"blah blah will suck, 'cus it doesn't have teh PvP" or "blah blah will suck 'cus they didn't do it just how I wanted it"
In fact I'm so sick of people like this that I'm going to keep a closer eye on LoTRs, I love PvP but that's why I have EVE or WAR I don't have to have it in every game I play!
I'm also enjoyed DDO because I was playing something a little different.
For some reason, a lot of gamers believe PvP is necessary for a multiplayer game to succeed. I'm not one of those people, but the games I've enjoyed the most happened to have PvP in them, not as a single focuse, but it was there. PvP isn't something I look for in a game, but I like to know if they've implemented it how they did so. In SWG, it was there, but pointless. In WoW, it was there, but required a real grind to get anything of real worth from it. I have stayed away from Guild Wars because it is really focused on PvP and it didn't interest me after having played it in Beta.
Anyway, if a game says it's not going to have PvP, it's no big deal to me. Hopefully it just means the PvE will be that much better.
Just my 2¢.
I feel the same. I have different MMO's for different needs. For conquest and great PvP - I have EVE. But EVE will not give me the ability to dive into a world that I've read about since I was a kid and started reading these books 27 years ago. THAT's why I will doggedly and faithfully play LOTR.
I'm just PRAYING we don't don't see "Dude, that's a wicked looking sword, wanna duel?" right outside of bag-end. I think they said somewhere that we won't be seeing that, but I hope they stick to their guns. I hope that if they put PvP in, they make it like CoH. Make them have to go somewhere, so those people who obviously have no idea what the lore, premise and spirit of the books are, can go have a fun time. And heck, I'm all for them having a great time.
Just not when I'm in the glittering caves.
Final Fantasy XI Bio:
Server: Pandemonium
Character name: Sidius
Main Jobs/lvl: 64 RNG, 61 RDM, 58 SMN, 39 THF
I have to agree. I reserve my opinions of a game til after I have played it, and gave it a good honest try. I don't like pre-judging, because there is no basis or facts to judge... In my opinion if an MMO that has a great online community game, but absent of pvp, it can still be a really good game. I don't like the mentality that a game has to be a certain cookie cutter clone of the others to be "successful". If the game is developed in such a way that the content doesn't need pvp, I'm all for it. With that said, pvp is a blast, it would be fun if it was incorporated in LOTR, but I am accepting if it isn't.
You actually enjoyed DDO? Please go away from LOTR forums and never come back.
DDO was a biggest slap in face of Dungeons&Dragons franchise EVER. It basically took a father of roleplay games (the one ALL roleplaying games are based from) and turned it into action game with no roleplay or strategic element of D&D.
DDO could have been so much THEY MISSED EVERY SINGLE THING.
So what is next RAPING of grandaddy of fantasy ?
Actually i am soprised Turbine didnt misread LOTR as they did for D&D. And turned it into open PVP.
I tell you they have some crazy game designer on crack
"Before this battle is over all the world will know that few...stood against many." - King Leonidas
You actually enjoyed DDO? Please go away from LOTR forums and never come back.
DDO was a biggest slap in face of Dungeons&Dragons franchise EVER. It basically took a father of roleplay games (the one ALL roleplaying games are based from) and turned it into action game with no roleplay or strategic element of D&D.
DDO could have been so much THEY MISSED EVERY SINGLE THING.
So what is next RAPING of grandaddy of fantasy ?
Actually i am soprised Turbine didnt misread LOTR as they did for D&D. And turned it into open PVP.
I tell you they have some crazy game designer on crack
Yeah DDO was a huge disappointement to me in most aspects. All of my suggestions in A/B testing fell on deaf ears... they wanted us to test and critique, but wouldn't incorporate any of my suggestions.. I guess I suck as a tester.. LOL, oh well. Especially since I played D&D with friends using books, and dice, granted, not hard core, but at least I knew how it should be played.
2) "How appropriate you fight like a cow."
3) "I am rubber you are glue."
4) The grinding leet players killed DDO more than Turbine ever could, again the whole point of my post.
One thing I've been pleasantly surprised by is the number of people gathering around LoTRO that aren't the 'PVP L33T ROX!' types. Like so many here, I've grown up reading the novels and it was The Hobbit/LoTR that got me involved in D&D and Fantasy in general.
What Professor Tolkien created set the benchmark and a standard that has rarely been equalled and so far, I've been happy with what I've seen... it seems that the folks at Turbine have a real respect for the Lore, and I'm really looking forward to LoTRO coming out!
I agree with you on this. I don't look for PvP in a game, but I personally believe it may be the best end game activity. So you build your character to its max and you've tested your mettle against the hardest monsters in the land, so how do you stack up against other players? It's an awsome end game, but if it doesn't have it, the PvE should be awsome, so should the RPing, and it better not have a only Raid end game that will take hours at a time to accomplish. They should just continually push out more content to keep up with the average MMO players speed.
So it is a lot easier to implement good PvP than to implement awsome PvE without getting into a Raid only end-game.
I think your skepticism is understandable all things considered but I think the inclusion of Tolkien Enterprises working with the Devs' on LoTRO is having a big impact... plus all the Devs seem to be at least novice Tolkien loremasters...
Actually LOTRO is trying somtheing differant with pvp in this game, they are calling it monster play and this is what has been posted on the official forums from the info given about it at the recent PAX.
At the character selection screen, you can select "Monster Play". This lets you play as a monster, such as a goblin. This is not a persistent character--it is a pre-made goblin, already set up with equipment, skills, hotkeys, etc.
As a goblin, you will have monster quests. Some will involve killing good NPC's. Some will involve patrolling special PvP zones and killing players. Either way, player-controlled monsters will be restricted to certain areas. By completing your quests and/or killing good guys, you get points--let's call them "Monster Points" (MP's).
MP's can be used to buy long-lasting (but non-permanent) buffs for your good-folk character, or they can be used to buy a Monster Play session that will let you play something more powerful, like an Uruk-hai or troll. You are only paying for a single such session though--in order to continue playing as a bigger, badder monster, you will have to earn more MP's. Of course, the quests for bigger monsters will also yield MP's (perhaps enough to keep playing that monster).
I asked Nik if all playable monsters will be humanoid in shape, or whether there will be more exotic monsters (after all, we can play orcs and trolls in WoW ). He said there are definitely more exotic choices, but he would not go into detail (he's so miserly!).
This, of course, is all from my hazy memory of listening to Nik in a very crowded and loud exhibition hall, so believe at your own risk!
One other thing: I believe I recall that Nik confirmed that there will be group monster missions. So you and your friends could form a merry band of spiderlings if you were so inclined.
It actually sounds interesting and fun. A diversion from the usual tradtional pvp and grindfest in games. If you can't see what is in the blank area just right click and drag your mouse over the blank area the letters will then appear.
Try to not judge all MMO players as aconglomerate as if we were clones of each other. We are as varied different from one to the next as people can be.
I could be wrong but I think some folks just like to chum the waters before they troll, to see whether there's any flamebait reading.
To dream, perhaps to be.
I just want to play a game where I don't run into tons of players w/ names like 133T641773R and the like.
When I hear people say all games are doomed w/out real hardcore pvp w/ penalties, I know exactly who I don't want to play with.
I too am tired of seeing a thousand different ideas from people who will never be paid for their ideas. It's sad when people don't realize their are great games already out there that let you battle an opponent purely with your minds. Play chess or wei' chi (Go). Those games are real pvp. ANd they have been around for a real long time. If you want to be ranked and have some sort of status - go join a leage and get ranked and be legit.
People who advocate in game forums for the games to be made their way tend to sound more like spoiled brats than fans.
edit* - Torak : you should add DnL to your worst ever list.
Everyone has to start somewhere, and you will find all kinds of behavior in just about any demographic. If people think a genrte of MMO is rubbish it is only describing them, rather than it.
Every individual ultimately knows only by direct experience.
To dream, perhaps to be.
IMHO, it has to do with many players not understanding the context of a given game. The PvP crowd tends to edgy because honestly, they dont have a good game to call home.
Western "hard core" PvPers are not interested in a "game". They want an evironment in which they can prey on mathmatically weaker players. Thats not PvP. You want hard core PvP play BF2.
Most MMO are PvE centric, and theres nothing wrong with that, they are RPG's not fight games. but no one is making any niche games for the hardcore guys. They probably never will either, FFA in an MMO is a broken/bad idea as it is mechanically implemented right now. They can kick and screem all they want but almost every open PvP game in the western market has failed. That doesn't exactly motivate market forces.
Even L2 which doesn't have FFA only open PvP (PvP with consequences) is openly hated and performed poorly. If a game of that quality and magnitude (incredible success overseas in its prime, its still WoW's primary competition) didn't work inthe western market WTF is gonna waste more money on an even more hard core version? As you can see, the short answer is no one.
Personally, if you like PvP, play L2. Its a pretty good game within its desgn context. Unfortunately most western players do not even understand what the point of the game is (politics and castle sieges) and cry grind or just cry about this nit picky little thing or that, they cant get uber loot in a week, they cant hit max level in a month, they cant wrap thier little brains around the tough economy, they see a "bot" and freak out, someone kills them and they run home to mommy WoW to cry, if you want PvP there you go.
You can't have everything, live with it.
There is one game that i am beginning to think won't ever make release and the is darkfall. It is a hardcore FFA pvp game. There is no lvls to grind, You lvl your skills up by using them. But you do not have a max lvl for your character you have to reach in order to get uber loot. That is the only MMO right now that i have heard of that is for hardcore pvper's.
I will stick with this game though cause even though i like pvp this game appeals more to me and my prefered playstyle. I played L1 and L2. Decent games but ended up not being my cup of tea.