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Hi folks
I am new to all this mmorpg caper and am really looking forward to getting stuck in. Looking forward to Darkfall and Dragon Empires.
I was wondering what your thoughts are about a player having 2 pc`s with 2 accounts for a game, Asheron`s Call for example. I know a guy by the name of Mallus (Think his Asheron`s Call name is Shim) who uses 2 accounts. He logs on with both and uses one of his chars to buff the other up and goes off killing. He told me that he also uses a macro (No idea what it is) that he leaves running when he goes to work. When players or npc`s walk by this macro attacks them.
Was wondering if these actions are seen as cheating? Cos it smacks of it to me and I am concerned that if he is doing it then there will be others. I would really like a level playing field and would like to know what precautions are to be implemented in future releases.
9.523809523809523% nerd blood flows through your veins.
NOOOOO get it out get it out!!!!
wu-name=Ungrateful Dreamer
Love your enemys, it will drive them crazy.
9.523809523809523% nerd blood flows through your veins.
NOOOOO get it out get it out!!!!
Turbine made it against the COC to run a unattended macro in their game world, where the first time you were caught, you were banned from the game for a week, and the second time, you were banned for life.
I know of atleast one person who was banned for life, who did get his account back a few months later.
Omol da'Ox
The Blooded
Omol da'Ox
The anticpation of death is far worse than death itself.
If you wait to do something until the last minute, your more efficient since it will only take 1 minute.
That is a stupid reason to kill your self.
"So how did you die?"
"I killed myself for getting banned on a game."
9.523809523809523% nerd blood flows through your veins.
NOOOOO get it out get it out!!!!
wu-name=Ungrateful Dreamer
Love your enemys, it will drive them crazy.
9.523809523809523% nerd blood flows through your veins.
NOOOOO get it out get it out!!!!
2 accounts is a common thing espically in games like DAoC.
Macroing well depends on the game for instance in SWG people unattend macro surveying and most do it as its a boring skill to raise.
SoE knows this and never commented on this.
In DAoC while mythic frowns on using 2 or more accounts for bots they tend to ignore it.I in my heydays of DAoC had 2 accounts on same CC and address never was told it was wrong.They do frown on using another account to spy on other realms and have in the past banned people they caught for this but rarely.
In 1999 a GM thought i was macroing unattended while mining and came to me and said if you don't answer me in 1 minute i will know you are not there and ban you.I said hey i am here hehe and he greeted me and chatted for a bit and left.
PLing in most mmorpg is common place too using multiple accounts.
So all depends on the game.
I personally think it makes mmorpg look cheap with macros and multiple account but its extra cash for the company so don't expect them to ever say no to this .
But in the other hand the game makers still make money by letting people have 2 accounts.
It's just how you look at it.
Twitter @Phantium
I honestly think some companies like SoE even make the game such to encourage it.
Take SWG you can only make 1 char per server.
So about half the gamers there run at least 2 accounts
I can say i know someone on the chilastra server that has 7 thats right 7 accounts.Thats $15 x 7 =$105 a month he is giving to SoE.
More then 40 percent of friends i made in that game have 2 or more accounts.
Thats why i personally think that there are less then 100,000 actual people playing SoE.
But in the end 1 char per server has made SoE even richer with SWG.
"The greatest trick the devil played on humanity in the 20th century was convincing them that he didn't exist." (Paraphrasing) C.S. Lewis
"If a mother can kill her own child, what is left before I kill you and you kill me?" -Mother Teresa when talking about abortion after accepting the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979
Problem with 2 accounts or more comes in play in games which has pvp related issues.
Ok take DAoC there was a time we all frowned on does using buffbots.But in the end that was the only way to actually rvr without been in a zerg.So eventually(including me) most of us got buffbots and parked them outside.Now sure the company will be happy with them .
Some games it helps like in EQ where i knew a chap who had 60s on all his 4 accounts(60 highest then).So when i was on night shift i never suffered from no group.He had a cleric who only used complete heals and that was enough for me.
So while multiple accounts rarely hurt the general community in PvE and in many cases can be benefical,in PvP it can damage the community.
If you ask 100 people in DAoC would they rather be without buffbots(aka multiple accounts) you get i am sure a 90/100 answer yes.But this buffbots have become an almost must unless you are in a very good RvR guild.
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*Does not play well with others*
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I've got nothing against multi-boxing (multiple cpu'sand accnts) because my friend did and i would help him out by playing the other character but running bots for you is pretty bad i think because it just takes away from the whole gaming experience. You don't get to experience every level and the satisfaction you get from gaining a level.
If you're only goal in a MMO is to get the highest lvl, then i don't nkow what to say
Not a whole lot you can say, due to the fact is, if it is allowed some people (not all) will do whatever it takes to make it to the top first. It happens in every game.
If people want to multi box that is fine with me. I do not agree with using any type of macro of 3rd party program that runs characters for you tho.
Omol da'Ox
The Blooded
Omol da'Ox
As far as I recall UO allowed macroing unless it was unattended, which wasnt hard to catch since half the servers used to leave their chars macroing overnight
2 accounts are perfectly fine although pretty lame in many player's eyes. I pLed myself with a friends account in DaoC so I find this perfectly acceptable
It's better be hated for who you are, than loved for who you aren't.
It's better be hated for who you are, than loved for who you aren't.
Achievers really balk at what macroing does to their status. I know plenty of people who feel they've been demeaned because their level 100 character was done "legit" while JoeBloe was done via macro. THis doesn't bother me in any way, because I know what I did to get where I was and I'm proud of it, regardless of the status of anyone else in the game. But that's me.
As for 2-boxing...hell, that's almost a skill. I knew a guild on Luclin in EQ that had raids of 40 characters run by 20 people. More power to 'em and anyone that wants to.
Hey, it's all good. Play the way you want to play.
"When you find yourself falling into madness... Dive." - Malkavian Proverb
- MMORPG.COM Staff -
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