no pvp at all.. some monster-duel thingy only.
so i put that aside, and i think.. well theres r other things to do like: exploring / dungeon crawling / RPing
and then it comes to me, how the hell is this gonna happen?
when 70% will be Elves, and mostly hunters.. with names like Leggolas/Legolass/Legolaz/xLegolasx and the other names from LOTR.
not to mention that Elves r very very few and Dwarves r nearly extinct..
anybody feeling the same way? :
I will agrree that the pvp is going to be very lite compared to what most games are. As for the names, people will not be able to use any names from the books or similar names. So no legolas, XlegolassX, Legolass2000, or aragorn2000, Or any other varients.
Dwarves were not nearly extinct. Nor were the elves very very few. They were just in the books withdrawn. The books is during the time that man is coming into his owne and the elves time is passing. Yes i know all the arguments about how it is not lore appropiate to have thousands of elves, hobbits, and dwarves running around but there are some exceptions for gameplay that need to be made, this is one of them.
So no i would say i don't feel the same way as you do.
Im 50/50 on this game losts of things to look forward to but lots of things to be worried about as well. i just dont wanna make a chr knowing there about 50 BILLION of us that are the same class.
if you dont like it, dont play. If you mainly want PvP, go play a PvP-focused game. Not everyone wants the same thing you do.
Personally, I am looking forward to playing. And while there is the possibility that a lot of people will want to play elves, the only way that will be a major issue IMO is if it turns out that hunters are perceived as the strongest class. A lot of people tend to create whatever class/race seems strongest, flavor of the week.
I will probably play one of the less-played races/classes, because it sounds like all classes will have a role, and I hate playing the same class that everyone else is.
Elladan - ESO (AD)
Camring - SWTOR (Ebon Hawk)
Eol & Justinian - Rift (Faeblight)
Ceol and Duri - LotRO (Landroval)
Kili - WoW
Eol - Lineage 2
Camring - SWG
Justinian (Nimue), Camring - DAoC
I'm going to at least give it a try just because it's Middle Earth. A few dollars spent on entertainment isn't going to break the bank and if it turns out to be beter than expected then that's a bonus. If it turns out to be incomplete rubbish then all I have to do is cancel, discard, and move on.
definitely going to check it out.
although I do enjoy PvP games much more, for some reason with this game I think having PvP would probably turn me off from it considering the game is Lord of the Rings
I would like to have played an orc, but then again I wouldnt want to be controlled by a mad wizard guy either :P
so with that said, Im looking forward to see how the quests in the game are. if its anything original. if the quest system is even similiar to other games I doubt I'll pay much attention to it at all.
"If you want a picture of the future, imagine a robot foot stomping on a human face -- forever."
I look forward to this game. I cannot wait for teh chance to play a game built around the tale of all tales.
I shall see you in Middle Earth my friends!!!
so i think that i will love that game
Joined 2004 - I can't believe I've been a member for 20 years! Get off my lawn!
I'm sure many of you feel the same way as I do and are really psyched to see how the game turns out using our favorite trilogy of books instead of the movies.
I can't wait to play so I can name my characters the following:
Ear O' Corn (human)
Gimme (Dwarve)
Legos Lost (Elf)
Propagandalf (human2)
I'm definitely gonna play LOTRO, I'm a big fan of LOTR.
Turbine working hard making the most famous fantasy world of all time.
There will be name blocker, so it will not be posible to name charctors Leggolas/Legolass/Legolaz/xLegolasx and the other names from LOTR.
And there will be PvP in the game, It has been confirmed.
Yes, dwarves are nearly extinct. The only ones left where those from Moria and as soon as the Fellowship gets to Moria, they realize the Dwarves were kicked/killed out of there. There weren't much dwarves already and now there's even fewer.
PVP would be really great in this game where you would see legions of Mordor facing all those 70% elves cause there were no humans to fight (the other 30% were Mordor).
What's the idea of making a game about everything you can do in a non-MMO game? If i want to do quests about exploring and whatever, i'd play a common RPG like NWN, DS or KotOR.
As said in another post, the guys creating the game (aka Turbine) have done nothing good in their lives and i think they're blowing uo LotR this time. They could have given the license to a really good company, not some bunch of "i-don't-know-what-i'm-doing" assholes.
Blog Portugu
1) PvP wouldn't fit in with LOTR. Everyone is going to be playing as either a Dwarf, Man, Elf, or Hobbit. No lore appropriate PvP. Consensual, maybe, yeah - as like a "duel" or something, but that's it.
2) Putting that aside, what other things are their to do - besides what you mentioned. Quests and Raids. Somehow, they've mentioned that as you play the game, the world will forever change for you. If the world has changed in some way, like you do something in Moria, and successful block a certain path, then for you, that path is forever blocked. Would love to see how that's going to work. There is something new that I want to explore, and that is group conjunctions. From the demos, somehow when the NPC opens himself up to a conjunction attack, you can implement a group maneouver, with scores of possible combinations.
3) How the hell is it going to happen? They've hired some devs, producers, etc, and are going to publish it.
4) When I buy the game, I won't be playing as an elf. I'll be playing as a Dwarf. I am very steeped in the lore of Middle Earth, and for those that are, they realize that each race, including man and hobbit, is a fascinating study in itself. It would appear that I am not alone, because according to MMORPG.COM - 125,000 people have signed up for this thing. At least a few of those, have to agree with me, since LOTR was one of the most successful pieces of fiction in the 20th century.
5) Please remember that this game will be based off of the books, not the movies.
6) The name filter probably will not allow anything with E,L,G,O,L,A,S in the order of "Legolas" or something along those lines, with ANY fillers, so no worries there.
7) As I said, I've been reading Tolkien since I was a child (Nearly 35 now) and now, the Elves are still a plenty, they are simply secretive, and the Dwarves are anything but extinct. That doesn't happen until the end of the Fourth Age. (This all happens at the end of the Third)
8) So I guess no, I don't feel the same way.
Remember, the movies were based off the book. Not vice versa.