusing on S/W part. Head, East, then north, and try to sneak into town. You'd be suprised how often that works.
This is great fun, if you're playing an sapper during an offensive. An sapper can kill everything they meet on the ground, and with some practise.. 4 ET's, couple of ATG's, a few EI's, and a cap or two.. In one sortie.
The best way to get rank fast, is to setup an MSP. At rank E6, i get 2-3% rank increasement for an good sortie(8+ kills, with at least 2 ET's as an sapper. 7+ ET's as a tanker). Setting up an MSP, while give me 1-2% after 10-15min if you get a decent amount to spawn(Around 30 inf). You'll hit E5 quickly if you just setup an MSP now and then, while reading and watching everything you can about the game(Learn the sapper spots by watching videos and sheets, same with the ATR).
first off keep your head down and take your time missions go on for hours
second make sure your brigade has a mobile spawn for the mission
third Always go for the bunker
Have you seen my stapler?
ww2online: Fader
EVE: Fader Bane
proud member of BKB
No no depends what side you're playing
Always go for the bunker, because that will leave the axis with only CPs and then they can't spawn tanks. Just kill a few inf and the city is yours. Your team mates will hail you for your superior prowess on the battlefield. If your teammates find where you live, your name might go on one of the many monuments in town.
Never go for the bunker before all cps are capped, and anyone that caps the bunker before all cps are capped should be called an idiot and ridiculed so they never make that stupid mistake again. By capping the AB you forfeit the FBs to the city completly fubarring the attack. Again, in this case you might find your name on a monument as well.
** paid for by the coalition of axis players worldwide.
You should always ask before attempting a bunker (ie AB) capture to make sure the time is right.
ww2online: Fader
EVE: Fader Bane
proud member of BKB
Wow man, thanks for the wet blanket You must play allied
Yes, you are correct, by capping the AB the other side gets fresh supply from connected towns when their FBs come up. Then again, in the old days you lost your FB as well. But you see, I would have had to explain what that meant, which would have completely diluted the impact of the joke in the first place.
Ecke's significant other "Honey, lets make love"
Ecke "Love isn't made, its the emotional response thats reinforced as vasopressin is released into the blood, causing....."
Sorry, couldn't resist.