A lot of people have said they don't like the fact that people have multiple accounts in EVE. Not 1day alt scouts, but people who pay an extra $15 a month for a second or third account.
I understand that a lot of people consider it the same as buying isk, but I don't understand where they're coming from. So - what are your thoughts?
You can have multiple accounts in every game. EVE is no different in that respect. The only difference with EVE is you can pay for the subscription with in game money. I've played EVE for over a year by buying timecards for isk.
Make a difference!
I have played Eve since the beginning (was in early Beta, was a Customer Support Representative for CCP in the early days, and I'm also credited in the first guide) to give you a little background of my involvement in Eve.
Having said that I've been generally against paying IRL money for virtual items for all MMOGs, and having more than one account, but recently my opinion on that in Eve has changed.
I have 2 accounts now, and I currently buy an extra time card to sell for in game isk (I justify it by saying I’m helping someone who cannot necessarily afford to play the game, by buying a time card for them in exchange for in game money)every three months. But I also have a 2nd account. My main character is roughly 20million SP, and My current corporation is at war with about 5 alliances. Basically I go out in to space and I have 5 hostiles camping the station I'm in, which 90% of the time if I don’t re-dock right away I'm dead. So I decided to make an alt account (a production alt) to both benefit my main, but also allow me to go out in space and do stuff instead of running for my life every time I try to leave the station I'm currently in. When I die as my main, not only do my clones cost a few million ISK each, but I also will lose roughly 400million in Implants, and potentially lose a 600million ISK ship (and losing 1bn in items isn’t fun no matter how "fake" they are. So that guy is going to hang low until the wars end and space is a bit safer to fly in again.
The reason why most people buy 2nd accounts is because you can only train skills on one character per account at a time, so sure you can play a 2nd character on the same account, but then you have to stop skilling up your main character, which can be a pain in the butt.
As long as CCP is ok with this I will do it, but I am a man who abides by rules my superiors set to me (be it Developers in games or IRL laws) so if they said, hey, we no longer support selling timecards for ISK, and you cannot have a 2nd account. I will immediately cancel my alt account and stop my time card selling business in game.
How long does it take to rake in isk enough for 30/90-day cards? (In empire space that is, cant stand some people in 0.0).
How long does it take to rake in isk enough for 30/90-day cards? (In empire space that is, cant stand some people in 0.0).
General Rule is 100m for 30day time cards 280mil for 90 day time cards.
If your main source of income is complex running you can make probably 10m-500mil a day depending on the complex and what drops in it.
If you're mining croc, depending how much you get to keep (because most Croc mining is Corporation run, not much solo work) YOu cna make probably 10mil-100mil per mining op)
In 90 days you can easily make enough money to buy 12months worth of GTC's.
It's a matter of jeoulsy in relation to being able to hide your intent and actions through an alternate account.
Some people think it's effectively "cheating" in a game that's intent on rewarding or penalizing a player based upon their reputation.
I am going to start and alternate account just for the sole purpose to JACK NOOBS!!! hehe Yeah, I'm in a damned good corp (online gaming community that spans a multitude of games) and we have a general disregard for pirating in the named corp. Out of respect I will keep my "pirate" character out of the generall region we, and our alliance, inhabit inorder to safe guard our efforts of dominating New Eden.
wanted to add:
Buying Game Time Cards (gtc) and selling them for isk is oddly OK with me. Spending ISK to buy GTC's is also OK with me. (I can dig on 2 women going at it, heck, 3 or 4 even, but, 2 guys are quite repulsive. funny how things work.)
Buying ISK online is NOT ok and should be a bannable offense. People who sell ISK online should be actviely sought out and have their ISP's banned. There's a good amount of these "gold farmers" who are actually known criminals that hang onto your credit information then re-use it at a later date without authorization. Normally they bill a minimal amount of monies which would likely go unseen unless you audit your bank statements with a fine tooth comb. What's worse is these people also tend to "phish" by sending you follow ups and occasionaly a hidden attachment which would install a key logger on your machine which has the potential of giving them unfettered access to your machine and potentially your financial history.
Never spend real money on anything game related unless it's directly from the development studio who's housing the game and providing you with the online experiance to begin with.
I have 2 accounts that I pay yearly for. One is my main, alt is just plain hauler. Feels nice to fill my hold with Ammo, then have my alt fly in to pcik up all loot cans.
Trading ISK for time cards. For me, this is wrong. I see it as a macro/farmer. ONe guy said he buys the time card and sells it for ISK, ok, whats the difference then from buying ISK with RL money?? You just spent RL money on a time card, which in turn, turned to ISK. So you just spent real money on ISK. Which in turn is against CCP rules. I think its wrong to offer time cards for ISK. If its not from CCP offical website, Eve-online, then your supporting Macros/farmers. They take that ISK and sell it, which is equal to you selling ISK for RL money, then buying a Time Card. So you skipped the rl money, but you didnt, you just supported a macro/farmer, which is using to make RL money.
So all in all, unless I can go on Eve-online, click on Subscription and have a link to turn my ISK into Time, then I will do it. But other then that, its wrong.
A "macro/farmer" harvests in-game money to sell on Ebay for RL money. He then treats the game as another source of RL income which he can spend on other non-game things IRL. With Time codes, the money (whether real or virtual) stays within CCP and stays in EVE. Most people that can make a lot of isk each month that buy Time Codes do so so that they don't have to pay to play EVE for a time, and not to make any kind of RL money. Technically speaking, those that sell isk for Time Codes, in general, make RL money which can only be spent on EVE subscriptions ($15 restricted in the form of a Time Code). Metaphorically speaking, its like a gift certificate instead of cash.
I'm not trying to change your opinion at all and there is nothing wrong with how you view it currently. Just giving yourself and others my perspective on it in light of your perspective.
I have 3 accounts and I haven't bought any of the time cards yet ...I went with 3 so I could spec 2 in certain areas of game play & my main I am trying to work into a good combat pilot ..the other 2 are production & research & mining .
I also have 3 boxes so I can put a lv5 barge in a roid field with a fat hauler & pull in the minerals while I am running missions with my main....
ccp set up the only 1 player per account to train knowing that that would drive people like me to get more accounts ...I would hazard to day that a huge part of eves server population is Multi accounts like me .
also these huge alliances & corporations can have alt chars for free ..hell I would make it a recruiting offer..bring your 20+ mil sp char to my corp & ya get 90days free...
Has CCP fully allowed ISK for TIme?? If so, could someone ost the link?? I got 400 mil. hehe.BUt I want a damn HULK!
And Afritz im gonna call you out and say your full of it
My main character is roughly 20million SP
Most beta players are over 40 mill sp, and who cares about you long drawn out war stories
u can? how?
NVM, just read the auctions. I thought it was a service from CCP not buying GameCards off players in an auction.
A "macro/farmer" harvests in-game money to sell on Ebay for RL money. He then treats the game as another source of RL income which he can spend on other non-game things IRL. With Time codes, the money (whether real or virtual) stays within CCP and stays in EVE. Most people that can make a lot of isk each month that buy Time Codes do so so that they don't have to pay to play EVE for a time, and not to make any kind of RL money. Technically speaking, those that sell isk for Time Codes, in general, make RL money which can only be spent on EVE subscriptions ($15 restricted in the form of a Time Code). Metaphorically speaking, its like a gift certificate instead of cash.
I'm not trying to change your opinion at all and there is nothing wrong with how you view it currently. Just giving yourself and others my perspective on it in light of your perspective.
By putting it this way...ITS STILL WRONG...By buying GTC's with ISK the player has MADE 14.95 a month. The 14.95 he did not have to pay CCP. NOW CCP has been paid that 14.95 so they are happy. The guy that runs 7 accounts on GTC's is makeing $80.00 on a game!
Then the other reason this is wrong...It promotes E-Bay buying, and Character buying...The older vets who have for three years busted their butts finds this very disturbing...Here is a guy, who through the magic of GTC's has just bought a 40 sp character from sombody that has left the game. Or the real young character that now flies ships he does not have the skills to fly.
GTC's make it easy for the RL life rich to get Eve-online rich real quick.
If you cant afford 14.95 a month, then maybe you should cut back on somthing? Like the booze....
"Memories are meant to fade. They're designed that way for a reason."
I don't agree, the number of sellers increase faster than the number of buyers. All the new people that are joining don't have the isk to buy time codes, you need to have played the game for several months before you can make that amount regulary. The only (well not only there are lots of ways for resourcefull people in eve to make isk, but if you look at an avg of how much money people have at a certain age this will hold true) way for all these new players to get the isk needed to buy timecodes would be to sell them themselvs
So sadly the new people joining are much more likely to take up timecode selling than timecode buying and so the prices will fall.
"Memories are meant to fade. They're designed that way for a reason."
And how long have you been playing? If we go by your x-fire sign and assume a staggering 8 hours per day every day we still over 6 months. My guess would be you played more than a year. You are not one of those new players, yes after a year most players can make enough to buy gametime BUT most players don't even stay a year. Avg retention time was 7 months last time they announced it.
But again most people that are over a year still don't make that amount of isk. People complain about level 4s giving too high reward for too little risk but most mission runners don't do level 4s they do level 3s for example.
Yes there are a lot of people with a lot of isk out there but for every billioner there are a 100 players who have a hard time replacing even their latest ship loss.
"Memories are meant to fade. They're designed that way for a reason."
Well I have 2 accounts.
Its my money. ME and me alone tell me what to spend it on!!! The people who complain have NO sway on what i spend my money on and never will.
I have had multiple accounts on every game i have played. usually a crafter and a fighter, one financing the other and in certain game vise versa.
Never bought isk or gold or what ever, but if i did i wouldn't need anyone's approval to do it.
This is your leisure time OP and nobody can tell you how to enjoy it.