There is so much junk available in MMORPG these days. As I search the long list of games, and come to FOM that has no trial, I just say no. Why should I believe that this game is any good? Why should I bother to sign up and pay? It doesn't have a 9+ ranking. The reviews are hot and cold, so I won't bother. I'll just move on to the next game that does have a trial. If you want to build a fan base, provide a trial period. If the game is any good, we'll subscribe. Actually, we'll pay a lot for a really good game. Even 7 days would be enough.
Don't bother with FoM if you think you need a trial, go play your grinding games, one less complainer.
Dr. B
The game has taken a different path since Open Beta, and yes, as you said FoM doesn't have "no grind". Compared to WoW, or any other game there isn't any grind.
The game is there for people that are willing to go out and find fun, not wait for it to come to them, if you want fun in FoM, you can get it, as long as you go out and look, or make it your self.
The game hits the shelves in Germany at the end of August, which has 2 months 'free' in it after you purchase the game.
The developers said that there will be no real free trial anytime soon, if any.
If you don't want to try it, then by all means try the next game on the list.
Dr. B
The crafting is simple but yet the game revolves around the economy (crafting) and politics?
Sounds fun... Not
These last two posts really prove my point. Everyone gets lit up about different aspects of a game. If you can't log on for a few days and try it, how can you know if you'll like it.....certainly not by what everyone says, since everyone's tastes are so different. *sigh* if someone could just role all these aspects into one game I would pay A LOT for it. Too many corporate bean counters controlling game dev and not enough brilliant devs funded and and then let loose to develop some A+++ games.
Dr. B
Guys, incase you haven't noticed, this may be the first game ever to be comeplely player controlled. The game is stressfull and you have people that are really annoying. Unlike you wow kiddies where you have npcs to hold your hand, fom has people that train you and show you the ways. And if someone kills someone, that can have a huge impact on war. Its not like in wow where everything is planned, fom is unexpected. You can be standing in manhattan market and next thing you know be killed. People like mercenaries can be real assholes at times, they will nade you, act all tought, and gang up on you with his other merc friends. Then you get really pissed because it wasent a fair fight. And fom takes skill, again, not like wow were you have 60 attack and 50 defend. Its all about mouse and keyboard movement. The game like I said before is very stressful, I myself have been really pissed off, mainly at mercenaries and raged and almost quit the game. And your not fighting npcs where you know how much damage and attack you do to them. And its not where you have a dragon sword +3 blessed, its you have a Linner PP7 assault rifle with either 7.62 full metal jackets, or titanium bullets. the Linner PP7 isent the only gun in the game, you have the Zanithd pistol, the Hallem Tar 7, the RGI-9, the techtronic 6x6 and some other guns.
Wakka wakka wakka - Pac-Man
You should also not expect an CS kind of combat model, but I got used to the model FoM is using and it is fun. Differand that is sure, but again becouse something is differand it is not wrong. This is shamefully how poeple think to much.
I start to enjoy the game even more and it all turn around you. You can actualy make an difference in the game itself, that is the benifit of having an small comunity. You need to work for it offcourse. You can not expect poeple to know you from the start.
My charater is an higher ranked FDC. His job is to lead the troop and maintain good relationships with the other factions. (That is actualy an extreamly hard and stressfull job). Beside that he is one of the few medics in the game. Also he is an congress man in the colonial congress. However this is an game where you would run away after 5 minutes. I did it in the early stage of the beta....belive me I regret it till the day I die I did not contineu playing back then.
WoW...that is an game that will alway be the same. Regardless of where you and what level you life does not change. You charater can not make an differance in the world itself. The monster you kill will spawn in a few minutes again and you can help an clanmate to do the quest again over and over and over.
This is untreu in FoM. Every day will be an other day. Every day will be diffent. For some this does not count. however duo to the player run deplomacy. You ally today could be you enemy tommorow. Depending of you rank and duties in the game itself though and offcourse faction.
for exemple the GoM don't fight that much and are more the deplomatic faction in the game and only fight when it is really needed. I really don't have an cleu how they fill in there time though. However the MoTB on the other hand are poeple who fight often and can be contracted. Therefor the enemy today could be there contracter tomorrow.
Offcourse this game ain't perfect. It need tweaking and such. Although the devs came an long way.
Last tip I like to give to potential players is, if you dislike an faction...don't leave the game, try and othe factions. You can play this game in 8 differand ways. As the 8 differand factions all play the game differand.
Supply and demand also play a major role in the economy, just like real life. If something is selling really slow, suppliers may reduce costs to sell more of it.
Also, I do believe DPS are planning a free trial soon but I think it will be heavily restricted.
-Xavier Fura
"<Claus|Dev> i r pk"
I also think FoM will not last much longer without some form of trial for people to try, as it is true that it takes a unique kind of player to enjoy the game. I myself tried it and looking for player created content that has not been created most of the time is not my idea of fun, but that doesn't mean some people can't enjoy themselves. On a plus note, it is great as a chat room.
Please dont state 'soon'. This is a relative statement at best, and often leads to disputes. The realiity is that they are aware of the need for a trial program, but are in the midst of 2 major revisions that have a much higher priority.
The first issue is timeouts, and is related to the net code. This is currently under revision, and is the highest priority.
The next priority is the list of upgrades for Milestone 2. They will be working on these as soon as they have resolved the first issue.
There are several other items that are 'known', but are not the the priority list. A trial progam is one of those. We do not know when this will become available, or how it will work, but we know that they will implement it when they have time (for all we know, it could be rolled into parts of MS2).