I'm not playing WoW anymore and am looking to fill the void. I luv the superhero genre but am worried that this game is in a downward spiral. For those who have played, or are currently playing; Is it worth my time to try this out? I mean, will leveling a toon be fun? will I find groups?
I've come back to play for a while. Still seems to be plenty of folk around and a lot of them completely new players.
The lag which I've been reading about does seem to be a little worse in some places. I've noticed it particularly at the interzone trains.
But you'd probably enjoy this game now more as a new player than as an older player. A lot of the archetypes are so much less enjoyable than they were. There's still a few which haven't been nerfed so badly - I'm sticking with those myself.
But yeah I think you could easily have fun and shouldn't have any trouble finding groups.
Eyþór Á.
I envy you in a way,
If I never experience the pre-I3 game, this game would be wonderful and even if it has some flaws, it would be FAR better. I hope that by now they learn and will not nerfs as vigourously as they always did...but maybe they will still nerfs just as much.
The game is by FAR the best. Some will say it is boring, but it is because they are simply not looking for what this game offer, they want something else. If CoH/CoV gives you what you want, then no MMOs is even close to it, it is really great. If you want to play a dress-up game with lot of loot and slots to equip them, Sims online or any MMO will help you better. But if you aren't playing with a doll to put clothing on, best MMO on the market. Equipment would have been nice, but it isn't part of the game and frankly, I am happy without it (would have been happy with it, but just not there).
As solo friendly as any MMO can be, group friendly and easy to find peoples, simple system that allow a great deal of flexibility, awesome customisation, FAST and cool way to travel around the world...really, it outmatch the competition without even sweating about it. Best MMO on the market...or less bad at least!
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren