Has anyone heard of this game???....'cause what's so far been shown at the official
site seems to be very good....it's already won awards and they haven't even shown screencaps yet!!
I think this game should be added to the "Games n development" section of the site....i'm definetely buying this one when i comes out.
in the sg site under there faqs the dont mention this game but a diffrent game
Are they going to make a video game based on Stargate Atlantis?
There are no current plans to create a game based upon Stargate
Atlantis. However, a game will be released in Spring 2006 and a mobile SG-1 game is available now!
XoXxO (Big hug, lil kiss, big hug, lil hug, Big Kiss.)
I can't see this game having a group of more than 4 or 5. No 40 man raids into Baal's headquarters.
That wouldn't be true to the show.
It's ratings is droping rapidly and if this continues the show is likely to get canceled after S10.
Atlantis ratings are no better and that would put it in danger of not making it past S3.
As I live in Sweden I cant very well affect the ratings but any American reading this, tell your friends that SG is
on and tell them to watch, talk about the show and get it (re)noticed.. Keep it on the air.
I will continue to support the franchise by buying the dvds as the become avalible. I own S1-8 of SG:1 with s9 preordered.
Source for ratings www.gateworld.net
I to am eager for this game to come, I want an Al'kesh.
Proud SG-1/Atlantis Geek as well, didn't know ratings were dropping. Here in America it's on Sci-FI channel Fri nights, but then it has been for a bit....
SWTOR. Face it, in the Scooby Doo Mystery Solving Van of coolness, this game is Velma. In this current MMO climate it has about as much chance for survival as a group of inquisitive teenagers in a 1980s slasher flick. -Tardcore May, 2011
Im sorry to say that today SciFi announced that they will not renew SG-1 for an 11:th season.
Atlantis is renewed for its 4:th season though. This is indeed a sad day.
The producers are looking for another outlet for the show, be it another network or even a movie.
Maybe Spike tv will pick it up or something, although I probably wouldn't wanna watch stargate on an even smaller budget.
It's better be hated for who you are, than loved for who you aren't.
So there's not gonna be 40 man raids....except in a full on war where there would be about 30 SG teams raiding planets and on space battles.
That would actually be doable in not only a combat sense but also within the roleplay realm. For instance, if a group of 5-10 sg teams (20-40 people) were to take an assualt to a planet and then have to fight some powerful go'uld then that would defintely explain the reasoning and need to have raids setup within the game. Also, they could do a number of things including making solo content available to individuals while still providing for the 'feel" for a team situation.
For example, like guild wars you hire your group, in this case it'd be a team of 1 scientist, 1 warrior, 1 bookworm so to speak and you the leader/warrior could take that "hired" team out on trips to investiage worlds on an away mission. Just some thought, but it definitely opens up the possibilities for solo gamers.
I love MMorpgs..