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Why is the rum always gone?

I say add more rum, more gambling, a bit of vulgar langauge and some 'graphic' scenes and keep the kids away from this one. It may be a Disney company but Disney doesn't ALWAYS put out products which are rated 'E'. If they add more 'adult' content and keep the young-ins away from it I think they could have something here. As Anarchy online/EVE online is outstanding for a SCI-FI MMO and EQ and WoW are excellent for fantasy, this game can be that for a pirate genre. Now I haven't tried that other pirate game on the market but from what I read this game will have more balance between land and sea. That, I think would be a lot more appealing.

Possibly if it can take some features from other games and have a wonderfully crude mix of things like AH at certain ports, instance-island-dungeon-booty runs and a good solid mix of pve and pvp with a choice there of. Like WoW's pvp servers (doesn't hurt to build off of others ideas), they can have some sort of 'contested waters'. What I'd like to see is a unique skill set up. All the great popular MMO's have unique skill lines.



  • kylecameron1kylecameron1 Member Posts: 240
    I say dont do that. Ive heard just about everything you can hear people say the worst of things and insult you all the time, I say that this should remain a friendly game, with a good community, not thousands of obnocious cussing vulgar turks,(knight online). It would be good to have a game without mindless morons playing just so they can curse at 9 year olds, this should be good, I dont see why you think we need more games that keep kids away, because as far as im concened, Ive seen 1 mabye at the very most 1-2, that were border line kid friendly.

    98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy & paste this in your signature.

  • Jack.SparrowJack.Sparrow Member Posts: 4
    Sorry, but bad idea. I say include the kinds of things from the movies themselves, but nothing too graphic/vulger for the films.
  • the_dark_no1the_dark_no1 Member Posts: 4
    agreed. Nothing too vulgar, but make it a bit more true to the pirate theme with the great artwork used for the costumes and makeup in the film. Nasty looking pirates = a better feel to the game and makes you feel like it actually is part of the film series and not some crappy early-disney cartoon.
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