Was cruising around the net, saw this game, looks interesting
Minions of Mirth check out the site... the video is fairly impressive, downloading it now. Obviously it's no Vanguard or Age of Conan graphically, but it's out right now, and looks like it could be fun... can't beat trying it for free either. Anyways, downloading it now, and thought I would mention it since I have not seen it mentioned here. The game is a MMORPG/single palyer game.
The single player version is a little strange, definitely need to redefine some keys if you have played other MMORPG's.. graphics are actually really good for an indiegame. Maybe I'll have more time to play later.
Played multiplayer. After 10 minutes of adjusting,I go to fight two skeletons. Well,rather I chose one and it's kicking partner came in.
Then I got an error. The standard Windows one and the MOM screen went all blurry.
Error aside,I like it so far. Skill-based weapon use,looks ok. Kind of reminds me of Blade Mistress,minus the suck.
MMO migrant.
do you realize that M.O.M. is W.O.W. upside down? coincidence? I THINK NOT!
Thanks for the info! (I read this, looked at your avatar...kinda made me think it would be something he would say. Just maybe though!)
Think i'm gonna download this beast and check it out...
It's better be hated for who you are, than loved for who you aren't.
I've been playing the game for a few weeks and I really like it, it's got a very small community but people are very friendly, the game is a lot of fun, and I haven't had any bugs or crashes as some people reported, maybe I've just been lucky. The features like being able to fly and play as monsters really seals it for me, being able to go around as a skeleton or a bat and whaling on things is pretty fun.
Also, people should keep in mind that MoM has a development and support staff of 2! It's a small game and it takes time to get things fixed.