Well i am hoping that PotBS is close to or similar to the ULTIMATE pirate game ever, Pirates Gold! for sega genesis... it was the ultima pirate game and I still play it... if you added multiplayer and better quest it would be awesome. I recently purchased the update for the PC, the Sid Mieir's PIRATES... it is just 3d version of the old game... i even own the Orignal PIRATES! for Nintendo... i know i know im a pirate geek... but since this looks like the best game SINCE the ORINGAL ultima online(which BTW is the best MMORPG ever created when it was in its first 2-3years... we wont get in that debate though) i thought id ask if anyone had knowledge or info and see if its kind of like Pirates Gold... in hope it is!!!
See you guys on the ocean... i hope to beta test... link to sign up or volunteer? And i will be in day 1 hour 1 minute 1 getting my ship of the line and hunting the waters... dont know how much trading i will be doing
Old Skool Ultima Online Junky
Bring back the OLD UO so I can play again
Captain John Matin
Royal Red
I also played the original "Pirates!" on C64 for hours and later on the Amiga. I also bought the "Sid Meyers Pirates!" Collectors Edition for the PC and again played it for hours.
The only thing i hope is that they won't implent this crappy dance stuff from the PC Version.
Me and my guild mates can't wait to get our hands on this game. YYAAAARRRRR!
It is called World of Pirates.
Their website - http://worldofpirates.4players.de/wop/main_en.html
I was in beta but hardly played it.
Yeap, those were the days of high adventure! Played Pirates! on C64 first and then later on Amiga. I even upgraded the amiga with ½ a RAM just to see the extra graphics, lol. Just out of curiosity, did people ever choose anything else but health at the beginning where you could choose between gunnery, charm, medical skills etc.?
i used to choose charm because i wanted to get the hottest wife lol.
I wonder how close POTBS will be to Sid Miers awesome games. I started with the c64 version too, i just can't really remember it much i was pretty young like still in primary school.
yeah i think it was all taken into account marginally but improved in later versions. So it depends which one you mainly played. My uncle finished the c64 version at top rank "kings advisor" but i could never reach such heights. I think it took much saving and much carefuly sailing, as dilly dallying out at sea too long sailing against terrible winds or with no winds the crew would starve and of course get angry.
what a fantastic game, cant wait for the MMO version, which looks to be the same, but expanded somewhat.
*raises hand*
Played Pirates on Sega Genesis. Enjoyed it.
Another cool game was Uncharted Waters for Nintendo.
that is all.
Ok, changing the subject abit here. Which ship was your favourite command ship then? I personally always into battle with a barcque, it had decent manoevreability and 16 guns as I recall and could take out a galleon if the winds were favourable.
yeah the barque was great but i mainly used a sloop and relied on my personal abilty to out sword fight any enemy captain quickly. I like using the scatter shot to kill enemy troops for a while before boarding.
Ah, yes the sloop, a definate favourite and top-3 . There was a different version of the sloop, a war sloop, that you could loot from one of the top pirates. It had more tonnage than the normal sloop you always saw.
Played Pirates! on a Commodore 128...It was the most popular game on our floor of the dorm hall. Sometimes people would come by and play for hours in the evening. I would go to sleep and they would let themselves out sometime during the night.
Bought the latest PC version when it released...Not sure what the dancing was about, but whatever, still loved it. So, I am highly anticipating PotBS.
Did anyone notice that the game speed was sligthly increased in comparison to the old Pirates! ?
I could roam for for hours on end, but the new version I finished quite quickly which was kind of disappointing.
still ussually got the hot blonde too
oh yaha nd NO DANCING like int he PC pirates hehehe
Old Skool Ultima Online Junky
Bring back the OLD UO so I can play again