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I'm currently thinking about getting back into WoW for the expansion but this kinda irked me.
How come the Eredar can be both Paladin or Shaman, but the Blood Elves can only be Paladins? That kinda pisses me off, it seems like the Alliance gets better treatment a little, heh.
I'd have no problem if Eredar couldn't be Paladins, but it's kinda a slap in the face to the horde. Personally I think a Blood Elf shaman would make total sense. I mean, they will use any magic they can get their hands on, won't they?
"Because it's easier to nitpick something than to be constructive." -roach5000
It's all balanced out...
Horde Shaman
Alliance Paladin
Horde Paladin
Blood Elves
Alliance Shaman
I guess I find it all rather lackluster seeing as they took one of the great features of the game (the unique faction classes) and just 'balanced' it all out so now both sides have everything.
Seems kinda weak to me. I loved the idea of only horde having shaman and only alliance having paladins. The blood elves not being able to be shamans (they do steal magic of any kind they can after all), is just another let down for me.
Also I'm disappointed that while the Horde finally got bloodlust, the Alliance have the exact same spell (except it's got a different name).
Am I wrong in feeling that they're kinda dumbing down the game so that it's just a green vs. blue type deal? I mean, aren't they taking away all the identity differences between the two factions?
"Because it's easier to nitpick something than to be constructive." -roach5000
I really dont see what the big deal is here. So what if both sides have all classes now? This just means that blizzard will be able to create more dynamic raid encounters and still give both sides a fair chance.
Also, shamans and paladins will be getting some spells they've been waiting a long time for, Bloodlust for example.) And who cares if it goes a different name at Alliance side? :P Theres still difference now haha
Flych - 70 Blood Elf Retribution Paladin - Tarren Mill (EU)
Mediocre - 70 Undead Discipline Priest - Tarren Mill (EU)
Horde Warrior
Alliance Warrior
Night Elf
Ok, you asked for it!
_____ Druid even (night elf, tauren)
_____ Mage even (human, gnome, draenei, troll, undead, blood elf)
_____ Rogue even (human, dwarf, night elf, gnome, orc, troll, undead, blood elf)
Horde Shaman +2 (orc, tauren, troll, draenei)
Horde Warlock +1 (human, gnome, orc, undead, blood elf)
Horde Hunter +1 (dwarf, night elf, draenei, orc, tauren, troll, blood elf)
Alliance Paladin +2 (human, dwarf, draenei, blood elf)
Alliance Priest +1 (human, dwarf, night elf, draenei, troll, undead, blood elf)
Alliance Warrior +1 (human, dwarf, night elf, gnome, draenei, orc, tauren, troll, undead)
There we go, exactly even!
So I guess it's balanced after all!! Crazy!
And now for the TMI section:
Draenei: 6
Warrior, Paladin, Hunter, Priest, Shaman, Mage
Human: 6
Mage, Paladin, Priest, Rogue, Warrior, Warlock
NE: 5
Druid, Hunter, Priest, Rogue, Warrior
Dwarves: 5
Hunter, Paladin, Priest, Rogue, Warrior
Gnomes: 4
Mage, Rogue, Warlock, Warrior
BE: 6
Paladin, Hunter, Rogue, Priest, Mage, Warlock
Trolls: 6
Hunter, Mage, Priest, Rogue, Shaman, Warrior
Orcs: 5
Hunter, Rogue, Shaman, Warlock, Warrior
Undead: 5
Mage, Priest, Rogue, Warlock, Warrior
Tauren: 4
Druid, Hunter, Shaman, Warrior
Horde Paladins!
Now I can be just as annoying as a alliance Paladin in the damn game if I decide to roll another toon.
Ni99a please!!
In a word.....