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Your favorite PvP moment

I thought I'd introduce this topic here from a different forum. What's your favorite PvP moment in WoW? Mine would have to be back when I was level 44 we had that Night Elf town in Ashenvale surronded (I play horde) we were there for about 2 1/2 hours just non stop fighting really. Alot of fun! Unfortuently I missed there "revenge" attack on the horde town there (Damn I can't remember names to save the life of me!) Anyways, What's yours?


  • machoman12machoman12 Member Posts: 88
    when  i got to the starting point where all the night elfs were and killed like 40 of them unfortuantly all these lvl 60's came and pwned me :(


    98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy & paste this in your signature

  • BobCrazytonBobCrazyton Member UncommonPosts: 2,117

    Originally posted by machoman12
    when  i got to the starting point where all the night elfs were and killed like 40 of them unfortuantly all these lvl 60's came and pwned me :(

    You see, this would make sense....if you could accually do that. Well you can but only if the lowbies attack you first...wich I doubt 40 of them would do. But ether way, you're a dumbass.

    My favorite would have to be the hunter that kept running into the flag room alone and I got some free HK's offa that....other than that, nothing has really happened to me.

  • pimpkinpimpkin Member Posts: 9

    sheeping someone in water until they drowned.

  • AseenusAseenus Member UncommonPosts: 1,844
    when i was on my pally and me and a shammy were both fighting over this one spot to do quests, we fought for hours at end

  • Playing AB with my druid in the level 40-49 bracket.  Ran up the LM horde slope past 3 Ally straight at a mage in bear form, feral charge him, crit him, maul crit him, stun him.  The other three had turned around and started beating on me, I pop frenzied regen.  Smack the mage a few more times and kill him then feral charge up the slope to some priest hang a quick left, jump off the cliff have like 100 hp left cast regrowth and rejuv hang another left and start running back while my hp goes back up.  Start to whack on those other three while reinforcements arrive and we annihialte them.

    Too bad PvP sucks now.

  • CalmaeCalmae Member Posts: 115
    I had just hit level 60 with my dwarf priest (4th of the server at the time and sitting in IF was permanent /tell /tell /tell so i just had to get out)

    So I went for a trip up to undead n00by land to cure my boredom. I start to provoke a few level 5s, using fear, MC and then dropping pain while i got bored with playing with pawns *evil giggle* waiting for them to scream in the Undead city "high level ally priest pvped, nEED help plzzzzzzzzzzz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

    So eventually this level 60 Mage comes flying out the city gates on this mount and charges towards me jumps off his mount, blinks and the battle begins. Usually mages went down very quickly but this guy knew his character well and was very hard to take down... was very very fun. Basicly the battle went on for about 2 minutes before he blinked off into the Zepher tower (or whatever you horde call it) because the invevitable was approching him, he was about to die and it was obvious he didnt want to admit defeat. I ran after him but the zepher was leaving with him already on it but i jump and just caught the back! He was sitting at the facing away from me drinking his drink then....*pow* i hit him wtih MC, i turn him around so we face each other and i just kept it like that till the spell nearly ran out... then cheakly walked him off the edge.... so funny ^^

    Of course I believe he got the last laugh as i arrived in Orgima with a group of horde waiting for me. But I wasn't giving up yet! I leaped off the zepher spaming my levitation spell but it wasn't till i saw myself hurtling torwards 2 NPC guards when i realised id actually ran out of feathers.

    But that was definitley the best PvP moment in my months of playing that game.


  • SonofSethSonofSeth Member UncommonPosts: 1,884


    This is the story of how Jitters, lvl48 Gnome Mage meet Sonofseth, lvl60 Undead Rogue.

    When Jitters woke up that morning, it looked like any other day, and before his morning coffe he was already on his way to Hinterlands. Killing trolls is always fun, he thought to himself, especialy when they don't know what hit them. He hated all those big ones who always pushed him around, it was a good therapy.

    Litle did he know that someone else was also on his way to Hinterlands, with the same agenda as Jitters. After changing professions, Sonofseth had seen only the downside of engeniering, some cool gadgets, yes, but nothing realy usefull, he wanted to finally use his Gnomish Mind Control Cap, but never got the oportunity, and everything costs gold when you are an engenieer.

    After landing in Revantusk Village, Sonofseth mounted immediately and he was on his way to get prescious Flasks of Mojo from those damn trolls. When he arived and saw dead troll bodies he immediately dismounted and turned stealth. "Someone is here" he whispered to himself, and started searching the area. To his surprize and great joy, there he was, litle gnome mage, Jitters was his name. With a wicked grin Sonofseth got closer but stoped for a moment, after thinking about it for few seconds, he decide this was a great chance to practice his skills with a gun, he was using it for the first time so he wanted to give the gnome a chance. First shot, miss! Gnome turns around and upon spoting the undead quickly blinks away and starts to run, but rogues can run damn fast and soon Sonofseth was near and firing at Jitters, again, and again, after few misses he starts to get the hang of this blasted weapon and starts to hit Jitters. After minute or two Jitters finaly blinked far enough to get on his mount, but bleeding and tired of runing he just picked a random direction and got to a dead end so Sonofseth cought up to him quickly. Jitters drank one of his potions and returned to full health, but Sonofseth managed to place few more shots in him before the hunt continued.

    After few minutes of riding trough Hinterlad forest Jitters finaly remembered the friendly base to the west, hopefully the dwarfs will give him protection from the undead. Sonofseth also realised where this was heading, after all, it wasn't his first time facing those filthy litle dwarfs. Jitters quickly arived in the dwarf base, dismounted and ran into the dwarf keep entrance, and turns around to see if undead follows. When Sonofseth dismounted he was immediately attacked by a dwarf sentry, but he disposed of him quickly and realised that this is finaly a chance to test his Gnomish Mind Control Cap. He put it on, got stealthed, aproached Jitters and chose the nearest dwarf and used mind control on him. Dwarf, dased by the alcohol gave in easy and he was soon attacking Jitters without both of them understanding what the hell is going on around there. When Jitters realised he was beeing under attacking he started to retreat deeper into the Keep in hope of security. Sonofseth Vanished quickly, not breaking mind control and folowed Jitters in to see if dwarf would finnish the job.

    After giving very worthy resistance Jitters finaly fell from numerous blows that dwarf gave him, not aware of his actions. Sonofseth said a quiet preayer upon Jitters corps and left that place relishing the irony af a gnome faling victim to a gnome technology in hands of the undead.


  • IcoGamesIcoGames Member Posts: 2,360

    I don't have a favorite time specifically, but I still love stealth raiding cities with my druid. After a strike, I enjoy watching all the hunters running around flaring. ^_^

    Oh, cruel fate, to be thusly boned. Ask not for whom the bone bones. It bones for thee.

  • VicerynViceryn Member Posts: 177

    ok, the guy who said his fav moment was getting to lowbie zone and killing like 40 of are pathetic. I wish I was one of the 60's who beat you down. I hate when people make it to lowbie zones and pick on the newbies. Pathetic I say, pathetic! ::::07::

  • ferndipferndip Member UncommonPosts: 67
    my favorite moments are like the one that just happened last night.
    my level 2 gnome was challenged to a duel by a level 26 elf warrior. so I did the best thing I could think of, I /laughed at him, sat down & accepted the duel. after he killed me in one hit I asked him if it felt good to pick on young gnome ladies.  he didnt say anything , oddly enough. 

    Ive always wondered why people seem to like doing that, challenging people to a duel that have no chance of winning. maybe im missing something. oh! i know, thottbot will tell me what to do...

  • //\//\oo//\//\oo Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 2,767

    Call me sick, but this is how it went:

     I had been lvling with my 30ish mage outside of Grom'Gol, when some 40 hunter ganks me. Not only did he persist, but he also brought friends (40ish rogue, 39 priest).  

     Having prepared specifically for such a situation, I logged on my 60 rogue that happened to still be in area from a failed ZG run a day earlier; for the next hour and a half I would remain south of Grom'Gol, killing the hunter as he spawned.

      His friends had long abandoned him, until they gathered together for a final coup against me. Needless to say, I slaughtered them for the next 10-20 minutes until they finally contrived a plan to lure me to an island and kite me.

      I managed to kill the priest as soon as they hit land, while the dwarf rogue hearthed. The hunter, however, grew angry and brazen, attempting to water kite me to death (he got me to half health, since I had been busy killing the priest and attempting to reach the dwarf before he finished his hearth).

      I threw a blind, bandaged, laughed and two-shotted the bastard. After his death he logged, and to my satisfaction: A few days later I checked out the spot where the hunter had died, only to find his corpse in the same place.

     That utter demoralization of the enemy gave me more satisfaction than any epic duel victory.

    This is a sequence of characters intended to produce some profound mental effect, but it has failed.

  • XerqtionerXerqtioner Member Posts: 27
    My favorite PvP moment... I have many favorites, but the one that always cracked me up was when I ambushed a Warlock for 2354, and then backstabbed him again for 1566. I remember my offhand dagger critting for 244 as well so total damage = 4164. Unfortunately, for the Warlock, he only had 3600 or so HP. I remember the numbers exactly cause I screen shotted, and printed my combat log.  Great times, was really worth it. It didn't even last 5 seconds.

    "Dream as if you'll live forever...
    Live as if you'll die today..."

  • baphametbaphamet Member RarePosts: 3,311

    my favorite moment was much like the OP's, because it was also in ashenvale and it was probably a month after wow released.

    and i took on maybe 6-8 lvl 20ish people and killed them all with my 40ish hunter, it was the first time i did anything like that and my heart was pumping!

    i will add that i was eventually taken out due to the huge zerg of lowbies that kept coming at me relentlessly, it was great ::::18::

  • PantasticPantastic Member Posts: 1,204

    On my rogue at level 42 I got jumped by a troll rogue 4-6 levels higher in STV while fighting. I thought I was toast, but with evasion and sprint got away. I snuck back to the area, and saw that he started farming the trolls that I had been farming. So I jumped him and did it properly, then went back to my hunting but a bit more carefully. I ended up killing him another time or two before I was done.

    At around 50 on the day the honor system came out, everyone was raiding every town. There was one really spectacular battle that involved a batch of level 60 horde guys attacking Theramore. I think they outnumbered us defenders in additon to outleveling us, and they fought all the way through town to the ships. We thought they were going to just ride in a loop and come back to hit us, but they actually went on to hit Menethil, so we took the next boat over and with the help flying in from IF managed to break them up.

    My druid at 60 and a buddy on his 59 pally had a fight with a horde priest and shaman (60s IIRC) that lasted for about 20 minutes, none of us could really bring the others down. At one point he dropped and I ran around kiting them until he could res and get back up to strength. Finally we had to call the fight off, mini-armies of lowbies came in and pretty much decided the fight (both of them dropped, but I don't really count it by that point).

    My druid at 30 something was with an ad-hoc group in the same level range fighting demons in Desolace. The group formed because there were some similar-level horde who kept hitting us when we were along. Then they apparently turned the tables in the form of a skull level warrior, but we gritted our teeth and fought... and eventually brought the whole group down! They ambushed us later and the warrior did a bit better job, since our group decided to leave I spent about a half hour playing with the warrior, zipping in to moonfire him then zipping away while he tried to lock me down.

  • TacoManTacoMan Member Posts: 9

    On my shaman: beating a rogue with mostly tier 2 gear and a Vis'kag  1 on 1 against my crappy blues.

    On my hunter: getting chased by a warrior and a druid when I had 2% health. Aspect of cheetah'd, and kept kiting the druid until she was almost dead, feigned death freeze trap'd the warrior, ended up killing the druid. The warrior just sat there frozen as I killed the druid. Ran off after that though. Didn't have enough health to finish off the warrior, lol.

    360 jump shot FTW.

  • Wolfmaster8Wolfmaster8 Member Posts: 15
    probaly my favroite PvP moment is when my mage was a level 15 and i was helping a friend with a quest and we came upon a little Horde village of the coast of Ashenvale. All the hordes where low level. In th 20's. So we called up 3 people. a level 27 a levl 44 and a level 60 an we went and wiped every thing out in that village=)
  • LudovicoLudovico Member Posts: 47
    It was 2 months into the game release, and me and my friend were in a pvp area for the first time. I remember being at the town to see alot of fellow horde members lined up. Me and my friend stood with them too see what was up, and then all of a sudden alliance show up. We all line up facing one anouther. no one attacks, but taunts are excanged. then an orc hunter charges at the enemy, and then hes mind controled. we all both alliance and horde watch him dance around and have a laugh. I cant remember the outcome of the battle I just remember seeing that spell for the first time and cracking up.

  • thepkerthepker Member Posts: 192

    well I have 2

    1st one was capturing the flag at level 12 first time id ever heard of bgs, people were yelling,' put the flag over here' I didnt know where, did it at the end though

    2nd one was a WSG when horde had 10 level 19 twinks and we had 3 or 4 (me not inc, it was my first character) so, they got 1-0. we capped it (me ) then they capped it again.. then we managed to cap the 2nd our second flag. none of that good enough, here's the good part. me and a level 19 priest managed to sneak to their FC (we both had each other's flags) and I managed to kill the twink and restore the flag (there were 4 protectors). That was enjoyable! really enjoyable.

  • RaabHimselfRaabHimself Member Posts: 18
    Ok I have two best Pvp moments:

    The server I play Burning Legion, is FULL of level 60s. Im a Horde warrior and while queing for the battlegrounds I head over to STV with a friends to try get some kills. No shit, everywhere we turn there are perfectly able ally with level ?? bodyguards. They seem to toy with us.. Just stand there while we take them to half health, then destroy us. One day, while just outside GG a ?? Palladin (Him being a Palladin makes it so much better) came and started ganking. Then did the, 'look at me I have leet gear and can withstand alot of your hits' act. Within minutes what he didnt relise was there was actually a few more people then he could handle, and the satifaction I got when hes little bubble ran out and we smashed him was great. Next thing we see is a respawn, mount run like the little pussy he is. Hahaha, at times thats what WoW is all about.

    The second had to be in 20-29 WSG Bg, with me being fully twinked out with a friend, we used to fight a guild called Death Incoming I think, they put up a good fight but we always won in the end. Good times.

  • Raider_RobRaider_Rob Member Posts: 12

    An AB game between my guild and the strongest Alliance AB guild. We were down a lot, like 500 points or so and in the end nearly won, capping a 4th flag at 1990-1990 only to see a 1990-2000 loss 2 seconds later. Really intense game and even though we lost probably the only thing I'll remember from WoW BG's when I think back to this game in later years. Also special because it was about the only game which felt balanced in all of the hundreds of wsg's and ab's I've played.

  • PTEDPTED Member Posts: 464

    Way back when at level 56 some time ago on my tauren shaman I was killing some furbolgs in North East Winterspring (Near the tunnels to the timbermaw hold). So anyways two mages are there leveling, both level 54 so for the heck of it I charge at them, one of them was obviously ice spec since it had a frost bubble on so I purged the bubble, frost shocked him and started laying into him with my Axe of Deep Woods, frost shocking him every now and then putting down a Grounding totem when it recharged.

    So after about 20-25 seconds of fighting the frost-speced mage he drops, I'm on half health so I use Nature Swiftness and a big heal. Back on full health. The second mage is casting firebolts at me, not doing much damage so I run at him frost shock him, hit him a few times, another shock and then he drops after windfury procs 3 times out of something like 5 attacks, so he had no chance of getting up after that.

    What makes this PvP moment so great is that it was time for me to go to school, (I'm in yr 11 for those who have the intent to flame) Anyway when I get home (Some 6 hours later) I see the two mages drinking and eating (I was almost late , thus I logged off in the middle of no-where), aswell as a few dead mobs around them... so I walk over to them and sit in between them, about five seconds later the fire-spec mounts up and runs while the frost-spec gets up, blinks and starts running. Conviniently he is still in range of my frost-shock so I catch up to him and beat him to a pulp and meet up with his friend about 5 minutes later and finished him off.

    So basically thats my favorite PvP moment.

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