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I'm trying to see interest in a min-conference on MMO/Virtual World game development in the Minneapolis, MN/Chicago, IL areas. See original post for information.
Jonathon "dishmal" Stevens
The German game dev conference I believe either just ended or is within the next few weeks....
Yes, but not everyone in europe speaks german...
Just because it's a German function, doesn't mean that you must speak German to attend. Many people I know in the industry only speak English who attend it and others (like the one in Japan a few months back.. TokyoJoy or something like that).
Obviously not everyone in Europe speaks German, but that doesn't mean everyone in Germany DOESN'T speak English =P
well... I used to live in germany..and i can assure you..theres not that many people that speak english
anyway, there are of course exeptions (the gaming companies...hopefully)