I would like to take a moment here to speak a few words of SOE.
In all fairness they have only treated me poorly on one occasion. I did not play SWG but am a eq1 and eq2 vet. In eq1 I never felt mistreated or neglected becuase i knew what i was getting into, eq2 was a different story though ............. but ill post this later.
SOE when it is said like that to me means the company as a whole. SOE didn't ruin SWG or experiment with peoples money in eq2, parts of thier company did though. Of course everything runs through several people and has to get the guy on tops signiture ......... but its the smaller people in the food chain that come up with these ideas and sales pitch them up the corporate ladder. So guy at the bottom, a branch of SOE, is the most responsible.
Smedley was at the austin game conference in october 2005. THis game conference is centered around MMO developement for the most part. Most speeches were on theory and experiments taking place in the current MMO genre. So naturally Smedley gives his keynote address first thing in the morning. I stupidly at the time thought it might be about eq or eq2, you know a lil inside info of things to come along with some sales pitching. Nope his speech was all about how to sell this stuff, or make cell phones into cross gaming platforms, how to take hold of the asian gaming market ect. THis is when i personally realized this guy is not involved with the care of the games i play, just the business. Basically it was like expecting the CEO of McDonalds to talk about the hamburgers ............. nope just what stock is worth and how to make more money off franchising and stuff.
Basically what im saying with this is some of us are angered or even sadened by some of SOE's games. Attacking Smedley or the guy who gave this interview does nothing really. THese are the " suits " they only watch the business and its ventures. I think it would be better to find out who actually designs and makes decisions to let these designs go through the " congress " of the company. These are the people that need to be spoken with, pressured, perhaps even ousted.
So MMORPG.com , fansites, magazines ect ............ although some people here may like to here about what next steps SOE as a whole is going to do with the company, many here just want to know whats going on with the games from these companies. I only say all this becuase im tired of reading what the suits think when most of us could give a damn about thier business plan, we are here to talk and find info about the games themselves. So please find more of these designers and ask some more risque questions. If they can't handle that kind of interview then all of us get a better understanding of the people running these games.
It's sad to see SOE with a bad rep (I'm not saying it isn't well deserved) But it makes me concerned mainly because I'm enjoying EQ2... but yeah.. a lot of people seem to view them negatively myself included for the most part.
I dont know Why they even waste there breathe trying to get some hype form gammers every game they touch goes right into the crapper i mean i did waste the time in reading the article just so i could say that ill never play another SOE game
Was that really an interview? Or was it cut and pasted from an SOE press release? It was like reading someting on the SONY corporate website, an "interview" by someone from the PR department.
No questions about the future of SWG, no questions about resolving their really bad image, no questions about why in the hell they are diversifying into areas like cards that they have no experience in, make small profits, and are probably pretty well saturated anyway? There was nothing there which would make the interviewee think "Hmmm, how am I going to answer this?"
SOE is a company that puts out garbage, led by execs who lie at every turn and over-worked devs who are just plain incompetent to boot. We all know that. Maybe it's best not to tax their corporate flacks to much. I really like MMORPG.com, but you guys need to get tougher interviewers.
"The benefit of working with an existing, powerful technology like UE3 is that our developers are able to spend more time working on core gameplay mechanics and design, which is where we as a company excel."
PR spin at its best.
While I understand the concept of using a "generic" engine to further advance the process from design to the consumer the boldness of "where we as a company excel" is a fabrication of truth at best.
This company is going down hill faster then a fat lady on roller skates.
Good lord people... he is COPORATE COMMUNICATIONS.... not the lead designer, or creative director or anything like that. He isn't responsible for the decisions on how a game changes. Quit whining and move on. Before boycotting a companies products, try to get the whole perspective, ya you've been screwed in your eyes on a game developed by SOE. This does not mean every SOE project is gogin to suck in the future. There are different teams, past experiences learned from, and new people to provide new ideas. If you don't like a product, fine, but don't come on here bombing an interview with a guy who doesn't know anything about the decisions of what went into a specific game.
I do not know who I am more disappointed at, SOE for providing answers to questions that seem to be more like advertising or MMORPG.COM for dancing around the real questions about the company. I expected SOE to not address what I have been reading about their company but, for over a year I have been reading about how god-awful SOE is by MMORPG.COM members. I would expect MMORPG.COM to have at least mentioned that some of their most loyal readers have shared about some minor conflicts with the company service and direction.
I have been looking for MMORPG.COM to interview a member of SOE for some time figuring that they would jump at the opportunity to address any number of problems their dedicated MMORPG.com members have been sharing on the forums. Even when an SOE employee of COPORATE COMMUNICATIONS shares the companies’ mission statement, MMORPG.COM interviewer passes up the chance to address issues of services and empowerment, creativity and commitment.
Chris Kramer: The company’s mission statement sums it all up: To be the worldwide leader in online entertainment; and to expand our company through the development of high-quality, industry-leading entertainment, software and services, while fostering an environment of empowerment, creativity and commitment.
This has been an all-time-low for MMORPG.COM interviews, come on, if your wanted to advertise for SOE do it like the others and plaster it on the front page. Get us an interviewer who is not afraid to support what the gaming website members who want to know, “Is there REALLY some problems with SOE’s operating procedures or is all the complaints about company just a few disgruntled gamers. After all, this is suppose to be a site where RPG gamers can come and learn about games…or do I owe the interviewer an apology?
I almost stop reading this article after the first question.
Chris Kramer: The company’s mission statement sums it all up: To be the worldwide leader in online entertainment; and to expand our company through the development of high-quality, industry-leading entertainment, software and services, while fostering an environment of empowerment, creativity and commitment.
What a load of corporate garbage that is. This statement isn't orignial, dynamic, or interesting to read. No wonder their games aren't a hit when they run a company like that. They should have come up with something like this:
SOE is dedicated to breaking the online mold and make games that challenge developers, fans, and the gaming industry as a whole. We want to bring a new light to the online world and we'll do that through game innovation, compelling stories, and excellent client interaction.
Something like that would have at least showed that SOE has some kind of life and soul.
Well to be honest Dana, we own the rights to a little franchise called "Starwars", I don't know if you've heard of it? Yeah well anyway we like OWN the rights to making swg and let's face it, who gives a shit if anybody plays. The fact is I, like all of my souless middle-management wastes of space that know absolutely nothing about games want that boat I've been setting my hopes on. That's only possible if you pathetic subscribers keep paying for 2-3 more months so expect a "new and innovative" change to SWG every six months and by God as my witness, you will fucking pay for it I swear to you! You will pay and continue to pay for as long as guys like me need stuff and you had better ask the questions I want to answer, otherwise SOE will demand a pulling of our listing from mmorpg.com and I don't think you want that.
Shakkles wrote:
I think it's a great travesty Dana when journalists don't ask the tough questions and put deserving interview subjects in the hot seat.
People like this jerk don't make a living off of helping customers or improving the lives of anyone other than themselves, however they are required to be able to hold it together in the instance of say a tough interview. Make him earn his 9000 dollars per weak.
One hundred million subscribers screaming for justice on forums will never make any waves or force the developers to think.
One tough journalist who perhaps shares in the toil of the common subscriber could make a huge difference. Sadly enough few have the cahones.
It is just my opinion, but I think Sony in general is going to face a very tough road ahead of them. PS3 comes out as the highest priced game console on the Market, almost a year after a similar generation, 360 is released. 360 will probably be in line for a price drop at the time too. Additionally, one of the selling points for the PS3 is the X-box Live equivilent for the Playstation, only this service will be free (with content paid for by you in a piece meal fashion of course)
This means that SOE will come under very intense scrutiny. This will mean that coporate spin may not be just served up to a select few that follow the industry, but to a general public that likes to see the fall of the mighty. Some already see cracks in the once venerable reputation of Sony (Fox news story) and it is going to be essential that SOE not drop the ball on the PS3, which would leave yet another Plus in the 360's favor.
I have been a long time consumer of Sony products, my library of PSX/PS2 games is quite extensive, but the handling of the Star Wars license, is one thing that is giving me something to think about with regards to next gen hardware. It is hard to see Sony's reputation through rose colored glasses, not after SOE's arrogant actions towards it's customers. It will be interesting if SOE follows the "we know better than you what you want" strategy with the PS3 live service, and how long will it last.
Originally posted by Lepidus Questions need to be appropriate to the person answering them.
I agree, but let me throw out a few questions that are extremely appropriate for the head PR guy of a company (which is what a 'senior director of communications')
Are you comfortable with your turnover of players in the majority of games, especially SWG?
How are you working to make customer support more consistent and standard across platforms?
How do you respond to the critiicisms of SOE through the online community? Is it viewed internally as a bunch of loud vocal whiners or do you actively discuss it?
Sorry, but that was about as softball an interview as I've ever seen, and it made me angry enough to create a new account here. Shame. Call yourselves journalists when you ask respectful but tough questions. Call yourselves grabbing for google advertising when you don't.
Originally posted by old64mb Sorry, but that was about as softball an interview as I've ever seen, and it made me angry enough to create a new account here. Shame. Call yourselves journalists when you ask respectful but tough questions. Call yourselves grabbing for google advertising when you don't.
I cannot agree more. This too made me angry enough to create a new account to make my dissapointment clear to MMORGP.COM but you beat me to it.
The interviewer and MMORPG.COM you should be very ashamed of this interview.
Its not about SWG, its about SOE. And if the interview need to be realistic it HAS to touch the sensible point, and in this case is the incompetence and lack of respect for the SOE users by people like Smedley (last time I checked he was SOE, right? And was HE who destroyed the trust of users on SOE). It was, yes, a VERY 'soft' interview, very carefull to make them look good (or not bad as they look now).
You cant make an interview with Osama Bin-Laden to know about his future projects, and NOT ask 'Are you going to hurt people again?' and claim that the interview wasnt about september 11, thats why wasnt asked any tough question. (yes, I am exagerating, but I am out of scum bags examples right now).
And yes, the SOE *IS* the number one scum bag corporation on the MMO world, for sure. The way they treated their player-base is something that will never be forgotten, and I would not pay a dime for any SOE project, for pure lack of trust. I dont pay to be cheated like I was on the 'NGE' thing (which was so clear a cheat that they was forced to give the money back from an expansion which they sold and no longer worked as intended because their fraud).
SoE 'to be worldwide leader in online entertainment'... I think not, no matter how good your games are, customer relations will let you down every time.
In fact your 'Customer Care' stinks! - I can't log into the web based support site cos I get an error page after login - I now cant delete my ingame petition to raise a ticket there...
When I do get a response from a GM its wishwashy pass the buck time, or they never give a straight answer.
My Guilds website has been showing a 'General Error' for 6 months, and this on a site that claims to be a 'premium service'. Te person who took over my guild from me has been trying to get you to fix that for months with no result, I've just come back to the game, and am sorely disappointed.
If your company was based in Europe you would either be out of business by now, or splashed all over every 'bad consumer' TV program going.
There are 2 reasons you do a softball interview like this:
1. You are throwing a bone to a pissed off SOE
2. you are lulling em into a false sense of security, so mabey you can get an interview with sombody whose job title dosent translate to 'bullshit artist'...then you ask the hard questions.
This company is ruining the MMO genre, please stop interviewing these jackasses. They are interested in mass producing pure RUBBISH! Ban them and their trashy games from this website, it is not censorship, they have earned it
If theres one thing we can thank WoW for, its proving that high budgets and long term commitment for developing an MMO pays of in BIG $$$.
The games in development now, are learning from Blizzards high success and are following Blizzards development trend. Publishers are learning through profit that any MMORPG can be successful providing the development stage is thorough and complete.
SoE (Satans Online Enterprise as I like to call them) have a reputation for consistantly failing to deliver on promised content. They are reknown for their bad customer support. They release buggy unfinished expansions and also maintain the highest subscription costs. Do they deserve my on going support and appraisal, no. Not unless they make a dramatic turn around in the quality of their games and service.
MMORPG.com are failing the MMORPG community by not asking the question on everyone minds. SoE deserve to be dogged with these questions at every available opportunity. It is through the press that the populace can voice opinion with governments and corporations. Without the press, we are mere numbers.
SOE needs to stop making games, they are horrible. Them and EA, stupid monopolizing game companies. People need to just quit buying their stuff, why in the world would anyone buy their super hero mmo after all the bad times they've had in the past. SWG, MxO, anything else that they have anything to do with... They are horrible I mean... what is EQ on, like 30th expansion pack? They could have released most of that content in patches...
I would like to take a moment here to speak a few words of SOE.
In all fairness they have only treated me poorly on one occasion. I did not play SWG but am a eq1 and eq2 vet. In eq1 I never felt mistreated or neglected becuase i knew what i was getting into, eq2 was a different story though ............. but ill post this later.
SOE when it is said like that to me means the company as a whole. SOE didn't ruin SWG or experiment with peoples money in eq2, parts of thier company did though. Of course everything runs through several people and has to get the guy on tops signiture ......... but its the smaller people in the food chain that come up with these ideas and sales pitch them up the corporate ladder. So guy at the bottom, a branch of SOE, is the most responsible.
Smedley was at the austin game conference in october 2005. THis game conference is centered around MMO developement for the most part. Most speeches were on theory and experiments taking place in the current MMO genre. So naturally Smedley gives his keynote address first thing in the morning. I stupidly at the time thought it might be about eq or eq2, you know a lil inside info of things to come along with some sales pitching. Nope his speech was all about how to sell this stuff, or make cell phones into cross gaming platforms, how to take hold of the asian gaming market ect. THis is when i personally realized this guy is not involved with the care of the games i play, just the business. Basically it was like expecting the CEO of McDonalds to talk about the hamburgers ............. nope just what stock is worth and how to make more money off franchising and stuff.
Basically what im saying with this is some of us are angered or even sadened by some of SOE's games. Attacking Smedley or the guy who gave this interview does nothing really. THese are the " suits " they only watch the business and its ventures. I think it would be better to find out who actually designs and makes decisions to let these designs go through the " congress " of the company. These are the people that need to be spoken with, pressured, perhaps even ousted.
So MMORPG.com , fansites, magazines ect ............ although some people here may like to here about what next steps SOE as a whole is going to do with the company, many here just want to know whats going on with the games from these companies. I only say all this becuase im tired of reading what the suits think when most of us could give a damn about thier business plan, we are here to talk and find info about the games themselves. So please find more of these designers and ask some more risque questions. If they can't handle that kind of interview then all of us get a better understanding of the people running these games.
/rant off
I dont know Why they even waste there breathe trying to get some hype form gammers every game they touch goes right into the crapper i mean i did waste the time in reading the article just so i could say that ill never play another SOE game
No questions about the future of SWG, no questions about resolving their really bad image, no questions about why in the hell they are diversifying into areas like cards that they have no experience in, make small profits, and are probably pretty well saturated anyway? There was nothing there which would make the interviewee think "Hmmm, how am I going to answer this?"
SOE is a company that puts out garbage, led by execs who lie at every turn and over-worked devs who are just plain incompetent to boot. We all know that. Maybe it's best not to tax their corporate flacks to much. I really like MMORPG.com, but you guys need to get tougher interviewers.
"The benefit of working with an existing, powerful technology like UE3 is that our developers are able to spend more time working on core gameplay mechanics and design, which is where we as a company excel."
PR spin at its best.
While I understand the concept of using a "generic" engine to further advance the process from design to the consumer the boldness of "where we as a company excel" is a fabrication of truth at best.
This company is going down hill faster then a fat lady on roller skates.
I do not know who I am more disappointed at, SOE for providing answers to questions that seem to be more like advertising or MMORPG.COM for dancing around the real questions about the company. I expected SOE to not address what I have been reading about their company but, for over a year I have been reading about how god-awful SOE is by MMORPG.COM members. I would expect MMORPG.COM to have at least mentioned that some of their most loyal readers have shared about some minor conflicts with the company service and direction.
I have been looking for MMORPG.COM to interview a member of SOE for some time figuring that they would jump at the opportunity to address any number of problems their dedicated MMORPG.com members have been sharing on the forums. Even when an SOE employee of COPORATE COMMUNICATIONS shares the companies’ mission statement, MMORPG.COM interviewer passes up the chance to address issues of services and empowerment, creativity and commitment.
Chris Kramer: The company’s mission statement sums it all up: To be the worldwide leader in online entertainment; and to expand our company through the development of high-quality, industry-leading entertainment, software and services, while fostering an environment of empowerment, creativity and commitment.
This has been an all-time-low for MMORPG.COM interviews, come on, if your wanted to advertise for SOE do it like the others and plaster it on the front page. Get us an interviewer who is not afraid to support what the gaming website members who want to know, “Is there REALLY some problems with SOE’s operating procedures or is all the complaints about company just a few disgruntled gamers. After all, this is suppose to be a site where RPG gamers can come and learn about games…or do I owe the interviewer an apology?
I almost stop reading this article after the first question.
Chris Kramer: The company’s mission statement sums it all up: To be the worldwide leader in online entertainment; and to expand our company through the development of high-quality, industry-leading entertainment, software and services, while fostering an environment of empowerment, creativity and commitment.
What a load of corporate garbage that is. This statement isn't orignial, dynamic, or interesting to read. No wonder their games aren't a hit when they run a company like that. They should have come up with something like this:
SOE is dedicated to breaking the online mold and make games that challenge developers, fans, and the gaming industry as a whole. We want to bring a new light to the online world and we'll do that through game innovation, compelling stories, and excellent client interaction.
Something like that would have at least showed that SOE has some kind of life and soul.
Chris Kramer wrote:
Well to be honest Dana, we own the rights to a little franchise called "Starwars", I don't know if you've heard of it? Yeah well anyway we like OWN the rights to making swg and let's face it, who gives a shit if anybody plays. The fact is I, like all of my souless middle-management wastes of space that know absolutely nothing about games want that boat I've been setting my hopes on. That's only possible if you pathetic subscribers keep paying for 2-3 more months so expect a "new and innovative" change to SWG every six months and by God as my witness, you will fucking pay for it I swear to you! You will pay and continue to pay for as long as guys like me need stuff and you had better ask the questions I want to answer, otherwise SOE will demand a pulling of our listing from mmorpg.com and I don't think you want that.
Shakkles wrote:
I think it's a great travesty Dana when journalists don't ask the tough questions and put deserving interview subjects in the hot seat.
People like this jerk don't make a living off of helping customers or improving the lives of anyone other than themselves, however they are required to be able to hold it together in the instance of say a tough interview. Make him earn his 9000 dollars per weak.
One hundred million subscribers screaming for justice on forums will never make any waves or force the developers to think.
One tough journalist who perhaps shares in the toil of the common subscriber could make a huge difference. Sadly enough few have the cahones.
It is just my opinion, but I think Sony in general is going to face a very tough road ahead of them. PS3 comes out as the highest priced game console on the Market, almost a year after a similar generation, 360 is released. 360 will probably be in line for a price drop at the time too. Additionally, one of the selling points for the PS3 is the X-box Live equivilent for the Playstation, only this service will be free (with content paid for by you in a piece meal fashion of course)
This means that SOE will come under very intense scrutiny. This will mean that coporate spin may not be just served up to a select few that follow the industry, but to a general public that likes to see the fall of the mighty. Some already see cracks in the once venerable reputation of Sony (Fox news story) and it is going to be essential that SOE not drop the ball on the PS3, which would leave yet another Plus in the 360's favor.
I have been a long time consumer of Sony products, my library of PSX/PS2 games is quite extensive, but the handling of the Star Wars license, is one thing that is giving me something to think about with regards to next gen hardware. It is hard to see Sony's reputation through rose colored glasses, not after SOE's arrogant actions towards it's customers. It will be interesting if SOE follows the "we know better than you what you want" strategy with the PS3 live service, and how long will it last.
and i also hope soe makes swg starwars galaxies for ps2 or ps3 with the bugs taken it out so it can be fun for us starwars playstation fans
I agree, but let me throw out a few questions that are extremely appropriate for the head PR guy of a company (which is what a 'senior director of communications')
Are you comfortable with your turnover of players in the majority of games, especially SWG?
How are you working to make customer support more consistent and standard across platforms?
How do you respond to the critiicisms of SOE through the online community? Is it viewed internally as a bunch of loud vocal whiners or do you actively discuss it?
Sorry, but that was about as softball an interview as I've ever seen, and it made me angry enough to create a new account here. Shame. Call yourselves journalists when you ask respectful but tough questions. Call yourselves grabbing for google advertising when you don't.
I cannot agree more. This too made me angry enough to create a new account to make my dissapointment clear to MMORGP.COM but you beat me to it.
The interviewer and MMORPG.COM you should be very ashamed of this interview.
Its not about SWG, its about SOE. And if the interview need to be realistic it HAS to touch the sensible point, and in this case is the incompetence and lack of respect for the SOE users by people like Smedley (last time I checked he was SOE, right? And was HE who destroyed the trust of users on SOE). It was, yes, a VERY 'soft' interview, very carefull to make them look good (or not bad as they look now).
You cant make an interview with Osama Bin-Laden to know about his future projects, and NOT ask 'Are you going to hurt people again?' and claim that the interview wasnt about september 11, thats why wasnt asked any tough question. (yes, I am exagerating, but I am out of scum bags examples right now).
And yes, the SOE *IS* the number one scum bag corporation on the MMO world, for sure. The way they treated their player-base is something that will never be forgotten, and I would not pay a dime for any SOE project, for pure lack of trust. I dont pay to be cheated like I was on the 'NGE' thing (which was so clear a cheat that they was forced to give the money back from an expansion which they sold and no longer worked as intended because their fraud).
Read my lips: NO MORE SOE!!!
SoE 'to be worldwide leader in online entertainment'... I think not, no
matter how good your games are, customer relations will let you down
every time.
In fact your 'Customer Care' stinks!
- I can't log into the web based support site cos I get an error page after login
- I now cant delete my ingame petition to raise a ticket there...
When I do get a response from a GM its wishwashy pass the buck time, or they never give a straight answer.
My Guilds website has been showing a 'General Error' for 6 months, and this on a site that claims to be a 'premium service'. Te person who took over my guild from me has been trying to get you to fix that for months with no result, I've just come back to the game, and am sorely disappointed.
If your company was based in Europe you would either be out of business by now, or splashed all over every 'bad consumer' TV program going.
You have a lot to learn.
There are 2 reasons you do a softball interview like this:
1. You are throwing a bone to a pissed off SOE
2. you are lulling em into a false sense of security, so mabey you can get an interview with sombody whose job title dosent translate to 'bullshit artist'...then you ask the hard questions.
I am going to hope it was the latter
The games in development now, are learning from Blizzards high success and are following Blizzards development trend. Publishers are learning through profit that any MMORPG can be successful providing the development stage is thorough and complete.
SoE (Satans Online Enterprise as I like to call them) have a reputation for consistantly failing to deliver on promised content. They are reknown for their bad customer support. They release buggy unfinished expansions and also maintain the highest subscription costs. Do they deserve my on going support and appraisal, no. Not unless they make a dramatic turn around in the quality of their games and service.
MMORPG.com are failing the MMORPG community by not asking the question on everyone minds. SoE deserve to be dogged with these questions at every available opportunity. It is through the press that the populace can voice opinion with governments and corporations. Without the press, we are mere numbers.