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Dungeons & Dragons Online: PAX Peek

Along with their upcoming Lord of the Rings Online, Turbine also showed off upcoming changes to Dungeons and Dragons Online at PAX in Seattle. Carolyn Koh reports on the upcoming Module 3 and PvP additions.

image Dungeons and Dragons Online (DDO) is a good looking game and one that taxes a gamer’s skills and grasp of strategy. It has sometimes been described as a cross between a twitch and an RPG game in that players are able to dodge, hide behind objects and use skills such as tumble to avoid damage from spells and sharp objects.

The fans at PAX were treated to a sneak peek at the new PvP module on the horizon, and Module 3 – Demon Sands – a desert themed update which will increase the current content by about 30% and introduce a new Favor Reward for about 1,000 points which will open up a 7th character slot and provide 4 bonus stat points that can be applied to a single character. A powerful reward if one enjoys PvP.

You can read more here.

Dana Massey
Formerly of
Currently Lead Designer for Bit Trap Studios


  • ShurijoShurijo Member Posts: 104

    I questioned James also about the choice of Eberron and was told that
    it was recommended by Wizards of the Coast. The continent of Zendric
    had yet to have lore fleshed out and Turbine was basically given the
    ability to build their own world, including a new race – the Warforged.

    A couple of errors here. First, its Xen'drik. Second, nothing Turbine has developed as went into the official books. The Warforged were around before Turbine started on the game. Just ask anyone who has ever played D&D. Warforged has been around at least since the Monster Manual 3.0 and were in the ECS before DDO began development.

  • DanaDana Member Posts: 2,415

    Originally posted by Shurijo

    I questioned James also about the choice of Eberron and was told that
    it was recommended by Wizards of the Coast. The continent of Zendric
    had yet to have lore fleshed out and Turbine was basically given the
    ability to build their own world, including a new race – the Warforged.

    A couple of errors here. First, its Xen'drik. Second, nothing Turbine has developed as went into the official books. The Warforged were around before Turbine started on the game. Just ask anyone who has ever played D&D. Warforged has been around at least since the Monster Manual 3.0 and were in the ECS before DDO began development.

    Thanks for the spelling (fixed) and we've clarified what they said. Warforged of course debuted as a playable race, but had previously been invented.

    As to the other notes (things going in official books), perhaps its something that is on the way, because that's what Carolyn was told.

    Dana Massey
    Formerly of
    Currently Lead Designer for Bit Trap Studios

  • d3ltr33d3ltr33 Member Posts: 9

    I'm an RPGA official D&D Dungeon Master and I second what Shurijo said about the Warforged.
    They were official Eberron Playable race since the beginning and, definitely, Eberron is not a D&D Online creature.

    To clarify the matter I wrote to Keith Baker.
  • d3ltr33d3ltr33 Member Posts: 9
    Keith was so kind to answer almost immediately to my mail:

    By Keith Baker

    I think it's just a poor choice of words. The warforged existed
    long before the MMO was even considered; they've always been part of
    the game world, and were included in the MMO as one of the clear
    connections TO the existing world, not as something new.


    Xen'drik has always INTENTIONALLY been left undeveloped, so each
    DM can put what he wants there. So that part is correct. The reason the
    MMO was placed in Xen'drik was so they would have room to create their
    own material. However, the warforged as a concept were present in the
    story bible I submitted in the Fantasy Setting Search. Warforged game
    mechanics were worked out during the design phase by, among other
    people, James Wyatt. And the warforged were in the original Eberron


    Incorporating warforged was one of the key ways to make DDO feel
    like Eberron. But the warforged were not created BY the DDO designers;
    they have always been part of the setting.

  • Nai`NeasNai`Neas Member Posts: 48

    An additonal quip about this review.

    The Y-axis is a horizontal direction...he meant the Z-axis for vertical.  Being a Computaer aided draftsman this little "oops" bugs me.

    Being a 23 year D&D Veteran, and HUGE Eberron fan, DDO bugs me. I was in beta, there were too many inconsistences. Now with PvP, they better not change the spells for PvE, that will be lame, Magic missiles, are always supposed to hit, that's why they do less dmg than other spells!!!

  • thepatriotthepatriot Member UncommonPosts: 284
    The most interesting thing I see is that they admit that Wizards suggested Eberron.  Turbine has always stated that Turbine chose Eberron and that Wizards did not direct them to it.
  • CarolynKohCarolynKoh Staff WriterMember Posts: 202
     Very nice, and good of Keith to reply so quickly.  That's one of the hazards of reporting from a convention floor. Apart from having to deal with the noise, sometimes there's "mis-speaks" sometimes' there's "mis-hears."  I report what is related to me, and being a writer that covers all MMORPGs do not have the in depth knowledge that many readers and fans have of a particular game.

    However, James *was* pretty excited that their map of Stormreach was published or being published in the Pen n' Paper format.

    Originally posted by d3ltr33

    I'm an RPGA official D&D Dungeon Master and I second what Shurijo said about the Warforged.
    They were official Eberron Playable race since the beginning and, definitely, Eberron is not a D&D Online creature.

    To clarify the matter I wrote to Keith Baker.

    {edit}  Oops.  James. 

    Notice: The views expressed in this post are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of or its management.

  • 0over00over0 Member UncommonPosts: 488

    Originally posted by Nai`Neas
    An additonal quip about this review.

    The Y-axis is a horizontal direction...he meant the Z-axis for vertical.  Being a Computaer aided draftsman this little "oops" bugs me.

    Being a 23 year D&D Veteran, and HUGE Eberron fan, DDO bugs me. I was in beta, there were too many inconsistences. Now with PvP, they better not change the spells for PvE, that will be lame, Magic missiles, are always supposed to hit, that's why they do less dmg than other spells!!!

    Aye, I noticed that part in the article about one character's "dodging" the other's magic missiles. Tsk, tsk.

    Apply lemon juice and candle flame here to reveal secret message.

  • CarolynKohCarolynKoh Staff WriterMember Posts: 202
    *hangs head in shame*

    Originally posted by 0over0

    Originally posted by Nai`Neas
    An additonal quip about this review.

    The Y-axis is a horizontal direction...he meant the Z-axis for vertical.  Being a Computaer aided draftsman this little "oops" bugs me.

    Being a 23 year D&D Veteran, and HUGE Eberron fan, DDO bugs me. I was in beta, there were too many inconsistences. Now with PvP, they better not change the spells for PvE, that will be lame, Magic missiles, are always supposed to hit, that's why they do less dmg than other spells!!!

    Aye, I noticed that part in the article about one character's "dodging" the other's magic missiles. Tsk, tsk.

    Notice: The views expressed in this post are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of or its management.

  • NibsNibs Member UncommonPosts: 287
    I hope to god that the writer was just ignorant and that no one /actually/ dodged a magic missile spell. The whole point of that spell within D&D is that it unerringly strikes its target.

    But I would also be willing to believe that Turbine have screwed /that/ up too

  • VelricVelric Member UncommonPosts: 140
    Settle down people, I think the article writer was a bit misinformed on some of the information he took out of the interview. He seems to have misinterpreted the part about the Warforged, though other parts of Xen'drik lore has been developed thanks to the game and has since made it into the pen and paper.

    As for the spells and abilities changing for PvP, Turbine has already said that they will *not* change the PvE game to balance out the PvP game. I would probably be right in guessing that some spells and abilities function differently when used in the PvP instances, meaning that the instances themselves have a new ruleset, not the entire server.

  • Nai`NeasNai`Neas Member Posts: 48
    I would hope so.

    I'm waiting til they get the rest of the Core Eberron and Core Races in before I use the 7day free trial, to give it a second chance. I notice they put solo content back in...One of the Biggest inconsistences DDO has is it's XP system.

    If a character can solo a dungeon they should be supremely rewarded, but they get the exact same XP whether they solo it, or go in with a full force...very UN-D&D.

  • SiracSirac Member Posts: 4

    Originally posted by Nai`Neas
    One of the Biggest inconsistences DDO has is it's XP system.

    If a character can solo a dungeon they should be supremely rewarded, but they get the exact same XP whether they solo it, or go in with a full force...very UN-D&D.

    Totally disagree. The principal focus of D&D in PnP has always been on party play. Not solo play. DDO seeks to replicate that by doing all they can to encourage party play, and grouping. Whilst solo play is essential for an online game, and they have recognised that, to reward it over grouping would be nonsensical. As it would encourage people not to group. Which would indeed be "very UN-D&D".



  • CarolynKohCarolynKoh Staff WriterMember Posts: 202
    Confirming a few things that I encountered during PvP play.

    The spells and abilities will be balanced for PvP in the PvP instances - similar to what was done for EverQuest, when you go into a PvP area, the spells and abilities will be different from what you are used to in PvE.

    Yes, he dodged my magic missiles.  We ran through several scenarios as well as the tavern brawl area.  Unless I failed my roll *that* many times to hit, he succeeded in dodging my magic missiles.  Ran behind pillars, tumbled, dodged.  He even mentioned how it could be done because combat in DnD is "Real Time."  I'll talk to Dana about getting some "in writing" clarification from
    Turbine about PvP, but realise too that this is still in beta and
    things will change as needed prior to release.

    Characters used were both level 6.  James chose a Warforged Ranger and I selected an Elven Sorceror.

    As for "dodging" magic missles not being possible in DnD... well, isn't Enhancements also an DND Online thing?  ;) 

    Notice: The views expressed in this post are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of or its management.

  • ZackxmZackxm Member UncommonPosts: 31

    If they make to many changes from PnP, changes that are not all necessary, then why call it D&D online? They can make a name up like all the others. In my opinion if any of the tweaks for PvP carry over into the PvE then the game will have a short lifespan as it will loose what little it has that makes it different right now. PvP is a mistake in this game in my opinion as it's never been widely accepted in PnP. They will loose true D&D fans and then PvP fans will just switch to better PvP games after a short visit in DDO.

    Just my opinions on it.

  • GRIMACHUGRIMACHU Member Posts: 528
    Seems to me that they're wrecking what was left that made it feel more like D&D.
    Rather than stick to their guns - while improving and expanding and making worthwhile - they're going down the cookie-cutter route with soloing and PvP.  Neither of which have any real place in a D&D game.  Especially giving unique rewards to PvPers.


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  • MrDeagle78MrDeagle78 Member Posts: 1

    Originally posted by Sylvene
    Confirming a few things that I encountered during PvP play.

    The spells and abilities will be balanced for PvP in the PvP instances - similar to what was done for EverQuest, when you go into a PvP area, the spells and abilities will be different from what you are used to in PvE.

    Yes, he dodged my magic missiles.  We ran through several scenarios as well as the tavern brawl area.  Unless I failed my roll *that* many times to hit, he succeeded in dodging my magic missiles.  Ran behind pillars, tumbled, dodged.  He even mentioned how it could be done because combat in DnD is "Real Time."  I'll talk to Dana about getting some "in writing" clarification from
    Turbine about PvP, but realise too that this is still in beta and
    things will change as needed prior to release.

    Characters used were both level 6.  James chose a Warforged Ranger and I selected an Elven Sorceror.

    As for "dodging" magic missles not being possible in DnD... well, isn't Enhancements also an DND Online thing?  ;) 

    The major problem with the dodging magic missile is that since d&d first came out, NOTHING would stop a magic missile from hitting its intended target.  It is supposed to be a guarenteed hit, regardless of whether the opponent finds a nice cosy wall/door/meat shield to hide behind, or does a crazy tumbling dance of dodge.  The missile WILL still hit the target intended!   I am not here to b*tch or moan, just clarifying the effect of a magic missile in d&d.  At present in DDO it seems to work also.  Even if one runs around a corner from the missile and the animation 'appears' to have missed, the target still 'glows purple' with the damage from the missiles affecting the target.  That is unless one is a drow and saves because of the magic resistance, or if the target is killed before the magic missiles hit the target.

    I for one hope that the spell is not changed for PvP.  In my eyes PvP in d*d and indeed DDO should be as it is in fantasy books.. a fight pit in a pub, (either fight pit or side room for fights) where mercenaries and adventurers would go to relax and maybe earn some extra gold by wrestling or betting on their friends   I am usually against PvP in MMORPG's due to the whole group of people who think that because they stole daddies credit card and bought items/gold/powerlevells, or just generally are silly individuals, that they have the right to attack players who have just stepped into the game.  Then they usually start shouting things like ' LOL n00b I pwned y00z'.  It's actually laughable when they do this as it shows that they are really just stupid individuals!  They should try playing an FPS like css or bf2 where everyone is a pvp'er.. See how they cope with a proper fight

    Saying that, the DDO system for PvP sounds as if it is actually a worthy endeavor, and one that is not compusory!  Good job! A grown up approach for a grown up game! Now I just hope that they don't spoil it too much by altering spells and damage for PvP.  For example, when the game was released we had a static party, mage, cleric, rogue, fighter..  At lvl8 we were all fairly powerful in our different ways.  The fighter could do over 80dmg in one hit, the mage could kill in one hit, the rogue's sneak attack took 1/3 health from a lvl10 boss (finishing the quest as most of the party had died) and the cleric could heal and fight with equal efficiency!

    So why change it for PvP?  Say that the fighter and mage duelled.  The fight would be fast and interesting, and either could win based on dice rolls (as d&d should be).  The fighter charges the mage, who uses Powerword kill, or web, or a number of useful spells, the fighter saves, and swings his mighty axe, cleaving the mage in two.. Fighter wins in one hit.  Now do the same fight again.  Fighter fails to save against web, then fails to save Powerword Kill. Mage wins.  Finally, lets 'nerf' everything "to make it fair" (IMHO a stupid idea) ok.. The fighter saves, swings his axe, which he is used to doing 80dmg with.. and low and behold the mage is still alive, due to the PvP nerfing the fighter only did 20dmg..  If that were to happen, I for one would gladly walk away laughing at the PvP and putting it down to a complete waste of time.

    For those of you who read my essay, I thank you, and I hope that you enjoyed my opinions on the matter! 

    ***Please note that I did think PvP should not be in DDO, as D&D was all about fighting monsters, not other players, but having it in a pit fight environment and not compulsory sounds kind of fun***
  • ElandrialElandrial Member UncommonPosts: 179
    ah yes the old lets nerf classes to 'balance' the game. the trouble is each class has a role to play,so by definition they are never going to be balanced.but i can tell you who will win pvp's,drow ftrs,why cause after tehy nerf mages spells.drows will stil get their resistance so what little dmg from spells will be ignored.sorry but you screwed pvp before you even implemented it with the drow.

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