Its a Loser Like The game the Summoner trust me on that fact. The only way a game like this could be a winner is if it followed the same concept as diablo 2 you destroy the ring and get runes or something to make weapons and kill the bosses in each act. Whos the man
Maybe u can do something similar to that
who knows..
I'm fairly certain that any response I come up with you will flame me for, but you do understand that this game doesn't make you part of the fellowship of the ring right? This game has a goal of including you in their story, but you're not the main focus of their story. You may be doing things equally as important to the success of their mission, but you're not going to be destroying the ring (dealing with your example). Perhaps I didn't understand what you were saying. /shrug
Anyway, I think LoTR:O will be pretty cool. I'm sure we'll all know more in the near future.
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy & paste this in your signature.
This Post is FuBbar a Five Year oLd Could do ThiS.
Your argument is like a two legged dog with an eating disorder...weak and unbalanced.
In other words : " I didnt get into beta so I hate everyone!"