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Join The Macabre

Aye, any Pirates intereested in playing Pirates of the Burning Sea and looking for a great guild to join. Join The Macabre Armada, we are seeking members.

"The Macabre is a community that provides its members with an unique gaming experience. All members of the Macabre hold the rank of "Captain". Too often guild titles or ranks can give a false sense of supremacy leaving others feeling inadequate while under the rule of an iron fist. The Macabre structure was designed for organization as opposed to domination. Though solo play is encouraged, group play has been optimized with squadrons and fleets. The concept of squadrons and fleets allows each member of the Macabre to serve a vital role and contribute to the guild as a whole.

The vision of the Macabre is not a delusion to “conquer all”, after all - we are pirates, but to act as a thorn in the side of those who whish to conduct trade within Pirates of the Burning Sea. It is how the members of the Macabre perform which will determine the reputation of the guild and their respective fleet. Through organization and a strong presence within the game, claims of "domination", "fear" and "power" will precede the Macabre, however it will not be achieved through being intolerable to the gaming community."

Guild Leader(s)-Veodok

Guild Website-

Come here for information to join our guild, and check out the forums.

Aramis Kaze(Killroy)

Member of The Macabre Armada


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