There was a topic a while back that stated the raiding in LOTRO was trying to emulate WoW's success. I wanted to throw out there that WoW's success was built on a genuinely fun game while leveling, and not on raiding for 'phat lewt'. End-game WoW is all about getting your epic purps which basically means grinding dungeons for hours if you're lucky enough to have a guild that does that. It's not that rewarding.
Hopefully, LOTRO raids will advance one's chosen character and not be a grind-fest for gear. If LOTRO wants to have success, they should look at doing the small things right like WoW did to get people hooked and not think the end-game raiding is the key. And yes, I do think WoW did the small things right and better than any MMO up to that point.
I personally agree on the raids not being a consistant grind. Really, I wouldnt mind it if your "epic" gear came from quests that your raid had to complete as a whole and that everyone could advance along it together. But, most likely there will be "dungeon crawling" like in most games, which I can not say is a really bad thing though.
I would really prefer if they didn't make any huge raids, like those we see in WoW. I, personally, have no wish to run amock in a 40 people crowd trying to stab a Balrog in the tail-side and not die from 2 attacks of his. I really don't have interest for any instances that are meant for more then a single fellowship or a similar number of people from a guild.
If they do make it, I would like to see a good point to it. Either for story or something for everyone. It is not particulary great to have a bunch of people do a raid and only 10% of those people get anything worthwhile for their time.
In Lord of the Rings, a lot of the feel is from the originality of each character and the more people there are, the more that fades away. So I really don't feel like large instances for trinkets of ultimate doom are the way to go in this game
First off raids in LotRO are supposed to be maxed at 24 peeps.
Secondly the best raid drops are no better than the best crafted, and neither of those are better than the best soloable drops.
In all there are supposedly five ways to get the best gear (although I don't understand how they are doing that with the 'farming' line I heard mentioned), one for each of the major lines of advancement.
Third, raids should afford other kinds of rewards like special 'traits', like self-buffs, so there is at least that sort of advancement involved in even level capped raiding. Traits are also available through the other styles as well.
To dream, perhaps to be.