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got a new video link for all you out there....enjoy...and remember Trolls...its still BETA!. its brand new so it should be posted at top of page but incase ur reading this way after 9/2 then scroll down ull find it. -also dont forget to read below. (its on medium settings)..not bad
I liked this video. (although i'm a bit dissapointed as i didn't see too much tactical things).
I liked the psionisist spell that craeted a mirrior image (blue) demon thing to keep one of them busy. That looked way cooler than any mez from another game.
I also liked how short the Gnome was (I love short races!!)
Animations still iffy (yes, i kNow they are going to work on them later) I really wanna see some nice animations.
I like how the spells are not super flashy. As i'm a fan as saving super flashy for high advancement.
The battle lasted longer that 5 sec. which is good... I hate MMORPG battles that only last 2 sec. Having a longer lasting fight allows for more strategy elements to be in (if they have a system that allows it). As well as allowing people time to think. lol.
Current MMO of interest: Vanguard: Saga of Heroes
MMO background: EQ, UO, AO, SWG, PS, EQ2, L2,EQoA, WoW, WWIIO, and AC2
On that note, I've been watching all the beta videos on gameplay because this is where you really get the feel for a game. Here's my observations and I hope they address this before the game releases into production.
1) The character movements are terrible. They are not anywhere near lifelike. I don't believe they could've been choreographed by people like other mmorpgs do to gain realism in the movements. The movements look robotic and some poses are not appealing to the eye. I heard that the developers/designers recognize this and this will be fixed so I have hopes for that. Otherwise this could be a game breaker for me.
2) The spell effects are sooooo boring and so is the sound effects. The spell effects are so primitive and lazy. I understand that in the beta videos the video settings might be turned way down to avoid lag during frapsing so I hope that's the case. Otherwise this really needs some work badly. The sound is so repetitious, the same clanking sound over and over with no significant changes. I hope this is addressed too. I understand this is beta so my hopes are high that the developers/designers recognize this and this is just a symptom of being beta.
3) I know that this is already known but I'll say it again. The models on the mounts look like they are stiff as a board. No movement in the character models as a horse gallops. The boats have no wake/spashing of water. The flying mounts wings are so stiff. So many things in this game are stiff and non-lifelike. I know I've heard they recognize this so I'll wait for this to change as well. Something very important to me is being immersed into a game and having somewhat realistic movements/environmental effects is really really important. Gamebreaking important.
Good notes, I love the SKY and the vastness of the TERRAIN. Amazing work.
In conclusion, the following 3 items above are very important to many players. If these aren't addressed this could definitely prevent me from playing though I'm a heavy mmorpg'er and loved Everquest. Everquest had these issues as well described above but the mmorpg for that generation was amazing and new for most of us so all that was overlooked for the new type of 1st person mmoprg gameplay. Times are different now so none of the 3 points above should be acceptable if not addressed. The character movements should be more fluid and lifelike, not robotic and fake looking. There's so much competition coming over the horizon that game makers can't afford to ignore the responses of these types of forums on video gameplay while in beta.
Please fix this, because if you do this game will be AMAZING!
wanna play another EQ1 (Animation wise) 7years later and no
improvement? wow... I know its in beta, but this animation stuff will
break the game if it isnt brilliantly made.... I dont care how good
everything else is... Steal some moves from the Korean and Japanese
games, they do a great job.
while i agree the animations need alot of work lets not push the panic button just yet.
Starwars Galaxies, An Empier Diveded, That's what it says on my box anyway.
Yep, the animations are still stiff and limited. But, animations aren't a priority, so we can let that slide for now. If they stay the same close to release, then I think we can start flaming
The monsters are top notch, can't complain one bit so far.
The UI is very WoWish. That's not bad, it's clean and simple. The icons are fairly diverse. There some repeated graphics, the three variations of the hammer and the two of the heart.
Overall, I'd say it's looking good so far. I'm still looking forward to it.